Well, it rained as soon as I got in game after installing his Rain mod. I didn't notice any problem with FPS.
@Dragon32, I was wondering about that rain in this http://www.beta.fullrest.ru/~ej-12/Scrins/OTHER/SShot0%201865.jpg too. It looks like fire falling from the sky. Well, it didn't look like that in my game so its not a big deal to me...
I'd also like to comment on how awesome the glass equipment looks in game. :goodjob:
There are 6 different versions of the raindrop mesh - 5raindrop.nif will give that molten gold look.
Here's a breakdown of what textures each mesh uses:
Each of these uses a reflect environment map (_ref...), detail map (
@_Raindrop_01_dt.dds), and normal map (
raindrop.nif uses the stock Tx_raindrop_01.tga and _ref_38-4.dds; this is the default mesh used by the mod.
1 uses @_Raindrop_01.dds and _refl_RSl.dds
2 uses @_Raindrop_01.dds and _ref_38-2.dds
This uses the stock
Tx_raindrop_01.tga - no reflect, detail, or normal maps.
Each of these only uses a detail map (
4 uses @_Raindrop_01.dds
5 uses @_Raindrop_02.dds (gold raindrop)
Any one of these meshes would need to be renamed to raindrop.nif and placed in '...Data Files\Meshes' folder.
Looks like different versions are included for eventual scripted use in different regions or time of day, i.e. version 5 also uses a red palette for the material property and would probably look best at sunrise/sunset.

[edit] Corrected 3raindrop.nif description.