Hey guys, I'm sure a lot of us who played Oblivion noticed how a lot of each of the Caves, the Mines, the Ruins, and the Forts all had looked the same. Walking through one of those you could say to yourself "Oh, I've seen this specific set-up, I've seen this broken barrel in this place before, I've seen this set of stalagmites, this cave section, mine section", etc, etc. What I'm talking about is the LIMITED number of pre-generated parts of any specific map's section, whether a cave, mine, ruin, or fort.
I fully understand however that there WERE unique interiors.
What I'd like to see (and this is where it'd get difficult from a processing and memory perspective) is more randomized and UNIQUE features that would line an interior of the said locations. I don't want to notice repetitions in different parts of an interior location.
Agree? Disagree?