I understand what you mean but it doesn't change the fact that whether or not it's worth their while they don't have to give us the CK at all.
I don't get why they would gimp the CK just for consoles that just doesn't make sense to me at all. Wouldn't it make more sense to simply only allow mods that are within reason on a console eg. Houses, swords, stat changes etc? That way the PC retains all the modding ability and consoles get it too and they wouldn't lose any fan base because PC modding was gimped.. You and man others seem to be making up an imaginary scenario that makes no sense and then toting it like it would obviously happen that way.
If you think I'm just another console player saying yes mods must happen I'm not, I play on PC but I see no reason for the CK to be gimped that's a completely ridiculous assumption.
BGS has included a modkit for almost all their games, perhaps all actually.
I know of Morrowind , Oblivion, Fallout 3 etc.
This is the first time they are talking about wanting mods for consoles.
The funny thing is a mod is a free product, if there is ever money exchanged it would not be a mod but a product a DLC.
So who would BGS think would make these mods for consoles? Console players, hardly they wouldn't play on consoles if the bothered so much with mods.
How would they make sure the mods won't crash the consoles? Any little change can affect the game and cause a conflict, I know a simple thing as let's say an armor can cause missing textures.
Who would "test" the mod to see that it works on consoles all the time?
Clearly this is NOT the case of just opening a door for consoles to somehow randomly download a mod and have it work.
So something needs to be done for it to work for consoles, IE a special modkit (gimped I guess), special installer tools for consoles that verify integrity and conflicts and also installs it automatically.
Who will make them? BGS? Will that mean delays cause now they need to make more complex tools for suitability for limitations of consoles.
Delay is what that spell, I also don't see much reason for it cause PC modder wouldn't hinder himself with less abilities and things he can put in his mod to work for consoles, so he wouldn't bother making mods for consoles.
So, then the problem arise that there isn't enough CONSOLE players that mod for consoles but on a PC, so hardly any mods available or working.
Unless of course MONEY has a hand in it, IE modders offered money for certain mods that BGS/MS/Sony would release and make sure would work with the console version.
If that is the case it is no longer modding and it would ruin the modding community cause if modders get paid, then the "free" mods go out the window.
I don't know, so many scenarios in so many directions it just doesn't seem worth it.
PC modding is simplistic, not in how they are made but how things work.
A special modkit is made for PC by developer and it is released (SDK), modders start to play around with it creating things, and they are hosted.
Players download them and rate them etc and that's it.
If it crashes you re-install or remove the mod or use PC specific tools and installers made by USERS.
Trying to make that work for consoles seem like a nightmare.