I agree with that !!!!!
I agree with that !!!!!
It's a Gigabte Z77X-UD5h for Intel I7 3770K. It has the coolest BIOS interface I have ever seen. If there are ANY settings I need to do int he BIOS please tell.
It seems i am running and NVIDIA card and you a RADEON. I have mine at stock and yours is OCd, unless that's the default speed.
Agreed. UEFI is the way to go. Unfortunately, I cannot offer much help with regards to an Intel-based mainboard. Below, however, is a link to a site that might offer a bit of help in understanding the huge amount of BIOS settings that are available. Although the article is about a Crosshair V, it shares the same UEFI BIOS interface as the Sabertooth series.
I am not sure if your problems have anything to do with the BIOS, though unless you have recently pushed the limits of an overclocked processor/memory/FSB. I would focus more on the Operating system itself. My own "issues" are definitely related to the latest round of updates that were released last week.
Here is a helpful thread about how to properly uninstall everything. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1381322-want-to-do-a-proper-uninstallreinstall/
Now, before you get pissed and suggest I re-read your OP, I did. You don't mention specifically deleting the folder where the inis are located (only vaguely mention that you deleted your save(files?)), so I just wanted to double check. Also, I assume this means that you have unsubscribed from Steam Workshop mods (if indeed you subscribed to any)?
Hmm, Ill give REVo installer a try, see if there are old registry entries causing an issue,
Yes, but I shouldn't be running out of memory fighting 3 or 4 people, in the middle of no where. I have no high textures on, no high res BS, nothing. I remember being able to summon 20 dragons, 50 guards and have them all fight each other, with no crashing. Yeah it would slow odwn, even slightly jerking while the dragons were coming out of me, but NEVER freezing, and NEVER crashing. This is when MODs were in Alpha stages too. When the game first came out. Something is terribly wrong here, something changed. I do things by deduction, this makes absolutely no sense, and it's driving me CRAZY i can't figure it out.
It just makes no sense, I can't see any pattern, and hint of what is going on. I can't even understand what is going on. The papyrus log tells me nothing. Windows has no errors, this is the only game doing this. my computer isn't overheating, my RAM timings are perfect, I never overclock my system. I dont' feel like damaging a 350 dollar CPU.
So what the hell else could be wrong? Why would a corrupt windows only affect one game, that makes no logical sense to me. is there anything else I can do, that could be so out of this world, make no sesne, but should try?
I am just so angry and besides myself, 7 days of pulling my hair out, HOURS trying to figure this crap out. You would start to go crazy doing the same routine over and over again with this crap. I never had to End pRocess on a program so much in my Computer career.
Edit: Let me correct, it's all freezings just freezing. I wish it would CTD do i didn't have to end the damn process all the time.
if you go on Google Search and search "Skyrim Freezing" and use the search tools to do the last month, I am NOT the only one with freezing issues. A LOT of people are having them since the latest patch.
I also got carried away and was really annoyed, thinking it was the Unofficial Patch, youll find that message ont he Nexus. But now I don't know anymore. i am lost, and tired of doing this. I stand corrected on the issue thinking it's the unofficial patch.
I give up for the night I seriously been at this since 3:30PM EST when I got home from work it is now 9:38/
So now you're using the Unofficial Patch? I don't understand...can you keep your story straight?
It doesn't sound like anything I said sunk in. It can be related to WIndows, graphics drivers, firmware, or hardware. There's no other explanation if you're testing on a fresh installation with a brand new game save and zero mods. If you really don't want to dedicate any of your time to reimage then just start by upgrading your hardware's firmware. Once that's done then use this tool to fully uninstall your current nvidia drivers https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/550192/geforce-drivers/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu-v8-0/ and then install the latest drivers.
Guess. Friggan. What. I fixed it.
There is a problem with the Z77X Motherboard and the Gigabyte GTX670 video card. A little research, since you mentioned firmware.
There is an issue when the motherboard is in Generation 3 mode for the PCI (16x) I have to run it at 8x. It works. no freezing.
I had to buy the exact MB, and Exact card that have an issue. Problem solved folks. I can't believe this. There IS a firmware update for it, I will try that. Thanks for the advice dude, sorry after doing this for seven days I kind of started getting closed off.
Edit: Nevermind, as again false alarm. God dammit.
If we go by you logic then we are both right.
I am going to try that super cleaner the above poster linked me and reinstall the drivers.