Bethesda's "wait till launch" approach: Good or Bad?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:42 am

I personally like the way Todd and Pete have decided to approach the game's release. I think the limited wait time is something everyone can like, unless someone actually likes these long drawn-out PR Campaigns that waste time and money and can potentially derail a hype-train by the sheer amount of content a developer forces down your throat. I think the biggest gripe right now is that they just haven't shown a lot of footage, and its making people angry... for some reason. I'm fine, Bethesda has worked really hard on this. They want to keep everything a secret, that's good for me, even though it makes the wait that much more lonesome (which the SPECIAL videos have alleviated that a lot).

My biggest gripe with the Fallout community right now, is that everyone who's judging the games is LITERALLY basing every assumption off of the, what, 20 minutes, of the game that have been shown? Whatever dude... Your going to buy it anyways.

On the topic of pre-ordering, I have pre-ordered Fallout 4. I have never made a better decision, because even in my small town my local GameStop will be packed with people, and I also have to go to school, unfortunately. Speaking of school, if anyone besides me is trapped in the American Education system November 10th, the good news is that Veterans Day is November 11th. Was this some excellent planning by Bethesda (and the Tomb Raider developers, apparently) or just a coincidence? Who knows, but I know what my Veterans Day is going to consist of.

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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:03 am

Where is the "meh" option for the first question? I would love to see more as long as it's not spoilery but their approach doesn't bother me either. Second question is yes and third question is yes.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:45 am

The reason that this advertising worked so well especially with this game is because Fallout New Vegas was foretold to be THE LAST Fallout game to be made forever. The following years were riddled with pranksters attempts to trick people into thinking there would be another Fallout game. After a while everyone lost hope. Then BOOM! BAM! SMACK! Fallout 4 and all its glorious pixels on a big screen at E3. Oh and one other thing its only a few months away from release, no waiting a year for it.

From then on the hype train went 0-60 like the Mr.Freeze ride at Six Flags. and there it will stay until release and beyond. :)

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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:14 am

I hate it, to be honest.

But i will hate it only until 10 of November, because i did not like how much things i knew before launching Skyrim.exe or Fallout New Vegas.exe for the 1st time, in New Vegas i already knew a couple of the most cool quests (with Tabitha and ghouls) and in Skyrim i already knew how the game will begin and how do you escape, what town is the closest one after you escape, already new that we are a Dragonborn, etc...

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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:06 am

I like it all for the most part. The total wait from official announcement to launch is almost ideal. I would of liked more info on the skills, perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. for better pregame strategery. I have preordered the main game.

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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:35 pm

I do wish they would release a little bit more information. I don't want spoilers, of course, but a better look at the world and a better sense of the what the game will be like would be great. As for pre-ordering, I can count the number of games I've preordered on one hand. I think it's a terrible practice and people really need to stop encouraging that kind of behavior out of these companies.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:04 am

I actually really like the "Wait till Launch" appoach

I know you can't plan things out as much, but it's so much more being fun being thrown into this mess head over heels. I don't really pre-order, but I did this time.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:01 am

  • The 'rule of one E3' is an excellent one.
  • Low spoilers also good, though I can see the marketing ramping up now.
  • A timely pre-order was the only way for the Pip-Boy...
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Mel E
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:45 am

Yep, not really necessary to announce years in advance when the IP is so well known. Campaigns for lesser known games have more of an uphill battle to raise awareness

I imagine it went through many iterations, different features being attempted or improved, etc. - so by announcing at E3 we were able see something that looks similar to the final game. And we got all those cute S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos!

As a fan, of course, I want to see every scrap of concept art and learn every detail about the future games years in advance, but I realize that kind of approach wouldn't be very productive.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:52 am

I like that the big reveal was indeed a big reveal, and they gave us 20min+ of gameplay instead of trickling little bits of information. I like how they focussed on gameplay and kept the character and story aspects fairly low. We saw a bit of the start, and a bit of a story mission that gets us the power armor presumably.

I'm also very happy that they didn't reveal the game to far ahead of release. It's a wait nonetheless, but now it was just 5months when usually it can run upto 10months or more for other titles. That can just be excruciatingly annoying. These companies have a marketing to do, i get it, but if it was upto me they'd keep it hidden and announce it the moment it is available. I'd rather wait in blissful ignorance.

Also i did preorder the game, i usually do not do this. But i didn't get it from Steam but a third party reseller, and it was down to 40euros instead of the 60,- that steam wanted. Given that i was absolutely going to get it anyway on day one i preordered to get that discount.

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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:11 am

I hate newer movie trailers and game trailers they often end up giving away a lot of the main plot with trailers, so with fallout 4 and the long introduction at E3 was perfect if you take the overall releases of many developers over the course of a hype period and releases of in-game features and game-play you will end up around the same amount of time as the fallout 4 E3 show, and we have gotten the special videos now i love those.

The wait time was not that bad not a year off but the wait has been hard, both in regards to the pre order hassle of not knowing for sure if you would get the pipboy or not.

And i preordered the game i wanted a chance to get the pipboy edition.

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Danielle Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:53 pm

Personally, I like it. Not too long to wait, not too much in the way of spoilers.

However, I never pre-order games, and make sure I've read at least a couple of reviews before I order. So the comparatively sparse information before launch suits me. For someone who is a devoted fan, and wants to pre-order so they can start playing as soon as possible, I can understand the desire to have plenty of information if only to reassure them that Bethesda haven't messed up big-time on this game - or changed the formula so much that it's no longer the kind of game they like (however good it may be of its kind).

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:21 am

bethesda never said NV was gonna be the last fallout game, pete hines said they bought the franchise in order to work on it and develop it like they did with the ES and he called fallout and ES "their children", he also said they didn't aquire the franchise to just make one game and go away, and they only made one game at that point in fallout 3, NV was a spinoff and not a BGS fallout game, i think some people just didn't pay attention to any of the things todd howard or pete hines said in interviews or videos, plus there are some gamers who don't like that bethesda owns the franchise and some of those people were saying things about FO4 not coming out and saying things like they're making a new ip etc...well obviously they were all wrong.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:35 pm

I liked the Bethesda way. They showed what they got at E3.Then we got weekly Special vids, trailer and now we just happily wait to November 10.

I preordered the game early and now i just hang around to see if there is anything new or if someone has some wild theories about Fallout 4.

My only dislike about Bethesdas decision making is lack of Female SS. I would have liked to see more about her.

Still solid 9/10 performance.

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Marta Wolko
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:23 am

I went back and added an 'indifferent' option for the first poll.

Now here's a question: Do you think because this 'Bethesda' approach is new in a sense, is why it has received some amount of controversy? Would be possibly be more acceptive of it if it was a norm?

Here's another question: What do you think about their DLC Season Pass approach of getting the nitty gritty out of the way? They haven't even started working on DLC for obvious reasons, but do you dislike DLC even being in the conversation this early?

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sara OMAR
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:40 pm

I really like that we don't know much.
We've been told how the character development works, which was all I really cared about seeing, before hand.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:42 am

I don't like EITHER of the strategies for marketing they've had. It's a choice between an ungodly amount of spoilers or no information on anything at all.

Is there no middle ground? Say put out a few trailers instead of none/as many as possible. I'm actually loosing interest in the game because it's presence is non-existant and the lack of information has sent a lot of people to cancel pre-orders just for a lack of knowing things about the game and wanting to "wait and see how it turns out"
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:27 pm

I'm trying to remain objective even though much of what Beth has shown is the antithesis of what I want from a Fallout game.

But in all honesty Bethesda has planned this marketing campaign excellently, with their only arresting PR mistakes possibly being the preemptive announcement of the season pass -- I would have announced it along with the first images of the new DLC's concept art, and the slight scarcity of gameplay footage (bar E3).

If Bethesda had shown the gamescom video a week after private viewing I think that would have assuaged the cries for more footage; eventuating in a borderline perfect advertising campaign on Bethesda's behalf.

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Katy Hogben
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:32 am

I voted "Indifferent", "Yes", and "Yes".

Indifferent because while I want to know more, I don't need to know more. I think ultimately the game will be more enjoyable for me to "discover" things on my own and not go in with a preconceived idea of what I am going to do beyond setting my SPECIAL stats and hope they work for the story they give us.

Yes because 5 months isn't terribly long to wait. I could have voted No, because I was getting downright upset at the lack of any kind of news prior to them announcing it. I even went so far as to write to BGS and complain that they should at least end our misery after 7 long years! The way they did the reveal, and announcement, made me giddy!

And finally Yes because I fully expect to play this game for years. No other game in my limited collection has me return to it time and again like Fallout 3. I love that even after all these years I still find new stuff. Until last week, I had never returned to Vault 101 to aid Amata, and honestly didn't even know I could! Still not happy that she kicked me out, I really thought she and I had something special, *sniff sniff*.

For the next 3 weeks and 2 days I plan to play 3 and continue to explore, and then dive deep into Boston and "[censored] some [censored] up!"

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Deon Knight
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:47 pm

I'm indifferent about how little information we've received. Although I'm always inclined to hear more info about the game itself, it's going to release eventually and we'll see all of the details and experience them for ourselves either way. Doesn't bother me none on how they handle information.

As for the time from announcement to release, I find it absolutely brilliant. If not a better way to instill hype for a game knowing that this awesome game they've shown off at E3 is only months away. Games announced years before its actual release have a larger window for marketing but at the same time I find it hurts the hype for the game itself in a number of ways. First in for most, when the developers show off something about a game that they could implement at the time of the game's early development that ends up not being in the game years later near its launch. Can cause quite an uproar.

Secondly, just the long wait in general makes it a painfully slow wait to the point people stop caring. Anyone still remember The Division? That one game that has appeared at how many E3s now? I can't remember the last time some sort of marketing was done for the game. Little marketing for a game like Fallout 4 that is announced only a few months before its release is one thing, but little marketing done for a game that was announced three years before its supposed release? Not good.

Overall, I think Bethesda has done well enough in the amount of information given for a game that is releasing shortly after its announcement, and I have pre-ordered the Pip-Boy edition for it.

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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:13 am

Given how much Todd must hate Fleetwood Mac now, I can't blame them for being more tight lipped this time.

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Maria Garcia
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:54 am

it's better then the wait for other games, that announce 2 years ago and the games are still not out, or no release date has been announced.

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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:13 am

i love what they did with Fallout 4 info and announcement, not only i was surprise this year, but i have almost 0 clue about story or main spoiler for the game.

I hate to get a new game and u already know a lot about the plot and character. It kill all the surprise u get while playing.

Plus i really love the 20m of REAL game play, after what i got from Witcher 3 and them receive when i buy it. At least Bethesda is telling u the true and not lying for a E3 presentation.

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:53 am

Indifferent, after all it's their decision.
Yes, I like a shorter waiting time.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:37 pm

To be honest, I really don't mind it. It builds the mystery, adds to the allure of Fallout 4 when we know almost nothing about it. Better than how it was in Skyrim where it was repeatedly hit on your head everything possible about the game until you nearly reached a burnout phase.

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