And still they consulted Sony and microsoft about it, clearly for a reason. All it takes is for Sony to see a big opportunity to make PS3 much more popular than the Xbox360 by adding free mods for Skyrim, which makes Microsoft follow the same way because they don't want to miss out on a lot of Skyrim sales. All it takes is for Sony not to be jack@55es and ruin a completely unique console experience like never seen before. (also insert my argument about old technology here)
Here comes the following:
WHO will make these free mods for the consoles?
How will you make sure that they work and fit in with limited console hardware and capabilities?
Obviously the answer to the first is PC players would have to make them, a console player is not going to get a a second copy for PC, which is NEEDED to test the mod over and over.
He/she would need certain programs and skills, and if you have them and actually will BOTHER with mods, why would you play on console to begin with and why would you limit yourself in what type of mod you can put out.
How would testing go about for the consoles and the mods? Any little thing can cause a conflict and crash the game.
Default PC textures are higher resolution so now modders would have to REDUCE the quality of their mods of supply tons of different textures to fit console and PC.
How many calls will console support get from mods that broke their game?
I don't even see this as feasible.
Only way they could do it safely would be to take a popular mod and test it themselves (BGS), and try and implement it as a patch for the consoles in order to ensure quality and game stability etc.
Or somehow make some limited modkits for use for console mods, I don't know.
I just don't see this working as it is right now.
Just seems like a huge undertaking that will just end up killing off the normal free modding that PC has now, something's got to give in a scenario like this and it is ALWAYS us PC players that suffer. ALWAYS.