I guess it's time to move on.
No patch is coming from betty.
Agreed. Here's the deal.
Times are tough, and software development isn't making a whole lot of money. Fixing this issue will cost a LOT of money for Bethesda that they won't ever recoup. What's the point? As far as they are concerned, their part ended when they shipped to the retailers. It's now between us and the retailer we bought it from. They're on to the next thing that can make a sale. If they lose a few customers along the way, who cares? There's a whole new market of gamers out there.
The thing that disappointed me is I expected more from them than this, which is the standard pathetic loser behavior that slacker companies exhibit and not one that dedicates themselves to putting themselves at the forefront of the market through innovation and excellence. The developers should be ashamed that they released something that is unplayable. Is that what you dreamed of when you became a software developer?
As for other examples, when the Orange Box hit the PS3 in 2007 the community complained about glitches, crashes, lag and quality problems. Responses from Valve and E.A: 0. Patches ever released to fix it: 0.
However, the issues I had with HL2: Orange Box are a complete tiptoe walk through a daisy filled park compared to the GOTY edition.
OK, that's enough complaining. Lesson learned. I am just sad that a game I had such a fondness for was reduced to this.