Well actually..... I used to work at Atomic Games.... And real professional game developer WANT FEEDBACK. FUN is an eluisive bastage. They need to hear this before they finalize DLC choices.
Well actually..... I used to work at Atomic Games.... And real professional game developer WANT FEEDBACK. FUN is an eluisive bastage. They need to hear this before they finalize DLC choices.
I think there should be some distinction here. The questlines were fairly weak. The level design however is outstanding.
The ending slides make most choices in your playthrough actually matter while that is not the case for Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Witcher 3 actually had them even if they weren't at the end. It is a matter of giving closure to a certain portion of the game. However since Bethesda didn't have them in Fallout 3, it is not surprising that Fallout 4 didn't have them.
I agree that the lack of ending slides was kind of disappointing. And yeah, I blame the "but I can't keep playing!??!?!" complainers for it. It was easy to 'keep playing' in FO3 and NV by just re-loading a save from before the MQ's Final Mission. (yes, I dislike Broken Steel... for it's broken leveling, with the increased cap & more perks; for it's annoying bullet-sponge monsters; and for it's un-needed "keep playing" mechanic. Only reason I still have that DLC installed on my FO3 is for mod compatibility.)
But still, they could have done an "ending slides" anyway..... as mentioned, they're about the long-term fallout (heh) of your major decisions & main quest choices. That doesn't keep you from continuing to poke around with sidequests after.
1. I have a feeling that Bethesda decided to have an Epilogue later on at the last DLC.
2. Um... I don't really understand the problem here. You use what you like, enjoy, and goes with your character. Why is this a bad thing? Why do there have to be stronger versions of every weapon you find? I find most of the weapons to be pretty balanced myself, allowing the player to choose between and on which one works with their character.
3. And a lot of this stuff is completely optional.
4. I enjoy the inventory management in both Fallout 4 and Skyrim. They are fine. At best, we just need a key-ring for all of the keys or at least be able to drop keys.
5. The radiant system is based on the settlements themselves. You aren't going to save a settler from all the way across the map when they mention a "nearby raider camp"... This is why with some settlements, it feels like that you're doing the same thing because there are only so many raider camps nearby.
6. Not really.
7. Give you settlers actual good gear. I have a settlement filled with settlers who all having Gatling Lasers... They usually do just fine defending by themselves. All I need to do is to be there to watch the slaughter.
I can think of two of the four factions that should have had VERY strong reactions to the Atomic Cats; who I found to be rather fun.
I prefer the new crit mechanic honestly. Random critz are too OP.
No, it's a good one. Why would a group of raiders from the south side bother with Sanctuary where they can just attack Jamica Plains?
Because the purpose of something like Radiant is to bring the player to content. If the local areas have been explored the system needs to find a reason to send you further away. "We need a Water Chip, go to the Radioactive sea an get one for us!" Kidnappings, or any other Radiant quests are McGuffins. And if you're unfamiliar with that term, google it because its an incredibly useful term in thinking about game design. Coming up with a dynamically generated McGuffin to send me wherever is a trivial task. "Go to this Hospital and fetch this piece of medical equipment." "go to this quarry and fetch me this diamond drill" "Go kill bob, he's hiding out here." Little Timmy went off to explore Ruin X, go find out what happened to him?"
1) Personally in the Age of the DLC i hate epilogues because often ESPECIALLY in RPGs the story isn't done when you finish the base game so the Epilogue always feels off. I'd much rather they add an Epilogue for the game with the LAST story DLC they release.
2) The biggest problem with open world games is that player will ALWAYS out level the content unless they scale the content to the plaeyrs level. They did that in oblivion and the WAh wah wah over the feature nix that solution forever. I am also personally against gear diarrhoea a knife is a knife is a knife this idea of a knife every so many levels that is slightly better makes no sense. FO4 did a good job of giving us reasonable and rational gear progression with mods to weapons and armour. But this have to stop at some point. Not everyone like the same things you do.
3) I don't know what you mean it is pretty intuitive on how to make people happy. Would you want to live crammed like a sardine with no furniture but a bed, in a bare room with no decorations and no place to buy anything? No entertainment? It was pretty easy to figure out settlement mechanics by using youtube if you get stuck with something. Power is so simple. there is nothing complex about it.
4) I agree. There is no inventory management.
5) I didn't have that problem but the frequency of the radiant quests is a pain in the [censored]. i really wish they were on 1 week or 1 month delays. No need to spam us with these quests. the repetitiveness of them saps the fun, spread them out over time and they wont lose their impact for the player.
6) Not sure where you are going with this as you don't explain yourself well.
7) Poor defensive preparations result in poor defence. And no single defensive measure is fool proof. Walls work but sometimes the enemy will spawn inside doesn't mean walls are useless just means they are not fool proof and this is realistic as a group sneaking in and scaling a wall isn't impossible nor outlandish but for spawns that don't happen inside your walls will really protect your settlement so use them. Turrets that can be attacked at melee range are vulnerable. Raised turrets are better, better protection better line of sight. Sirens are important to defence use them, rockets should never be use for interior defence they are long range aoe and they will damage friendlies and enemies a like. limit them to locations that can't target inside your base. Put power generators INSIDE behind walls. Do not run power from a turret to another turret. A damaged turret doesn't conduct electricity. Connect turrets directly to a power conduit. make sure some of your non AOE turrets are pointing inside your settlements to support settlers attacking enemies inside your perimeter. use both machine gun turrets AND laser turrets enemies often have vulnerabilities to one type of damage if you only attack with a single type of damaging weapon you are not providing the best protection for your base. Good defences require resources this means you SHOULD be investing some perks to getting caps. and buy shipments every time you can. use supply lines. Your first settler in a settlement should form a supply line. Settlements in the supply lines share junk, food and water with all settlements within that supply line. Specialize your settlements, this requires investing in perks for settlements as supply lines are perk gated.
Yes, but here in Fallout 4 you DONT HAVE RECAP in epilogue! Nothing about setllements,characters,locations you influenced for 100- hours ....
TBQH, I never cared that much about epilogues, especially when they do not really tell me about how my character DIRECTLY affected the game zone/world. I felt that some of the "major choices" in NV were more like filler content. I mean, I help Jason Bright's ghouls get out of the Mojave, since Jason even says they want to escape the barbarity of the wasteland, and what happens at the ending slide? Jason's group comes back anyways. Like what was the point of the quest if you are going to retcon it in the very same game? Then there is the destruction of the factions slides, like honestly, who cares about a faction AFTER it is gone.The only slide that I wanted in NV that never happened was the 'Helios One's power sent to x' one. All the rest were not really that important other than who won the battle of Hoover Dam.
Not that I am saying I prefer to not have the slides, but not every game developer can do the slides RIGHT.
I'm fairly certain you can get settlers into power armor. I'll tell you this.... I thought one of my armors was stolen. Nope. Found a settler standing in a melon patch with a laser rifle looking awesome with his swag stance.
Eh? The ending sliders only go over what your character did or ignored, giving the fates of those people or places, it doesn't dictate what your character does going forward. FO 2 ending slider didn't say the Chosen One went on to do this or that, for example. That, was a tale for another day.
A Fallout game without ending sliders is like a Star Wars movie without an opening of scrolling text.
Agree, the inventory management is killing me. The settlements need more functionality, clarity and management options. Making them a more "essential" part of a larger story in a DLC would be cool. I can see why they did it this way for their first launch of the concept and in the vanilla game.
I also am aghast at the lack of hairnets and finger/toe-nail clippers in the junk. We get "Fancy hairbrushes," applicators, bobby pins, pompadour wigs, and no hairnets or fingernail clippers!? Unthinkable . . .
Otherwise of the ending, or lack there of....I have no complaints about Fallout 4. Do I need to remind you all that no other stand alone game has really done what Fallout 4 has done. Is there room for improvements, hell yeah. But faulting Bethesda for what Fallout 4 isn't is insane in comparison to what Fallout 4 is.
And you know, after reading through the rest of the posts in this thread. It makes me really happy that I chose NOT to go into game design. Looking at a lot of the crap out there. Games made by other companies that are much worse than the Fallout series. And to see all this heat being brought against them. It kinda ticks me off, just a little bit.
I've put more time in playing Fallout 4 than I have any game released by any company in the last 5 years. Enjoyed myself more and been interested in replaying the game more then any game since maybe Splinter Cell: Black Ops.
Go spend 6 weeks playing Neverwinter, or WoW, or any other MMO. Play Witcher 3, 3 or 4 times in a row and see if that keeps your interest.
But you know..... Haters, haters never change.
i guess this is just a opinion and what someone like, but the sliders really for me, dont give me any "feel" of impact since i really just hear or read text about a non moving background, plus the DLC on Fallout NV only work like u said bc they didnt expand the main story they where just about the Currier background that all.
Really i hope Bethesda dont do like NV when it come down to DLC.
People talk about the game being 'a disappointment' like it's a FACT, newsflash people. If you were disappointed by the game then it was a disappointment to YOU, not everyone. People say things like, 'If you're honest with yourself it's a disappointment' or I saw one article entitled 'Fallout 4 isn't as good as you think'..... speak for yourselves, for a start how do you know how good I or anyone else 'thinks' it is, man video game journalism has really hit the skids.
People are afraid to bash a AAA title, ARE YOU MENTAL???? IT'S ALL I HEAR THESE DAYS!!!!
Most game reviewers are just arrogant self serving morons now, that's just my opinion, not a 'fact', just what I think. See what I did there?? That's the difference between an 'opinion' and a 'fact', learn it, I didn't think it was that hard but there you go.
I found that aggrevatingly annoying.
I spent a lot of time building up each and every settlement that I could and at the end of the main quest.. Nothing. It's like it just didn't happen.
In this day and age, with the capabilities inherent in modern game programming, I can't think of one single good reason why it should be totally irrelevant, why there should be no mention at all about anything you chose to do during the game.
Even Fallout 1 did this better.