Its sad that only a small proportion of the User base ever looked at this video,
"An in-depth conversation about the modding scene [strong language]" by TotalBiscuit, The Cynacal Brit
Are you really really really sure that everyone is for free mods?
Totally 100% sure?
No one here has yet to prove to me that we actually should get mods 100% free or otherwise.
Not one of you has made an effort to condone your behavior either in regards to how you speak of mod authors, which is loathing really its just aweful hate mongering when you get down to it.
Have any of you read what you wrote and then imagined giving 3 months of your life to create toys and give them out to the world for free.
How many of you have even done that?
Woke up and spent every minute of every day for 2-3 months straight on a mod?
How many?
Mod Authors and Mod Users are different people.
All I've seen is people going to great lengths to prove how entitled they are to free mods. Willing to throw people all into the same bracket with blanket statements about mods. How many of you would be willing to throw me physically under a bus for free mods?
Have any of you even thought about how sick of seeing these threads that we mod authors are?
We give our all to get noticed by companies like BSG and here we are we would have had an opportunity to potentially reap some reward from our efforts.
But hey here almost a whole year later gotta read some thread where the mod author bashing just wow its so out of hand and everywhere.