On the other hand, it might get Beth a few more customers on console. I hope they're successful. I thought better graphics was one of the selling points of pc. PC will always have better graphics and better mods.
The mods Howard is talking about are basic, so they don't crash the console. I don't get why some people seem emotionally opposed to console users getting what boils down to free DLC (assuming M$ and Sony go for it... a separate discussion). PC users still have the advantage of graphics and better/more unique mods.
Well, in Skyrims case it's not.
Todd and BGS is doing everything they ca to make PC a less viable option to buy the game for.
They are not doing ANYTHING for PC when it comes to graphics, in fact they are trying really hard to make it look exactly like consoles, unfortunately PC's can use higher resolutions so they can't make PC look as a console completely.
But, it's not like they're not trying their hardest.
See Todd and BGS have no love for PC, we are just 10% (even though that number seems awfully wrong and just thrown out there casually as "we don't care about them").
Now trying to make mods available on consoles is one step further in trying to make people go with the console version, cause there will be nothing separating the platforms, they are doing an infinityward here.
I see in interview after interview how Todd is downplaying the PC more and more.
At first it was "yes we will have DX11 support and some dx11 features", then it was "PC will have higher textures and higher resolution, but DX11 is probably not going to be used", to finally "PC will have higher resolution, but we are trying really hard to make them exactly the same on all platforms".So we went from DX11 ---> at least higher textures ----> just native higher resolution, which I am sure if they could make it lower they would.
I know I sound bitter, but honestly, they are not exactly trying to promote PC at all, if it is their smallest market why try and take away everything that makes it a viable alternative, it severely aggravates me.
If BGS is trying hard to court MS and SONY to have mods for consoles and probably try to work on mod tools that work well for consoles, why the HELL do they have time for that but NOT making PC graphics a little more special.
Can anyone see the point here? The casual comment that "our audience is 90% console" doesn't help, well BGS do you want our money for your game, or is this just 10% cash you don't give a **** about?I don't even see how mods for consoles would work the way we know mods on PC for TES games work.
When downloading mods for the PC it is your sole responsibility if it crashes or doesn't work etc, all the tools to better it and make it work easier are made by modders such as OBSE, Wrye-bash and OBMM etc etc.
It is not just as simple as looking up a mod and download it to a console and think it will work. A console is as a FACT limited and in the case of Skyrim probably pushing it's limits.
Installing a mod could make frame rates drop, crash the game, conflicts can happen.
No major mods would work unless BGS took one of them and made it work and released it as a patch or DLC ( DLC is no no, since it ceases to be a mod).
My worry is more to the fact that this seems like some type of money incentive, IE having modders create something nice and big and then resell it as a form of DLC etc.
If that were to happen then modding is dead, cause it is then becoming a monetized debacle.
Consoles have a thing of making things more casual and less complex, a hot-dogs for everyone instead of a fine steak so to speak.
NO this is not about the players, it is about the market and publishers and the money-makers.
The less they need to do, the fewer the hardware changes the more money they can make. I for one can't understand how some console players are OK with no new consoles coming out for a long time.
Why does the gaming market have to take a back-seat and not evolve, everything else does.
Do we use the same Cellphones today as 6 years ago? How about TV's? Everything else in the technology is evolving but gaming is stagnant.
I digress!
In any case if modding comes to the consoles it won't be the same as the "PC modding", it simply can't handle it, it would have to be "less", this is where I start to fear that it will be "less" for PC as well, the lowly 10% market.
If they can't put out extravagant and very elaborate mods for consoles, why bother releasing a proper SDK for PC ?