Silence is not the answer. Please at least communicate with us about trying to fix the game. There's sooooo many complaints about the game crashing and it seems to be getting worse.
I was actually fine until the update. Thats actually what broke my game. Went from 95% good to updating and crashing semi often to not even opening now.
I hear reinstalling will help but I'm not about to throw my lunchbox money away and restart. Honestly I and I'm sure many others would rather just give up if that was our only choice. Ive actually bought more lunch boxes than i care to share. Fortunately its not a financial loss to me but I'm sure it will hurt others and fill them with regret and distaste towards your company.
So could someone official at least drop by and say "Hey, we're sorry. Fixes are on the way"
You'll probably have a lot of salty posters piss 'n moan but the vast majority of us would be grateful.