You hide behind the "cause of freedom" while intentionally ignoring the impact it will have on the PC experience. Folks want to throw around labels like "selfish PC elitist" while ignoring the harm it will bring to a large portion of players enjoyment of the game so long as "they get theirs".
You want freedom? Every single person that ever purchased Oblivion on the 360 or PS3 had the freedom to purchase the PC version instead.
first of all dude take a chill pill

second if you read your own posts back you see you are doing the same thing you tell you hate so much
you say you hate people who use quote's like cause of freedom & selfish PC elitist as excuses but you use a similair quote only from your side of few in all your post
"purchase the PC version instead" but tell me before you trow your flames at me what are you afraid of if the xbox and ps3 get a CK or or a lookalike CK for their system? do realy belief lots of modders would downgrade their mods just so its avaible for all platforms ? do you realy belief all modders here who are against the idea sundely go make mods for those systems they hate? besides you say it should be only for pc but i can also go a step futher you should only use a mac pc
and only should use linex thats the same demand you do now
consols are special made for gamers why shoulnt they have the option then? its not just for quick plug and play its a GAME system and pc is a GAME/WORK sytem
so i dont get it why a system special made for games should be downgraded
also we dont know all the details about how they gona do it maby they got 2 difrent CK's that dont involve together in whatsoever
ps sorry for bad spelling agian