Bethesda what are you doing!?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:59 pm

What exactly the patch broke? (Im at work right now)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:26 am

I'm wondering the same thing. Are they in some kind of competition with EA in how they can release good games, with game breaking issues...because if so, they just beat EA by a mile.

EDIT: One thing I do have to say on EA's behalf(tho this is probably due to Bioware and their awesome ability to release quality games at launch), they pushed back the date on ME3 to work the kinks. ME3 was original slated for release in November, but pushed it back to make sure its good to go.

Bethesda probably just wanted the game before christmas to make their pockets fatter. To bad with all of this buggy crap going on, no one will buy the game. Greedy bastards...

And here I've been thinking I'm the only one who is aware of EA's failures lol.

My wife and I are both gamers. I play MMOs and RPGs, she plays the Sims.

Up to Sims 3 now, with every patch and expansion, and downloadable items from their store.

In all my years of gaming (since 1982), I've never seen a company that cares less about their players than EA. Right now, the big thing is disappearing families. You can be playing and suddenly an entire family, or part of a family disappears. Never to be seen again. Been going on for two years now.

Not a word from EA about it. Thousands of players are being hit by this bug, and EA keeps coming up with the same thing: "It's your computer," and "Uninstall and reinstall the game."

What a nightmare.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:03 am

Blizzard has "12 bazillion" players out there and doesn't seem to have much of a problem.

Blizzards fanbase are a bunch of (insert generic derogatory statement towards lazy spoiled brats here, perhaps im kidding, i don't really give a damn frankly), they happily pay their way for a drug basically and Blizzard happily supplies it.

The difference is that Blizzard has an INFINITE revenue stream, the holy grail of all corporations, Bethesda does not.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:43 am

Yes it does. Do you have any idea why this bug exists? As far as you know it might only happen to people playing as a Khajit, who have less than 70 One-Handed but more than 22 Alteration, bounty in exactly one Hold and didn't recover the Horn in the main quest line.

It's an extreme example, but it's not like EVERY PS3 PLAYER suddenly sees dragons flying backwards.

So shut up.

Several different people from multiple forums, including this one already reported seeing the issue on PS3 and 360. Real nice show of maturity there though. Maybe you should stop trying so hard and just admit that Bethesda screwed up and should have tested better. It's bad enough the issue was reported a day or two early on the PS3, and they roll out the exact same patch today anyway.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:58 am

In all my years of gaming (since 1982), I've never seen a company that cares less about their players than EA. Right now, the big thing is disappearing families.

EA is taking down whole families now? My god.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:18 am

what's wrong with the patch?
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:14 pm

Elder Scrolls is nothing more than a cash cow nowadays, deal with it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:51 am

Perfectionism obstructs happiness.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:56 am

Perfectionism obstructs happiness.

Perfectionism is.. expecting a game to work at least somewhat properly?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:58 pm

IMMERSION - that dragon was taken by a hurricane. you guys lack IMAGINATION!

my question is, does that happen over and over again? If you reload, that dragon will fly backwards again? Will others too?
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Nick Swan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:08 am

hm the patch seems to remove all magical resistance making you and other absolutley vunerable and rapable by dragons thats what everything is saying though i wouldnt know (new ps3 this december hopefully)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:58 pm

IMMERSION - that dragon was taken by a hurricane. you guys lack IMAGINATION!

my question is, does that happen over and over again? If you reload, that dragon will fly backwards again? Will others too?

From what I am hearing, the main quest dragons are fine, but all the other random ones are 50/50 chance of being weird.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:23 am

If I'm fixing some UI stuff, mouse sensitivity, lag issues etc, I'm going to test those. I'm not going to go and test something as obscure as magic resistances. You can't blame them for not noticing that because they don't play the game, just test what they (think) has been changed.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:03 pm

Yes. Everyone is right. Why should we complain, when not only did we pay money for this game, but have waited for them to fix these issues.

This game should of not been released this month, and this patch, should of been tested properly. This looks VERY poor on Bethesda's behalf, no matter how many [censored] come to their defense.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game and even stood up for bethesda during its lauch week, but now that certain things have happened( my lvl 39 character proved that this game doesn't exactly have the free will do what he wants by becoming glitched), I will not stand idley by and defend a company that just slapped alot of us in the face. Like seeing through the floor into the GREAT BLUE. Falling through the map, dungeon puzzles breaking, NPCs glitched and conversations looping and leading to bloodshed, and now...No resistances whatsoever...

This is bs. I'm in no way shape or form standing by and saying something pathetic like "Oh its ok this game is buggy. All games are buggy like this...especially games of this size" Give a me a friggin break...No game is this broken. And if it is, you [censored] are usually the ones to trample all over the game. So stop being hypocritical, and realize that gamesas screwed you over, and clearly are fine with it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:23 am

I'm off to find out wtf has happened - but could anyone on here tell me what's gone on with this patch? I haven't downloaded it yet and would like to know if I should keep playing offline.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 am

Man its embarrassing to see how the fannyboys are still trying to defend the game and its creator. I did up until now but this new glitch ruins the game, no other way around it.
Elemental resistances are needed for all classes to some degree, the games selling point is dragons and they are elemental creatures.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:20 pm

My main concern isn't that they introduced a new bug, I am aware that these things happen. I've done the same over my years of modding.

My main concern is how long it'll take to fix it. Its likely a broken string of code somewhere, so the fix isn't likely to take long to build. BUT will they wait until they are ready to release a full-fledged patch? Will they have to jump through PSN and Xbox Live hoops to get it to us be it in the form of a new patch or hotfix? Even for those of us who play on PC?

Fighting Elder dragons minus resist equipment is far too brutal. Having to svck it up for 3-4 weeks seems like hell.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:49 pm

If I'm fixing some UI stuff, mouse sensitivity, lag issues etc, I'm going to test those. I'm not going to go and test something as obscure as magic resistances. You can't blame them for not noticing that because they don't play the game, just test what they (think) has been changed.

This is the biggest load of crap.

Are you a game tester? I'm a game/hardware tester. Even tho we have primary goals in our test cases, we also have to look at the big picture: Graphic glitchs, sound glitches, gameplay issues. Sometimes we spend an hour two hours on a games to play through just to see if important gameplay aspects are being affected by new hardware.

And i can get to lvl 5 in this game in no time, and by that time I've fought dragons, and ICE Fire mages.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:46 am

Dude you realise that can't just magically snap there fingers and bam everything's fixed its gonna take time to fix everything, don't like it play some thing else and stop [censored]ing about a amazing game!

Are you guys on auto defend or something?
Nobody expects everything to be fixed but what I was expecting was my texture issue to go and start playing, not to have a core mechanic made redundant.
I will not play something else because I love this game but I just want to play it fully to the end properly.
The more they [censored] things up like this the less amazing it is in my eyes, I am stuck with the new patch and have to decide to start over again with the bug or wait again for a fix.
Have you defending fannnboys downloaded the patch or did you decide not to? Do you want to play a game where resistances are redundant?
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:37 am

This is the biggest load of crap.

Are you a game tester? I'm a game/hardware tester. Even tho we have primary goals in our test cases, we also have to look at the big picture: Graphic glitchs, sound glitches, gameplay issues. Sometimes we spend an hour two hours on a games to play through just to see if important gameplay aspects are being affected by new hardware.

And i can get to lvl 5 in this game in no time, and by that time I've fought dragons, and ICE Fire mages.

It's not like there are graphical glitches or sound glitches. The gameplay issues here aren't obvious unless you've been playing for a while and notice a change in damage values. It's such an obscure thing that even if they did test combat, it wouldn't have been obvious to anyone right off the bat. If this patch deleted Whiterun then yes, I'd totally agree with you. But this is such a random, hard to find issue. I certainly wouldn't have noticed it unless I came to the forums and read about it.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:31 pm

Blizzard has "12 bazillion" players out there and doesn't seem to have much of a problem.

Judging by the heavy traffic in their WoW tech-support forums, especially after certain patches that Really Broke Stuff?, Blizzard has the exact same issues that Beth has. They just have alot more steady feedback from those 12 bazillion players so that they can track down issues faster.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:06 am

It's not like there are graphical glitches or sound glitches. The gameplay issues here aren't obvious unless you've been playing for a while and notice a change in damage values. It's such an obscure thing that even if they did test combat, it wouldn't have been obvious to anyone right off the bat. If this patch deleted Whiterun then yes, I'd totally agree with you. But this is such a random, hard to find issue. I certainly wouldn't have noticed it unless I came to the forums and read about it.

I think you would notice if an Ice dragon whooped your ass in a matter of seconds. Dont' you?

Also, pay attention to what I said about gameplay. If I was dropped hard by an Ice mage, I would go "Hmmm kind of strange a wimpy Ice mage just trumped me in full steel armor and I have 50% Ice resist

Anyone that doesn't notice that kind of thing, has no business in my field. Attention to detail no matter how small is our primary function, a big player in why we are hired.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:59 am

Oh come on. Skyrim is the most stable elder scrolls released yet!
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:19 pm

So people who were here for Morrowind and Oblivion release, how does Skyrim compare in Bugginess?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:06 am

Oh come on. Skyrim is the most stable elder scrolls released yet!

I was one to agree with you on that a couple of days ago. but they screwed up by fixing a minor but important (imho) texture issue with a game breaking issue, its lazy and its stupid.
I want a response from them on these forums TODAY!
I do NOT want to wait another 3 weeks for a patch for this patch!
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