Yes I have. In the directly previous message. Here :
But everyone becoming stronger in fighting because you made some iron dagger IS logical and realistic ? Yeah, right... :facepalm:
Man, next time I read a book and learn something, it means that everyone on Earth has became a more proficient fighter ! You wonder why we aren't all elite soldiers by now, considering how often someone in the world has improved in some skill.
Making some particular NPC improve with time (time, not PC's skillup) would be, actually, rather fun and immersive (if handled correctly).
Making the whole world level up because the PC learn something ? No, that's just dumb and absurd. "
I can also add that someone also pointed the hole in this argument about how he can spend the same time walking in circle and the foes won't level up, so the "time spent" argument is just inconsistent.
You think this proves something or makes a point? What is the straw man argument? Why is invalid? For some reason you think by merely suggesting it is a straw man you've "treated" this "reasoning" when you've done nothing other than label it. Poorly, I might add. If all you want to do is toss labels around, your a bigger troll than I thought. Try taking the time and communicate why I'm wrong. The problem is, I'm not and you know it.
Yeah, you ignore the arguments showing you wrong, then pretend they weren't made, but I'm the troll :rolleyes:
You can start with telling me how balanced and realistic it is for a player to power-level crafting, or focus primarily on crafting and have significantly improved weapons and armor while at the same time maintaining the same basic level of combat skills between player/villain. When you explain this effectively, then I'll stop spanking you on this subject.
I've yet to talk about balance, which is a point that is, even though it's not unimportant, completely different than the one about the
logic of level scaling (for the record, I don't consider that level scaling is a necessity, nor even a good way, to balance, but again that is another point).
So far, I've asked "where is the logic ?", and the answers received have amounted in something like half insults and hypocrite statements (like "you don't have answered it" when the answer is right in the previous post), one quarter of completely beside the point answers (like "balance" when I ask about "logic"), and one quarter of reasoning that just don't hold water (like "time spent", see above).
No he is not. You are degenerating this discussion into a flame war. You can no longer defend your premise but must keep attacking. :flamethrower: Many trolls have done the same. Try supporting you opinion with logic and reason instead of labels and claiming of others faulty logic. You have to have some meat on your argument before anyone takes you serious.
Yeah, you spend your time throwing "idiot", "ignorant", "troll" and other names, ignoring or derailings the points, skipping arguments and then saying they aren't made, but *I*'m the one starting a flame war. Yet again, hypocrisy much.