Got the download finally, Mr. Swiveller. The files are now working in my game

Thanks for the explanation, Tsetra, it makes sense to me. Strange thing anyway, to assign slots to nothing @ @
I took a few screenshots showing the most problematic files, being imperial the most of all. Gauntlets and cuirasses seems to assign empty slots, so they are not showing properly and then they come, missing arms and legs:
Iron seems to show properly on the various combinations of clothes and armor:
Bonemold has a similar problem compared to imperial, when an npc using better clothes uses the cuirass, his legs disappear.
I bought and entire bonemold set and putted it to my char in different combinations. Better clothes and custom clothes made by Plangkie (Hilgya shop 2) combines quite well with bonemold:
Bonemold/trollbone combination showing properly (no disappearing body parts nor glitches at all):
Hlaalu guard, same disappearing legs problem with cuirass:
Orcish armor, seems to show properly:
Despite the unfortunate missing body parts it's now difficult to return to the old meshes/textures. I hope this problem will be solved, other than that I can always catch the esp myself and try to delete the empty slots.
The quality ingame is astonishing, being the bonemold pauldrons my prefer?s. Metal pieces in imperial and steel are perhaps a bit bright to my taste, but the glossiness effect and the mapping are very well done, not to talk about the meshes, very nice and very well done. The bulkiness is not a problem to me because armor have been always bulky and difficult to wear, very rigid in real life statements.