Here's the new guy: and (AlienSlof's Bosmer hairless skin).
The rationale for this body replacer was to improve the poly count and the awful groin shape of the Better Bodies male mesh, while trying to keep within the BB envelope to reduce the risk of clothing replacers failing on it. Since it's not a working model yet, it remains to be seen whether that's been achieved... The working title came about as the starting point was putting the BB male on a crash diet with a bum tuck, which then shifted to adding more abs musculature definition as well as a minor chest reshape. At that point I discovered Blender and realised that a doubled-poly shape would be even better, while not going overboard on triangles.
IMPORTANT: the goal here is not to make a total replacement for Better Bodies, as modifying their body shape for that would break their usage rights. This should eventually be an ESP-less mesh/texture set that you can simply swap over your existing BB install and instantly get a smoother, more ripped and more attractive body upgrade. Where it proves necessary, upgrades to Better Clothes will likely follow.
(It should also be obvious that this body shape is more suited to a young, healthy, very active and not overfed MW population. It may look a bit strange on characters expected to appear older. It wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility to mod individual NPCs with more appropriate older or fatter body shapes, even with bespoke clothing meshes just like COM adds for children. Hmmmmm, now THAT's a project... :hubbahubba: )
To do the new mesh justice, I made the decision to make a brand new texture layout so that the model could be virtually seamless. By doubling the texture height the skin now runs continuously from neck to foot, so there are no horizontal seams at all. The only tricky seams are the shoulder join (although that's almost perfect) and the hand/feet edges. I'm using AlienSlof's superb muscled skins as my base resource, which are relaid in the new configuration and then edited to match seam edges (and a little for personal taste, to remove the obtrusive veins). The awful inside leg seam is COMPLETELY gone too! You can see the seamless shoulder/wrist join result and new hand detail Only the Bosmer skin seen in the pics has been relaid so far, the other elves will be next.
The other advantage of the bigger texture layout is that there is space so that some body variety can be dialled in with just a UV change in the mesh. (So body options could be changed on the fly with a simple mesh swap, or ESPs could be made to mod individual NPCs via a change of race). The underwear version shown here uses the same texture as the nvde model, and there are three varieties of that. Four meshes, one texture. With some more work on squeezing the layout even more options might be added (tattoos or jewellery?). It may also be possible to halve the texture height back down to 1024x1024 without sacrificing too much detail, although I haven't tried that yet. It would still be better than the 512x512 BB originals. :biggrin:
I'm not apologising for only working on the male model right now. If this eventually gets finished, I may work on the female one too. However, there will likely be many more conflicting opinions on what makes a good-looking female shape than on the current project... and I guess there are a lot more skin-tight female clothing mods around that would need updating, which wouldn't really be my thing. :teehee:
So here's the catch.

I know there are some talented NifSkope and Blender artists around who will be able to put me on the right track.