BethesdaZenimax, do you want paid mods for Fallout 4?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:07 am

I was about to post this then saw you posted something similar:

No, I don't want to pay for mods. I mean, who doesn't like free stuff, right!?

On the other hand if Bethesda wants to privately contract people that make add-ons to the game I'd see no problem with that. This way modders can make some money from their hard work, gain professional work experience, and Bethesda could release the mod or mods as a dlc. They could even combine several mods to release as a single dlc. It could be a great program for aspiring game designers and for Bethesda.

So, yeah. Would be cool :)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:23 am

Wow I had almost forgotten about that fiascoes. Voted no.

I definitely want people to be able to donate to modders as I do appreciate their work. I would LOVE for Bethesda to actually 'purchase' some of the better mods and incorporate them as there is a lot of work going into those and they just make the game much better. The unofficial patches some to mind. Fallout 3 Redesigned just makes the whole game look better without changing the base game at all. Etc.

But even if there was a way somehow to make the mods free from copying, I would feel like I'm getting nickled and dimed to death having to buy each and every mod I use even if they were just a few bucks apiece. I only use about 20-30 mods per game myself (though I try many more), but I know some actively use hundreds of mods. They would end up paying more for mods than they did the game itself.

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kyle pinchen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:55 am

You'll be glad to know that in a year I'm off to medical school,

If you would like to haggle me while your on the operating table I just wont do the operation.

Too be honest I find that majority of these posts that I find on forum threads on regards to this topic to be entirely just a bunch of hate mongering a-hats.

Its all about breathing in hate and exhaling more evil.

Its distasteful and you wont find many mod authors that can be bothered to speak up about how they might actually feel about this topic due to the amount of hate mongering that tends to be brewed up on threads like this one here.

So lets just go over some things that many of you haven't caught onto yet.

Nexus is not a Non-Profit Organization.

LL is not a Non-Profit

Steam is not a Non-Profit

There are no Non-for-Profit mod communites

Each of those sites does well enough.

I would like to point out that it is well known that Nexus has quite a few paid salaried employees now.

The world does not run on rainbows and fairy wishes.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:53 am

An operation isn't a mod. No one is asking you to do a mod, you cannot be a professional modder (that's called being a game developer).

EDIT: Also

Operations have not been historically free like mods have. I'm not against paying for them via donation, but to put up an unlicensed, attachment to an already existing product when you're not an official channel for the product behind a paywall makes you come across as very aggrandizing. How is your work SOOO much better than another modders that you simple MUST be paid for it? Show me the proof and I'll gladly pay for your mod, I've done it before.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:46 am

Most the artist I follow on DeviantArt have Patreon sites now, so they are getting some money now (monthly!), so things are getting better for them.

Maybe some modders should start up something like that. Make a mod or mods, support it, have supporting followers. Course that never stops someone from just copying the mod and putting it on a free site. Course artist have the same problem, though using a 'copied' mod in a single-player game means it would be unlikely you would ever be caught.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:29 pm

Look at you.

Acting like I need to prove something that has been proven since 1978 when the practice of selling modifications was already put into place in such a way that it is officially industry standard practice now.

The standard that has been in place has been 25/75 ever since 1978.

I don't have to prove a dang thing.

The industry already won that a long time ago.

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Bethany Short
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:25 am

Have you heard about universal health care? It's a setup where patients don't have to worry about, and haggle over, the price of an operation because it's already paid for.

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Becky Palmer
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:49 am

You're not part of the industry though. You're not signed by a studio, so you're an independent rogue. So industry practices don't have to apply to you, that's beauty of the indie rogue.

EDIT: Exactly none of those sites are for profit (well except steam since that's a distribution platform), but they all succeed because of willing donations not arm twisting and paywalls. You'll also note that none of the modders on Nexus are game developers, a lot have the talent and ability to, but because they're making mods they aren't really developing. If a modder made a game that was completely there's obviously they charge money for it. But an unofficial vestige? Don't hide that behind a paywall.

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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:50 pm

I'm just pointing out that I will not be attempting to make money on software.

That doesn't preclude that others want too and intend too.

The practice of these threads is to spew out hate in such a way that is quite off-putting for those that are fully capable of producing modifications that are certainly worthy of sale.

This is why I'm the only modder your going to find here attempting to put up any sort of valid counter to your dogma.

The fact is mod authors don't want to risk their reputations or deal with the hate.

I can attest and prove that I am well known, know your favorite mod authors and have produced and moved over a million downloads myself.

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:42 pm

Nexus and Darkone are not exactly in need of donation systems and in fact he will do much better if the mods remain free.

This doesn't discount the fact that the advertising makes enough to employ 15 people and pay for its server's, computers, legal needs, and much more.

Don't mistake that organization as a welfare and good will company.


Universal Healthcare is not universal across the world, nor do I advise you to put your faith in your goverments ability to provide adequate free healthcare that's really putting your life on the line as it were.

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:53 am

Judging by your attitude here it just shocks me that you don't receive more donations from appreciative fans.

Anytime a modder makes a mod the real argument begins as to who actually owns the mod, the mod maker, or the company that made the software used to make the mod ... without which there would be no mod. Shouldn't they get something? Have you read the software agreements when using the 'free' toolkit to make mods?

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:50 pm

Bethsada only owns the ESP plug.

They cannot claim the assets that the author created outside of the Creation Kit tools.

Cant see how much more obvious I can make that. Can they claim ownership of stuff made in 3DSMax don't think so, they don't even own Adobe. Can they claim stuff made in any other program, how is it that people arrive at that conclusion even???

However once it is that holds the mod's they may be able to claim the entire modification as their property and could go as far as creating TOS agreements to substantiate that claim, if they would like too anyway.

Therefore there will be issues with asset sources mod authors have used before. In the past Mod Authors were able to aquire free to use assets from a few sources as long as the product was not sold for money. People that have claim over assets like that wont want their stuff on a game like Fallout 4 however due to the fact that the question of ownership is now in the air. There is also the question of who makes money on that and it still needs to be addressed.

Either way, the modifcations like Texture packs will most likely have to be entirely made from scratch.

If your in possession of such skills and programs like myself than your really not being intelligent to give that away. The worlds fastest growth industry is software. If you have 5,000 textures that are 3D game worthy your sitting on assets that are potentially worth a lot of money as it is right now in todays market.

One of the things that really bothers me about todays people is the prevailing ideas that the only way to produce an income is to go to work for a company...? Really the whole concept of that puts a frightening image in my mind about the capacity of the upcoming generations. There is no need to work for someone else to create a meaningful income and even then how did that someone else become the boss...? The idea it just doesn't sit well with me how is it that people in todays world assume that even an education is a requirement?

You don't need an education or to go to work for someone else to develop a money making idea or a business and in fact many of the worlds most successful don't have the stamp of approval of some college or university so no idea's here on why young people have that drilled into their heads.

I've also no idea where or why people think its the job of the government or companies to ensure their wellbeing other than it must be that its different based on where you are in the world. Mainly though there is a total lack of the idea out there that well being is entirely up to the individual and not some other entity and this lack of knowledge is surprising to me.


There are currently many outlets to produce modifications, applications, and software in todays world for profit with no need to go to work for someone else or some schools stamp of approval and no certifications required so really how come people are just soo, helpless?

If Beth or any other game company wants to approach the whole thing as business per usual hey I'm fine with that as long as people realize that there are plenty of ways to skin the cat than fine. Hopefully your going to realize that the growing number of opportunities in todays world other than Bethsada are quite promising enterprises.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:19 am

Well as you have clearly pointed out, it's a complex issue.

I believe that most modders that uploaded mods on Nexus did not do it to get rich or make money. Nothing wrong if someone does of course, but the problem is there are enough people who are just satisfied with their work being appreciated by others that the ones wanting to make money just end up looking like greedy bastards. Me, I'll just use what's free and appreciate it.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:15 am

I think its fine if both approaches co-exist and in the future that may have to be the case anyway with so many competing companies and enterprises as well as those special "do it your self types" those guys are out there.

The push against all mod makers not being able to sell their work though comes off as a totally evil thing to me.

I understand that there are pieces of art in the world that no one would ever buy. Well there are certainly mod's that no one would purchase too. If the mod is worthy of a sale why should all mod authors be thrown to the fire?

It just feels like no one is defending good, honest, and hard working creative types to me.

So I just couldn't stand by and watch another thread like this develop.

I know I may have thrown my own reputation to the flames but dang someone just had to say something some of my peers their stuff really is just that amazing and entirely does deserve the chance.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:00 pm

The Nexus mods websites are free for all PC gamers to use because Dark0ne runs the Nexus mods websites from the PC gamers who donate money to keep it running.

Steam is free for all PC gamers to use because VALVe gets money from all video game development companies and video game publishing companies selling their video games on Steam. VALVe takes 30% of the profit.

So all mods should stay free forever and all PC gamers who are modders should just have a donation button if they want to earn money.

I have been making mods for PC versions of video games since 1998 with Unreal and I never see myself wanting to earn money from my mods off of PC gamers.

I or some of us are sick and tired of being nickle and dimed in video games with microtransactions and DLC's that add like 1 new weapon skin for $1 dollar (USD) or 5 new maps for $15 dollars (USD).

Here's a absolutely truthful saying and one that I think is the best saying ever.

Money begets greed, greed begets selfishness, selfishness destroys a once free spirited, resource sharing community.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:00 am

Fair enough :). But to clarify, you wouldn't assume that all, or even the majority, of modders who'd put a price on their work were trying to deliberately con people into paying for rubbish?

Also, just because a mod has a price doesn't force anyone to buy it. Same as with games, really. If there were to be paid-for mods for Fallout 4 (which, of course, we know there won't), then people can always read reviews and decide if something's worth the asking price. If people don't buy shovelware then shovelware won't be made.

And if people decide they want shovelware enough to actually pay up front for it, then that's their choice, and I suppose it's kind of nice that there's someone prepared to cater to their tastes - unless one takes the view that people shouldn't be allowed to buy rubbish even if rubbish is what they really like :D

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:31 am

No, you should not have to pay for mods. I like the idea of stressing donation though if you like a mod. I know of some mods that deserve money/donation for their work but it is difficult making that judgement beforehand.

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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:53 am

No kidding. I used to make maps for Duke Nukem 3D and Unreal Tournament. Still waiting on the royalty checks.

But personally I would feel bad even thinking of selling a mod. I made them for fun (and because I had too much time on my hands) and shared them because I thought others might like them. I'd take a donation I guess. Might get enough to buy a pizza.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:21 am

Could the donation be a pizza? :P

But yeah this is pretty much the attitude most modders I know have.

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:18 am

Just no....
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:13 am

Just no....
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Toby Green
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:49 am

I think there are plenty of hobbies out there that don't produce income. That's probably why they're called hobbies, and I think (at least that is the case for me) that most modders see this as a hobby. I have another hobby that has me working as an instructor at a non-profit organization, I don't get paid for that either, cause it's my hobby. If you were in it for the money you'd probably start a software company or go work for one or list your mods on a for-profit website. Do most mods qualify as something I'd pay for? It would certainly have to be a fairly extensive mod, if so. Basically the size of a DLC.

I have no problem with people getting paid for their mods, but I do have a problem with people thinking they can get paid for crap. If I had to pay for a mod I would want the original game developer (or an approved sub-contractor) to test and approve it as compatible.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:02 pm

Prove to me that threads such as this one are good for everyone.

That it wasn't a slanted argument to begin with.

You may as well asked would you pay for a free "anything" the answer is obvious.

No you wouldn't.

The people that said yes are likely those that produce content, related to those that do, or have an explicit interest of some sort.

The fact is that not everyone feels as you do.

Prove to me that I am beyond all doubt more greedy than the person that demands free content. In my culture children that demand another cookie are called greedy. Essentially you the users are greedy.

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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:44 pm

Prove to me that Darkone aka Robin Scott hasn't gone to great lengths to change his tune. You tube is a hop skip and jump away from this webpage you all should know where your greatest avenue's of free mods stands on this topic, get a clue isn't free.

Prove to me that the things posters say about mod authors are not damaging, biased, or inherently evil.

Prove that to me.


More to the point why is that there are those that constantly feel the need to create these hate mongering threads?

Tell me exactly why?

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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:16 am

What are you talking about? Dark0ne said when VALVe allowed paid mods into existence on the Steam Workshop, he said he made the Nexus mods website since he was 14 years old back in 2001 and that he never wanted mods to be paid for only to be free and to have a place for PC gamers and PC gamers who are modders to download mods and put up mods for free to download.

You can go read one of the news articles Robin Scott wrote about on the Nexus mods websites. It's there.

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