Bethesda wants to bring mods to consoles (Thread #3)

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:32 am

Uh.... when did this happen?

Probably with Oblivion and Fallout 3. You'd be surprised by the sheer number of console gamers who love Bethesda, I am one myself and I've been playing TES on console since 2002.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:51 am

I could see this happen if Bethesda or some volunteers were willing to review all the mods (to prevent illegal content) and send them to MS/Sony for distribution and then you would download them like any other DLC.

I could see it working really well but it all depends on MS/Sony.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:51 am


The question was, could it be possible?
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Setal Vara
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:20 am


Agreed lol
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:47 am

I knew it was possible, you people didn't fool me! :P

As I have said multiple times the Console game could simply come with the PC construction set, you would make your mod on the PC, in the new CS there would be a conversion tool to convert it to Console DLC. You then burn it to a disk or put it on a flash drive to transfer it to the console. How hard is that? Now if people are worried about delivering to other console gamers it is simple, bypass Xbox Live all together for sharing the content and keep it all on the internet. You could download mods just like on PC then convert them for use on the Xbox. There is your "Avenue".
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Andy durkan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:21 am

I highly doubt that accurate as well, otherwise they wouldnt consider the trouble getting mods to consoles, I mean we are small margin right? negible even 360 is todds favorite console who cares if PC users can mod the game to the extent that it isnt even the game they released anymore. I mean...there are 2 million users on TES nexus, that doesnt look like 550,000 to me.

the 90% is just a rough estimation, but it's around that area. 2mio users does not imply 2mio bought the game.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:11 am

All the good weapons, armor, quests, houses, creatures and NPC mods are using Highrez textures and high poly models. What folks are really asking for is for those to be "consolized" so they can get them on their Xbox or whatever. Asking the PC players to sacrifice the quality of their mods so the console players don't have to take an option already available to them. And you call PC players the selfish ones?

"I don't care if the quality of your game suffers so long as I don't have to be bothered buying a PC version of the game". Yeah, not selfish at all. :whistling:

You cannot create higher res things with the creation kit, how hard is it to understand? Because if it was possible, bethesda would be doing it. The selfish part of PC gamers who are totally against the whole idea of consoles getting mods is pathetically selfish.

That " "-thing of your is totally rubbish, it not about buying the PC version of the game, it's about buying a PC, getting space for it in your house, know how to use it and such. Thus, PC gamers who don't want mods to get to consoles are simply selfish players who want to keep that to themselves because they somehow feel they are above consoles because they know how to make mods. That is a deeply philosophical and psycologial way of looking at those who don't want mods for consoles. Everyone is not like that, obviously, even if they don't want mods for consoles.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:25 pm

I'm pretty sure that mods from the previous games would work on the consoles, if Sony/Microsoft allowed it. Because the official DLC (excluding Shivering Isles) are just mods made by Bethesda. Would be pretty awesome if they did manage to get Sony/Microsoft to agree, but I reckon they'll probably need to make the users agree that Bethesda/Sony is not responsible in anyway, and that they will not troubleshoot mods, if they are allowed in the full, without any regulation.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:12 am

I knew it was possible, you people didn't fool me! :P

As I have said multiple times the Console game could simply come with the PC construction set, you would make your mod on the PC, in the new CS there would be a conversion tool to convert it to Console DLC. You then burn it to a disk or put it on a flash drive to transfer it to the console. How hard is that? Now if people are worried about delivering to other console gamers it is simple, bypass Xbox Live all together for sharing the content and keep it all on the internet. You could download mods just like on PC then convert them for use on the Xbox. There is your "Avenue".

The problem with that is microsft and Sony aren't just going to allow you to create your own content and add it to there console and they definitely aren't going to let you bypass XBL. Especially when these 'converted files' could contain advlt content and then be made available to anyone who downloads them without moderation which would be a PR and tech support nightmare and they would also be flooded with complaints about mods breaking the game somehow because there was no approval process involved and therefore anything could go wrong.

I'm not against console mods just pointing out the flaws of your proposal.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:00 am

I was replying to someone saying "Sony and Microsoft won't agree".. I said "Microsoft will" meaning microsoft will not agree.. "Not Sony" meaning they will agree

Ah rite, that's fine then :D s'all good in the hood :)
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:20 am

if i understand how mods on the PC work (which i have limited knowledge, especially seeing as i play on Xbox) i dont think mods in the sense of altering the game via adding code, or subtracting code, ect. would work in terms of transferring to the consoles, but i think it would be possible to add user generated items, dungeons, characters (companions?) to the consoles via the creation kit. i dont think mods like better textures, or archery tweaks would work though.

i may be talking out of my rectum on this, so please, any modders that could shut me up, or confirm what i believe, please, feel free to do so lol.

EDIT also, IMO, neither microsoft nor sony would like naked mods (or any other obscene or potentially vulgar mods) to be added to the console versions.. whether that is even possible, i dont know... but i feel sony and microsoft would frown upon that greatly.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:38 am

Cabius, on 21 April 2011 - 03:04 PM, said:

I knew it was possible, you people didn't fool me!

As I have said multiple times the Console game could simply come with the PC construction set, you would make your mod on the PC, in the new CS there would be a conversion tool to convert it to Console DLC. You then burn it to a disk or put it on a flash drive to transfer it to the console. How hard is that? Now if people are worried about delivering to other console gamers it is simple, bypass Xbox Live all together for sharing the content and keep it all on the internet. You could download mods just like on PC then convert them for use on the Xbox. There is your "Avenue".

Read the OP again and make sure you realize he said CONTENT MADE on the CK works on the 360 as does PC, not A CK for 360.

also realize Oblivion mods are not Maps, or skins or ingame user created mish mash from halo reach or some such.

this is altering how the game works adding and subtracting.

to go even further such as OBSE you need thrid party programs, now your in Microsofts and Sony's territory when it comes to the console, and they aren't going to let modders access critical aspects of the consoles for mods, by passing security etc etc.

also realize mods on Consoles effectively null the need for DLC, Microsoft and sony -will- want to profit from this, and essentially Beth says the Want, not that they could, and they have to consult Microsoft before anything.

so yeah.

and lets keep the flaming and snide comments down.

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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:45 am

if i understand how mods on the PC work (which i have limited knowledge, especially seeing as i play on Xbox) i dont think mods in the sense of altering the game via adding code, or subtracting code, ect. would work in terms of transferring to the consoles, but i think it would be possible to add user generated items, dungeons, characters (companions?) to the consoles via the creation kit. i dont think mods like better textures, or archery tweaks would work though.

i may be talking out of my rectum on this, so please, any modders that could shut me up, or confirm what i believe, please, feel free to do so lol.

You are correct. Though a few game mods like archery tweaks might work. You also have to realize Bethesda will be moderating the mods if this did happen, so no AO+ mods would get through.

So yeah, the mods would be VERY limited to say the least. Either way Modding won't be happening with skyrim, with future TES games..maybe, but I doubt it.

EDIT: Due to this article here.

and this quote "We have talked to Microsoft and Sony, and so there's a chance it might happen one day, [but] I don't see it happening [in time] for [launch]."
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:28 am

PC mods given to consoles sounds like too much of a nightmare too me. Too much red tape to go through and too many confounding variables to consider. It would just be easier if BGS gave a simplified map editor of some sort to manipulate the game to some extent. Otherwise, it just sounds like too much of a hassle.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:17 am

On the other hand, it might get Beth a few more customers on console. I hope they're successful. I thought better graphics was one of the selling points of pc. PC will always have better graphics and better mods.

The mods Howard is talking about are basic, so they don't crash the console. I don't get why some people seem emotionally opposed to console users getting what boils down to free DLC (assuming M$ and Sony go for it... a separate discussion). PC users still have the advantage of graphics and better/more unique mods.

Well, in Skyrims case it's not.
Todd and BGS is doing everything they ca to make PC a less viable option to buy the game for.
They are not doing ANYTHING for PC when it comes to graphics, in fact they are trying really hard to make it look exactly like consoles, unfortunately PC's can use higher resolutions so they can't make PC look as a console completely.
But, it's not like they're not trying their hardest.

See Todd and BGS have no love for PC, we are just 10% (even though that number seems awfully wrong and just thrown out there casually as "we don't care about them").

Now trying to make mods available on consoles is one step further in trying to make people go with the console version, cause there will be nothing separating the platforms, they are doing an infinityward here.

I see in interview after interview how Todd is downplaying the PC more and more.
At first it was "yes we will have DX11 support and some dx11 features", then it was "PC will have higher textures and higher resolution, but DX11 is probably not going to be used", to finally "PC will have higher resolution, but we are trying really hard to make them exactly the same on all platforms".

So we went from DX11 ---> at least higher textures ----> just native higher resolution, which I am sure if they could make it lower they would.

I know I sound bitter, but honestly, they are not exactly trying to promote PC at all, if it is their smallest market why try and take away everything that makes it a viable alternative, it severely aggravates me.


If BGS is trying hard to court MS and SONY to have mods for consoles and probably try to work on mod tools that work well for consoles, why the HELL do they have time for that but NOT making PC graphics a little more special.
Can anyone see the point here? The casual comment that "our audience is 90% console" doesn't help, well BGS do you want our money for your game, or is this just 10% cash you don't give a **** about?

I don't even see how mods for consoles would work the way we know mods on PC for TES games work.

When downloading mods for the PC it is your sole responsibility if it crashes or doesn't work etc, all the tools to better it and make it work easier are made by modders such as OBSE, Wrye-bash and OBMM etc etc.

It is not just as simple as looking up a mod and download it to a console and think it will work. A console is as a FACT limited and in the case of Skyrim probably pushing it's limits.
Installing a mod could make frame rates drop, crash the game, conflicts can happen.

No major mods would work unless BGS took one of them and made it work and released it as a patch or DLC ( DLC is no no, since it ceases to be a mod).

My worry is more to the fact that this seems like some type of money incentive, IE having modders create something nice and big and then resell it as a form of DLC etc.
If that were to happen then modding is dead, cause it is then becoming a monetized debacle.

Consoles have a thing of making things more casual and less complex, a hot-dogs for everyone instead of a fine steak so to speak.
NO this is not about the players, it is about the market and publishers and the money-makers.
The less they need to do, the fewer the hardware changes the more money they can make. I for one can't understand how some console players are OK with no new consoles coming out for a long time.
Why does the gaming market have to take a back-seat and not evolve, everything else does.
Do we use the same Cellphones today as 6 years ago? How about TV's? Everything else in the technology is evolving but gaming is stagnant.

I digress!

In any case if modding comes to the consoles it won't be the same as the "PC modding", it simply can't handle it, it would have to be "less", this is where I start to fear that it will be "less" for PC as well, the lowly 10% market.
If they can't put out extravagant and very elaborate mods for consoles, why bother releasing a proper SDK for PC ?
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:20 am

You are correct. Though a few game mods like archery tweaks might work. You also have to realize Bethesda will be moderating the mods if this did happen, so no AO+ mods would get through.

So yeah, the mods would be VERY limited to say the least. Either way Modding won't be happening with skyrim, with future TES games..maybe, but I doubt it.

indeed, i dont expect it to make it to Skyrim... and it seems like with the amount of mods out there, trying to sift through the AO+ mods, as well as mods that would not be compatible with the console versions, would be a helluva lot of work. Beth would have to potentially hire people to look over the mods themselves... which again, seems like a lot of work.

if they pull it off, fantastic. ive always wanted to mod TES games, but if they decide to pass... well, no harm done to me. i'm planning on building a PC this summer anyways =]

just a little thought though... because we can all pretty much agree that the next ES game wont come out until the next gen consoles... maybe this would be a chance for console devs to take a look at possibly making mod conversion possible? or would that be the game devs job? or both? idk... just thought i'd throw that out there haha
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:07 pm

I'd actually be a little heart broken if this were to happen. One of the sole reasons the PC market is so attractive is the fact that Beth always includes mod support with their releases. Since the TES series and the Fallout series have hardly even fully utilized the high end, enthusiast-level hardware many PC players buy, one of the main things separating the PC from the consoles is the fact that there is a massive modding community. On a PR side, I don't see this being a very affective move to sustaining their PC market share. Why would anyone be swayed into building a $1000 PC if the benefits of doing so are the same as buying a $199 console?


That's my 2 cents.

so because you have a pc no once should have equally awesome games? Btw you can build a good gaming pc for about $600 if not less...sooooo there goes your argument.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:05 am

The 10 percent must not have much weight behind it if they are actually considering getting Mods on Consoles, they ackowledged the good modders do but..say how the money is in Consoles? k.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:23 am

i remain to be convinced this is even possible just because it was made using it does not mean it will function well, the fact is that the consoles not only have very limited RAM but you cannot import new textures, models or anything of the like so all these "super cool" mods people want like dragon riding, custom houses, new weapons and characters, etc..the only resources you would have are the ones already in the game and on top of this you would be extremely limited in how much you can do with hem because of the amount of memory available. To understand what the construction set is you need to go download it.... heres a link before you post "OMG it would be Ub3r c001 0n mi cons01" realize what it is your talking about... you know by actually using it
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:31 am

While for more simple mods it might be great to let console gamers join the fun (at least if the legal issues are handled nicely, as far as that is possible), when bigger, more complex and gameplay changing mods get around consoles will most probably bite the dust horribly. Aside from the lacking processing power on the consoles, stuff like the script extenders will probably be a pain to get working, a lot of those mods can be fine-tuned using the .ini file, witch console users lack the access to.
Really complex (and awesome) mods, such as Project Nevada for Fallout: New Vegas would simply not be feasible on consoles, if only for the simple fact that they do not have enough buttons on their controllers.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:17 am

If they can't put out extravagant and very elaborate mods for consoles, why bother releasing a proper SDK for PC ?

they haven't had any elaborate mods on consoles previously and we still got a proper SDK?

Also the CS is what they used to create the game (with a few
Changes I'm sure but mostly the same) it's not like they built it from the ground up for modders. Same shall apply to the CK. So unless they are using a sub par CK to start with there's nothing to worry about.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:30 am

they haven't had any elaborate mods on consoles previously and we still got a proper SDK?

Yeah, and then there weren't even TALK about mods for consoles.
We used to get modkits for many games on PC, but now hardly any does it anymore.

This could obviously change things, and the feel I get is that PC matters very little and that we get a modkit at all is something that today can be changed on a whim.
Before it was more of an "of course it will happen", today it's "please, please release one".

I don't take it for granted anymore, and when I hear talks about mods for consoles I feel changes coming on.
Also it makes it sound like if it doesn't work with modding for consoles the "10%" market is not that important so why not skip it then all together, kinda like skipping on graphics for PC and just make it the same as on consoles.

See you don't make comments like Todd did, basically making PC player market seem like it doesn't matter, yes that comment made it look like it.

Substitute it with, "our audience is 90% male" , IE I take that to sound like "we cater to males over females cause , well their number is so small we really don't care".
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marie breen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:18 am

they haven't had any elaborate mods on consoles previously and we still got a proper SDK?

Also the CS is what they used to create the game (with a few
Changes I'm sure but mostly the same) it's not like they built it from the ground up for modders. Same shall apply to the CK. So unless they are using a sub par CK to start with there's nothing to worry about.

yeah but that UI is not console friendly haha, and to be honest i just dont see people making many mods for consoles, if your into modding in the first place you own a PC, you can probably write some decent scripts and perhaps some basic 3D modeling, the console community is not exactly bursting at the seems with people who can do this, I play on both and am i computer programmer but i would never make a mod for consoles its just to much work with little to no pay off. Im just saying what makes mods cool is user generated textures, models, animations, scripts etc... none of which are possible on a console.

Todd was talking about needing store specific information on different parts of the disc (for oblivion) just to optimize load order enough for it to run adding more stuff to the console game world could be disastrous, on top of this console run off the disc for the most part Beth cant require install because of the 360 so consoles will run entirely off the disc most of the time mods work because they are integrated with the normal game files... when your running off of a disk you cant do that. The obvious counter argument is that only people with hard drives can use mods thats not only going to make people angry it also makes even more red tape to jump through how many kids are going to flip because they cant get mods to work and call up Beth saying "your game stinks i cant even get this mod thing to work" when they haven't even properly installed the game.... its just way to much to deal with as a devloper...
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:11 pm

Yeah, and then there weren't even TALK about mods for consoles.
We used to get modkits for many games on PC, but now hardly any does it anymore.

This could obviously change things, and the feel I get is that PC matters very little and that we get a modkit at all is something that today can be changed on a whim.
Before it was more of an "of course it will happen", today it's "please, please release one".

I don't take it for granted anymore, and when I hear talks about mods for consoles I feel changes coming on.
Also it makes it sound like if it doesn't work with modding for consoles the "10%" market is not that important so why not skip it then all together, kinda like skipping on graphics for PC and just make it the same as on consoles.

See you don't make comments like Todd did, basically making PC player market seem like it doesn't matter, yes that comment made it look like it.

Substitute it with, "our audience is 90% male" , IE I take that to sound like "we cater to males over females cause , well their number is so small we really don't care".

Catering to where the majority of your audience is, doesn't mean you don't care about the audiences from other platforms. It's common sense that you always take care of the majority of your consumers before the minority. And it's not like they have not taken care of the PC minority, it's just that up until now they are showcasing stuff that is relevant to everyone, instead of showcasing what is only relevant to the few, and yet even that they have by done with announcing the as of now, PC exclusive creation kit. There's only talk about bring PC made mods to consoles, if this is allowed at all. They aren't trying to take it away from the minority, they are trying to make it available to all of the audience. And even if they can't bring it to consoles, a lot of the devs enjoy the mods themselves, just as some of the features in skyrim are inspired by Oblivion pc mods. They talk on the bethblog about the mods that the mod community makes, and even do interviews with the most popular modders.
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Miss K
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:37 am

Yeah, and then there weren't even TALK about mods for consoles.
We used to get modkits for many games on PC, but now hardly any does it anymore.

This could obviously change things, and the feel I get is that PC matters very little and that we get a modkit at all is something that today can be changed on a whim.
Before it was more of an "of course it will happen", today it's "please, please release one".

Substitute it with, "our audience is 90% male" , IE I take that to sound like "we cater to males over females cause , well their number is so small we really don't care".

I was under the impression that a company releasing an sdk was an exception to the rule not a rule in itself even in the past. Do you have many examples of games that had this?Because TES 3&4 are the only ones I personally know that have one.

I'm also pretty disappointed with those numbers myself, but when you consider BGS is a company and companies need to make money to continue releasing games then addressing the larger segment of their audience first is just smart business. Even in the example you provided. If they didnt then they would lose money and we wouldn't get TES games to start with.

Of course that doesn't make us PC gamers feel any better but that's just how business works.
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