So it's been almost a year since the release of GTA: V.... For PS3 and Xbox 360. There's been much speculation but it doesn't seem at this point that GTA: V will EVER be released for PC. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed that PC gamers keep being treated like second-class citizens by game companies. We are being treated like dirt. They might as well put a big yellow star of david on our chests and let us walk in the gutter. Because that is EXACTLY how I feel. I feel betrayed. By the one company that I still had respect for. But R* had to jump the trend of leaving PC gamers out like everyone else. They even go so far as not saying that there will be no PC version leaving people with false hope. Well R* I hope you know who made you big in the first place, yes, your TRUE fans the PC gamers! I won't be buing any more titles from R*. That ship has sailed, bro, to the ends of the world.... Broski! What is the world coming to? I mean really... These are truly the dark ages of gaming. I wouldn't be surprised if PC gaming is dead all together in say 10-15 years or so. It starts with titles originally made for PC being made to PS/Xbox first and THEN being ported to PC (Bethesda I see you!) which I don't like but am OK with, then the last couple years PC titles are being more and more left out completely. SMH.
I'm sorry I just had to vent. I guess I should add some discussion value to this. What do you guys think? Do you think Rock Star is justified in what they are doing? Right, wrong, don't care? I want to mention I don't know with 100% certainty that there will be no PC title, but I'm pretty sure we would have known by now if there would be one. If there will be one I'll have to rethink every thing I just said. But what ever. Where do you think PC gaming is headed in general?