BethesdaZenimax, do you want paid mods for Fallout 4?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:06 am

I install mods to spend 20 hours to make them work together, not to play them for 3 hours.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:58 am

I liken this to Android OS modding. They've been running on donation system for eyars and it has worked out plenty well for them. Still keeps modders motivated to continue and goes directly to them, not Google (in Fallout's case, Bethesda). There would be an extreme amount of backlash if Google forced users to pay for new kernels and roms and such.

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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:10 pm

What? Mods won't be included in the Season Pass only official Bethesda Game Studios developed DLC's and Expansion Packs. And no I do not want to see paid mods come into existence again.

Donations are the only form of payment options I'm ok with for PC gamers who are modders to earn money.

Or Bethesda Game Studios can just hire the most popular and talented PC gamers who are modders.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:19 pm

If the only mods that modders got payed for, were ones Beth adopted and bug checked to run as a stand alone mod, on any game system your right of appeal would be to Beth if you can prove the mod was yours then any payments would be made to you alone.

All private mods must be free, the pay wall must be behind Beth's seal of approval and bug testing. The fact someone steals your idea to make a new private mod, that gets made into a payed mod, Beth adopts would show you as a % provider so if 4 people work together to make a great mod then you all get payed based of the % of code that was your work. This encourages better mods and rewards even small mods that get adopted into a bigger mod pack.
It would be up to Beth to adjudicate the % before putting it on sale.

But as others have said, a lot of the mods are worthless, so I would only pay for properly integrated and bug tested mods with a Beth seal of approval.

It would not be hard for Beth to see who was the first uploaded of a mod and any darivitives of it, that get released after shouldn't be hard to spot.
So it's a bit like registering an idea be the first to upload a mod, makes you the idea holder. So if it gets adopted in part or full into a Beth payed for mod you get your due......

Now that's an ideal world what we get may be far from that my guess is their will be no payed for mods, which is a pity as some are great, and if their was a financial incentive to come up with creative and fun mods we may end up with more great mods in the long run.

On a side note mods that do get the Beth treatment into a payed mod would also still be available for free but only in the form the original modder uploaded, no bug testing..... No Beth seal of approval. So if you want the hassle free mod you pay, if you want it for free you can but you have to deal with all the problems they often come with. This way the free system stays but modders can get some cash from anyone wanting the hassle free experience. And Beth have to earn there share of the money they get by bug testing them...
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:09 am

I voted no, basically because I want things for free.

But this is a tricky vote. Being honest, when I see mods like 4GB, Mission Mojave, Stutter Remover, OneTweak and NVAC I want to have them anyway. Even if they are paid. And paying for them, I abdicate the single efficient way of protest. One made with the Wallet.

Anyway, forever free (I hope haha)

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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:31 pm

It's a lot of fun to make mods and share them with others. Even if just a few people try the mod, it's a cool feeling. Whether there is a marketplace or not, I can't wait to start digging around in the CK and make something new for Fallout 4.

If they ever work out a way for us to sell mods to other players, however, then I would spend a hell of a lot more time making them. Probably try to develop more ambitious projects as well.

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Trey Johnson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:28 am

That's funny to read after looking at your avatar. XD

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phillip crookes
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:37 pm

Your right on all counts
And all private mods released should be free.
People releasing them should know the score, only a small % are ever worth money.
But if Beth did start adopting mods to make them available on all formats, bug testing them and making sure they run as well as their own expansions then yes their maybe should be a reward for the modder that created it,
But that does not remove the free copy the modder released for free, the pay wall would be for people wanting the hassle free experience of a fully supported mod/expansion.
So rather than blocking free mods it just offers hassle free vertions of them. Behind a pay wall that the original modder benefits from....

So you can still play new mods for free, even after Beth adopts them just not the bug test versions.
You just get the original code for free. Everyone's happy to some degree..
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:07 pm

Bethesda to charge mods, i see this as a joke and won't say yes or no to any of this. Why would they charge us to put mods in fallout 4? That would be the biggest mistake bethesda has ever made. I wouldn't buy a mod because some mods don't work well with others and i already see someone making fallout 4 mods for fallout new vegas and xre will be in fallout 4 for pc the modder has claimed on another forum. Charging people is to make less people want to buy a mod, they should be always free the only thing that happens to your mod is when you create your mod bethesda owns it. I highly disagree on this thread in general. As the future will make bethesda richer after TES 6 is announced.

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April D. F
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:28 am

This is very true. I hope they can find a way to reward modders that keeps everyone happy.

And with modding coming to all formats, which will mean Beth, Sony, and Microsoft playing together. I can see official mods being behind a pay wall and unofficial mods being free as normal. This offers the best of both systems free and payed. Free will have its normal hassles getting them running properly, but official offer hassle free vertions the modders get rewarded for, for helping create, I just hope they get a fair share, I see official mods more on the PS4 and Xbox one. As payed for content expansion is far more common, but they may come out for PC as well, but unless all official mods are also included in the Season pass I doubt they will get a lot of sales..... As players will just use the free versions, bugs and all...
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:19 am

The negative reaction to the paid mods thing was really intense. Its not just the anti-change brigade that hates everything new but buys whatever they've attached to full price anyways, I can say that if paid mods continued it would have cut heavily into Bethesda's image and goodwill towards the community. If there were still paid mods for Skyrim, we would be in the culture of pushing the most money out of players regardless of their feelings. And that would result in much less players, much less revenue down the road, and Bethesda going into a long decline.

If its ever tried again, I don't think its going to look anywhere close to how it was before. It wasn't just Bethesda it hurt, GabeN and Valve became pariahs aswell. It might be a donation button down the road on Steam Workshop, if its tried at all. I am confident to say that I don't think we'll be seeing paid mods for Bethesda games ever again.

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:22 am

The new Skyrim unofficial patch requires Heartfire, so modders owe me five bucks :trollface:

Just kidding, i automatically ignore all micropayment additions, be it DLC or mods :smile:
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:19 am

Based on our previous conversation I am not sure if you are honestly interested or just trying to pick a fight. I apologize to you for my suspicions if you are indeed just innocently curious about my mods.

I was referring to my archery combat, combat magic and sneak mods. I do not want to go off the topic here, so I will not elaborate as it was not my intention to boast. If it will ease things between us please PM IcyDeadPeople. He is a moderator here and I think he is connected to the game industry professionally in some way. He knows my history on this.

And to be clear MANY mod creator’s concepts have been incorporated into Beth games. I was just saying that moders and Bethesda have a symbiotic relationship. And as someone that spends significant time and effort making these mods (not just a mod consumer) I would have no problem with them selling “mods” if they keep ALL the money (like was done with DOOM wads many years ago). Then there would be no incentive/reason for all the bad things to happen that I fear will happen with paid mods.

But I know most people probably would strongly disagree with that idea.

IF Beth would actively oversee the mods, test them, curate them and log the mod creators THEN sell them I would agree to this as well, but after seeing their last try at paid mods I do not think they want to spend resources doing that.

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:47 am

On "Official" mods: I'm not sure Bethesda's the type to pick out user-made mods and give them an "official" stamp. They'll take hints from the modding community, and I think I've seen a dev mention some Oblivion mods that directly influenced Skyrim, but then again I've also heard Todd Howard say he's reticent to point out specific mods he looks at because he doesn't want to outright say "these are the mods we like". So I think they prefer to stay on the outside of the community.

And honestly, I look at other modding communities where money is involved and I'm realizing I actually don't like them at all. So again, I'm all for mod authors getting compensated (the ones I can depend on to maintain quality, at least), but I don't know if it's worth the downsides.

What I meant were modders who are only trying to cash in without any intent of putting out quality work. Think of all the shovelware that's bloating mobile gaming, or Steam Greenlight, but for a Bethesda mods marketplace. It would be a mess.

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Anna Watts
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:50 am

There is zero reason bethesda and the modders shouldn't make money for their efforts, bethesda for their tools and the modders for their creation there would have to be some kind of low price point, .49-3.99 seems reasonable
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:48 pm

I am for it. However, with the half butt way it was implemented it soured many folks on the idea. Honestly, if it was done right, whats not to like? Professional level dlc constantly being developed for your game? Hell I'd probably be buying a dlc still for skyrim if they released it.

What I really hated to see was the store being swamped with stuff you couldn't pay me to install. Or mods that add in a single set of armor and charge $5 for. Which wasn't entirely the modders fault, but the very low percentage the modder got for their effort.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:59 pm

This. I voted Yes. This yes is on the condition that free mods remain and that paid for mods have a strict set of guidelines, including that they were never uploaded for (free or otherwise) online before being sold to Bethesda.

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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:54 pm

Question was answered in the above post
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:05 am

Nope... However, I wouldn't mind a 'donate' option. If there is an amazing mod and I could donate directly to the modder then maybe I would. But would I pay for a simply weapon skin? No.. (I say no, but I did pay for horse armor back in the day so I'm obviously quite dumb sometimes.)

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Noraima Vega
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:24 pm

No, it's worse, it's like pay some guy for picking x garage machinery and tools to add things in a totally fine working car, things that you have no guarantee ended working at all. I am Spanish so I had to pay for something it's not even in all languages game supports and destroy the translation Bethesda did. Many modds mess with dialogue lines. One time a modd put half text like in German or similar language so I had to reinstall all again. That is why i won't never pay for any modd except is from a legal company I could reclaim.
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Anne marie
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:23 am

Yes that's a good policy Bethesda then controls quality and serve as guarantee and technical support. It's like them hired Modding community like they did with Obsidian.But Bethesda has been hiring modders since Morrowind anyway
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:32 am

I voted yes. I mean some mods I could see paying for and others not at all but it isn't my decision but the owner of the mod which is both Beth and the modder. The modder couldn't create the content without Beth and Beth wouldn't have said content without the modder. I also hate when people like the op bring up the 75-25 split without acknowledging Beth owns Fallout and have an absolute right to charge for the access to their content. I for one am happy Beth is a capitalist company looking out for their bottom line because if they weren't I wouldn't be able to play the games they make because they went out of business. If modders were actually paid for their work you would start seeing modding companies form. If the companies mods were great they could turn to Beth and get a larger percentage. IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Don't listen to the commies.

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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:52 am

The problem with being an artist in todays world is that the internet generation feels entitled to obtaining your work for free.

Starving artist all over again.

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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:19 am

Because the artist isn't allowed to choose what he/she is working on, correct?

The only source of income is making mods for a specific game. What a sad world, but that's how it is (at least in your view).

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Marta Wolko
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:01 am

No ill intentions on my behalf, mate. We can agree and disagree on certain topics, but that doesn't have to mean anything other than that =)

I tried my hand at modding for Skyrim and realized the kind of skill it takes, so I have nothing but respect for anyone who makes a fully functional and interesting mod, so I was simply asking out of curiosity. I think it's super cool for people to have their mods incorporated by Beth, so a lot of respect for that. It would definitely be an honor to have something you made being officially accepted by the game creator, and I applaud your approach on that.

I tried a lot of archery mods, so I may have used yours as well. Thank you =)

On topic, I think keeping mods free and let Beth hand pick the ones they see fit to be incorporated into the game, either for future installments, or for DLC, would be the best approach by far. That way everybody wins.

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