Bethesda will there be a patch for PS3 GOTY?

Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:39 pm

Yah there is no way I will be pre-ordering Fallout: New Vegas. If Bethesda can approve the crappy coding that went into Fallout 3, I'm sure New Vegas will be just as bad (let's ride the gravy train that is Fallout).

There's a chance that New Vegas will be less bug ridden since it's not developed by Bethesda.

It's a shame, really. I want to play the game again, but knowing what's waiting for me, I will not.
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jadie kell
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:42 pm

I have finished the game and all the DLC's with one character and am at level 21 with a bad karma character. The freezes just got progressively worse and I was about to just quit playing in frustration. After checking some of the suggestions in this thread, I ended up deleting ~ 40 old saves and the game is MUCH better. Ended up playing for a couple of hours with no problems when I couldn't go more than 20 min or so before.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:03 am

They're just ignorant.

It's funny how they can update their blog regularly but pretend like this place doesn't exist, it's a joke. I think I'll take the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas pages off my website too, and just not have anything to do with this mess unless they get it sorted.

Carry on being ignorant Bethesda staff, and don't worry about it coming full circle on you either, because it definitely will. There's no need to wonder about that one at all.


Am ignorant in my Pc version bliss as am sure my happiness will come full circle full bore at Bethesda when my wallet screams i need to go on a money diet! Quick buy TES V!!! Ah the joyful rush of spending like a quality bodybuilding workout that makes you..I CAN!
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:11 pm

Yeah, Obsidian Entertainment is developing New Vegas, but afaik, it's using the gamebryo engine, same type of gameplay as Fallout 3, and slated for a multiplatform 2010 release? Fallout 3 took at least two years to develop. If the game is going to be anything like Fallout 3, it's probably going to be using a sizeable chunk of code from the game if it's going to come out so soon. I highly doubt it's going to be built from scratch.

At any rate, Obsidian Entertainment has their work cut out for them. I don't envy anyone having to sort through the game's bugs and glitches :P.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:54 am

Stuff it, I'm going to wipe everything and start from scratch again. I shouldn't have to but will do it, because a) I like the game so much, and b ) if it works I can help others find a way of being able to play, because Bethesda sure as hell don't give a damn. And yeah, it's great to know that Obsidian will be making New Vegas, maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel after all.

I just don't get how Bethesda staff can be so ignorant though, if there's one thing that drives me mad it's ignorant people. <_<
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:42 am

Not sure if they're ignorant since Gstaff at least reads these boards and is aware of all the threads, but I believe they just don't care. They've finished their DLC and run for the hills :P. Then again, they might not know, which I think is far worse since it means they don't care to even read these boards. Really all speculation here, because gamesas never provides substantive communication in regards to problems and issues with us on here, or their webpage, or blog, or interviews. :sad:
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:02 pm

Just wanted to let everyone know that I found a perment fix for all of the lag and freezing and locking up of the PS3. I traded it in today along with Oblivion, I am washing my hands clean of Bethesda games. I will never buy another game from Bethesda!!!! Sure their storys are great, but when it comes to the quailty of their work and standing behind their products. Its some of the worst in the business!!! Fallout 3 GOTY has been out over a month now and they havent so much as even said "ya theres a problem were working on it." Instead they would rather pretend were not here and ignore us. I have called their call center 3 times and the 3rd time they gave me a line of BS making me think that a patch was comming. All I have to say is good luck Bethesda you burned a lot of bridges. Lets see how many copies you sell for your next game!
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:25 pm

All I have to say is good luck Bethesda you burned a lot of bridges. Lets see how many copies you sell for your next game!

Totally agreed. If the sales figures are the same (not for New Vegas as it's Obsidian, but for an actual Beth made one.) I'll lose faith in the games buying public, maybe forever.

Hahaha! They'll probably sell 10-20% less but fix the figures to cover their asses!

Oh and how do the biggest games sites hardly even comment on how utterly broken the GOTY is? The games industry, to me, is a seriously dodgy place. There must be quite a bit of behind the scenes hushing and dealing going on. Hopefully someone with some balls will spill the beans on that one at somepoint in the future aswell. I mean think about it. How much money is going around in the industry nowadays? It's worth a lot to make that product appear as good as possible, and some people will have a lot of influence.

IGN for starters. Owned by Rupert Murdoch? That says it all doesn't it?
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:38 pm

Does anyone else think it's hilarious that the moderators keep locking threads because they claim we don't ask clear and concise questions, and yet this thread couldn't be MORE clear?

I put it to you moderators, a clear and concise friendly question has been asked, please answer the question...

"Will there be a patch for PS3 GOTY?"

I agree. I'm sure they have something in the works and will post about it once it reaches the final stages of testing.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:30 pm

yay a post to complain on that isn't locked. I would also like to know if there will be a patch, but i doubt Bethesda will get off their asses to do anything. Thanks for stealing $50 of mine.
I've also sent several e-mails to Bethesda's customer support but haven't gotten responses to ANY of them. Thanks for leaving me in the wind guys.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:31 am

yay a post to complain on that isn't locked. I would also like to know if there will be a patch, but i doubt Bethesda will get off their asses to do anything. Thanks for stealing $50 of mine.
I've also sent several e-mails to Bethesda's customer support but haven't gotten responses to ANY of them. Thanks for leaving me in the wind guys.

The Canadians got their fix, but it seems we've been left out in the cold.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:08 pm

Even with all the bugs in F3/F3GOTY, I'll be buying New Vegas on Day 1, and so will most of you. I imagine some more experience with the platform will make the port a little easier the 2nd time around.

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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:10 pm

New Vegas is being developed by Obsidian Entertainment.

The Canadians got their fix, but it seems we've been left out in the cold.
If anything, now they're in the same boat as the rest of the GOTY players. For those that didn't want to start a new game, they never even got to play. At any rate, it's good to know that they can load their saves. Although I still think it was a waste of developer resources to work on this issue rather than actual bugs/glitches since it could have easily been fixed by somehow getting the US version to Canada stores, but that's a different topic.

More on topic, if you guys haven't already, send in online support forms and emails to, too. It's unofficial support here.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:47 pm

I am definitely not buying any more games developed by Bethesda until they get their [censored] together, but I might get New Vegas since it only being published by them. I'll wait to see the reviews and if there's no massive bugs, It will be Fallout galore for me.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:27 pm

Byebye Bethesda, Hello Bioware and whoever emerges as Bethesda's biggest competition, just to piss them off.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:19 pm

IGN for starters. Owned by Rupert Murdoch? That says it all doesn't it?

I doubt it. It's more like how interviews with "big movie stars" are handled. If you go and trash
a major release related to Fallout 3, you are not going to get to see the pre-release of Fallout New Vegas, etc.
You NEVER see a movie star interviewed getting tough questions, right (aside from Howard Stern :-) ).
It's how it works. Sad, but true. There's no large conspiracy. Rupert Murdoch is not collaborating
with Bethesda, George W. Bush, and Karl Rove to hide dark secrets of Fallout 3 from the world!!!

Moreover, (and more realistically) the problems we see happen deep into the game. A person reviewing the
game, especially AFTER they've already played Fallout 3 with DLC and probably tasked with reviewing tons of games
for the upcoming holiday season, isn't going to rededicate the time to review what is essentially the same thing.

What is making me angry is the lack of acknowledgment on Bethesda's part. Seriously, if they were
hellbent on fixing this problem, they'd be asking us to submit game save files and the like. While Fallout 3
was a smash hit, any subsequent Fallout games released with glitches/freezing like this will see a sales decline.
When Atari started releasing crap to the public like E.T. and Pac Man in the 80s, people quit buying
games in general mainly due to lack of quality despite the big license. Atari was a juggernaut at the time and
was decimated in under 2 years. I really hope Bethesda fixes the problems they have since it's easier
to fall to the bottom regardless of what IP you own. Sure you make a lot of money now, but isn't it nicer to
continue raking in the big bucks with quality releases over a period of years instead of a single quarter!?!?!?
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:32 pm

[ . . . ]
Seriously, if they were hellbent on fixing this problem, they'd be asking us to submit game save files and the like.
[ . . . ]

That same idea was brought up early on right after release of the original Fallout 3.
What Bethesda should do is get people to send in their Save files along with a list, documenting PS3 specs and faults. Having access to our save files would have to make it easier for them, surely?

Gstaff then replied,
We've actually been doing just that when we come across issues we can't replicate on our own. Typically I send along a PM.

We're still working on issues you guys are reporting....thanks for your patience.

Has anyone been getting PMs from Gstaff recently? I haven't heard any forum members acknowledging any PMs about sending saves, and there certainly hasn't been any "working on issues being reported" post by gamesas since the GOTY came out. It's been all about the Canada save game issue.

If anyone is getting any PMs about sending in saves to gamesas, please post.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:13 am

I work in software development (QA) for 8 years and it probably does make a difference to Bethesda depending on how many people report the problem, and also how much detail can be gathered. It's not like companies don't want to fix the bugs, but money, scheduling, resources and a host of other issues make this a cumbersome process. Ranting and being discourteous won't help get bugs fixed. Just record your vote that the product needs to be fixed, why it is a big problem for you, and the details of your environment so it can help them diagnose the problems. If enough people do this there's a good chance for a patch.
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:13 pm

come on guys, you guys are obviously going to buy the next bethesda title....

just do not buy it for the PS3. I'm building a new computer for Mass Effect 2, hopefully it will last until the next Bethesda title, but definitely not Fallout 4. :P

it's too bad the PS3 just get's hit hard by too many companies being too lazy to code for the PS3... although, i can't totally blame them considering the PS3 delivers half the amount of software sales of the 360. But Bethesda seems to be considerably against coding for the PS3! case in point Fallout 3. It's the absolute worst experience compared to the 360 PC concerning DLC.. pre DLC it was a bit better.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:40 am

come on guys, you guys are obviously going to buy the next bethesda title....

not really no I'm done with bethesda
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:02 pm

it's too bad the PS3 just get's hit hard by too many companies being too lazy to code for the PS3... although, i can't totally blame them considering the PS3 delivers half the amount of software sales of the 360.

Normally I would agree, but it seems that all consoles as well as the PC are sharing the same fundamental problem. It seems more like
a generic programming error than a console specific bug.

As far as PS3 sales go, that's going to change as the PS3 comes down in price. I don't have a dog in the "Sony/Xbox" battles as
I have both (as well as a PC), but as far as I can tell, the PS3 is a lot more futureproofed than the Xbox360 ... given the economic
climate, I doubt any company is going to risk billions on yet another hardware platform.

I could see Microsoft making a new Xbox console where the current 360 merely gets more memory and undergoes a process shrink
for higher clock speeds. Tack on a BlueRay drive and you got a nice system there at minimal development cost. But now I realized
I am getting way off topic here :-)!

I just really hope Bethesda resolves this issue somehow :-)!
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:28 pm

come on guys, you guys are obviously going to buy the next bethesda title....

just do not buy it for the PS3. I'm building a new computer for Mass Effect 2, hopefully it will last until the next Bethesda title, but definitely not Fallout 4. :P

it's too bad the PS3 just get's hit hard by too many companies being too lazy to code for the PS3... although, i can't totally blame them considering the PS3 delivers half the amount of software sales of the 360. But Bethesda seems to be considerably against coding for the PS3! case in point Fallout 3. It's the absolute worst experience compared to the 360 PC concerning DLC.. pre DLC it was a bit better.

The Elder Scrolls ran great on PS3. Is it too much to ask for a game that at least plays? Or allows us to play all the content we paided for?
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:47 pm

Elder Scrolls was ported to PS3 by 4J Studios. Fallout 3 is the first game that gamesas worked entirely on for PS3, and I think it shows. I don't think it helped that PS3 had at least a year less of development than 360. But like I said before, please send in support forms through and emails to
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Bee Baby
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:49 pm

I've read a lot of theories on these boards as to why the crashes happen but I'm not sure any of them hold water. Bethesda should be able to duplicate this issue just by playing the game.

I sent the following to them via that link:

Fallout 3 has begun hard crashing my PS3. The entire machine has to shut off. This started after about 40 hours of game play. I have a brand new ps3 and GOTY edition, fresh install. I've never played the vanilla version. I'd appreciate if you patch this issue. I work in software QA myself and from my 10 years of experience any bug that completely crashes the machine should be a showstopper. It should be fixed ASAP. Thanks for reading, I love the game please fix it.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:20 pm

Hunted down and joined this forum specifically because of the broken nature of the Game of the Year Edition. Yeesh, where to begin? Bugs, glitches, frame rate chugs, outright freezing... I've put in nearly 100 hours on the vanilla release with about the same level of trouble as I got from the Game of the Year Edition of Oblivion, but the Game of the Year Edition of Fallout 3 is a psychotic mess in comparison. I've tried all the "tricks" posted by others elsewhere on the Internet, and nothing seems to work. I've had more issues with freezing in the last two days then I've had since I purchased the vanilla release.

I've contact Bethesda via two different contact methods, voicing my displeasure and letting them know that if this game isn't sorted out, I'll be giving further Bethesda titles a wide berth. It'll be painful missing Fallout: New Vegas and WET, but the state of the GOTY Edition of Fallout 3 is inexcusable.

come on guys, you guys are obviously going to buy the next bethesda title....

No, I really won't be. I don't have the money to waste on a company that doesn't care about fixing their broken titles. I'm not building a brand new PC just to play a handful of Bethesda titles.
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