Better Cities, Open Cities Reborn and advices that do not wo

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:07 am

I deactivated the two incompatible esp's, Better Benirus Manor and the Bank....

Enter stores and churches is no problem in the cities, but you'll never get out...

I now visited Bruma, Cheydinhall, Bravil and Skingrad.
All look good.
When i entered the church in skingrad to heal my willpower, i could not get out again: There are no doors in the churches. nor in the shops.
I don't use any other mods that could influense this. To me it just looks as a bug. and a consistent one.
I can reproduce it in all cities.
I can get out of some places using tcl, but if there is only a black hole, this won't work.
Beside that it is not a way to play a game...

Another thing that happened that suddenly nGCD stopped acting normal: Health and Fatigue dropped, my character dropped to the floor.
Just reloading did not work.
I deactivated and reactivated the mod again.
This messed up the whole character.
Now level 1, was 88.
All skills are the same as they were, but health and magicka are worthless now...
Does anyone know where to adjust the level again?

Active Mod Files:
00 Oblivion.esm
01 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.72]
02 Open Cities Resources.esm [Version 4.1]
03 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.34]
04 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.7b3p3]
05 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm [Version 0.9.9MB3]
06 TamrielTravellers.esm [Version 1.39c]
07 Armamentarium.esm [Version 1.35]
08 Artifacts.esm [Version 1.1]
09 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 5.0.7]
0A Progress.esm [Version 2.2]
0B Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.3.5]
0C Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
0D DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0E Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.2]
0F SM Plugin Refurbish - SI.esp [Version 1.30]
10 Oblivion Vwalk UOS.esp
11 DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk UOS.esp
12 DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS UOS.esp
13 Better Cities .esp [Version 4.7.0]
14 Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp
15 Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp
16 Natural_Weather_HDR_2.1.3_coloroverride.esp.esp
17 Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tae_CO_RD.esp
18 Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp
19 Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp
1A All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.3]
1B WindowLightingSystem.esp
1C kalikuts_raretradegoods2_0.esp
1D Enhanced Economy.esp [Version 5.4.1]
1E Dynamic Map.esp [Version 2.0]
1F Map Marker Overhaul.esp [Version 3.9.1]
20 Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp [Version 3.5]
21 DLCHorseArmor.esp
22 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]
23 SM Plugin Refurbish - HorseArmor.esp [Version 1.11]
24 DLCOrrery.esp
25 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]
26 DLCOrrery Vwalk.esp
27 SM Plugin Refurbish - Orrery.esp [Version 1.11]
28 DLCVileLair.esp
29 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]
2A SM Plugin Refurbish - VileLair.esp [Version 1.21]
2B DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
2C DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
2D DLCMehrunesRazor Vwalk UOP.esp
2E SM Plugin Refurbish - MehrunesRazor.esp [Version 1.30]
2F DLCSpellTomes.esp
30 DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
31 MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
32 TFF_Races_Base_RSM.esp
33 RTFemaleReplacerV12.esp
34 Slof's Amazon Armour.esp
35 Slof's Robe of the Dark Arts.esp
36 LevelerCheat.esp
37 NamirasEmbraceArmour.esp
38 RogueLeather.esp
39 ALE_greenglass.esp
3A TFF_Armor_Base.esp
3B TFF_Clothing_Base.esp
3C Slof's Black Unicorn.esp
3D Dude Wheres My Horse.esp
3E AncientTowers.esp
3F AncientTowers Vwalk.esp
40 Robert Female Shop.esp
41 DLCThievesDen.esp
42 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
43 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.4]
44 DLCThievesDen Vwalk UOP.esp
45 SM Plugin Refurbish - ThievesDen.esp [Version 1.30]
46 Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp
47 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.72]
48 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]
49 Cobl Tweaks.esp [Version 1.44]
4A Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
4B Cheat Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
4C Oblivion WarCry EV.esp [Version 1.09]
4D Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.34]
4E OOO-Water_Weeds.esp [Version 1.33]
4F OOO-No_Guild_Ownership.esp [Version 1.33]
50 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul Vwalk.esp
51 ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp [Version 1.35]
52 OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp [Version 1.72]
53 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]
54 Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
55 Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
56 Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
57 Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
58 Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
59 Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
5A Mart's Monster Mod - Less Rats.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
5B Mart's Monster Mod - Less Reavers.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
5C Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - LessReaversInGates.esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]
5D Mart's Monster Mod - No Swarms.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
5E Mart's Monster Mod - No Carrion Rats.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
5F Mart's Monster Mod - No Bone Loot.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
60 Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
61 Mart's Monster Mod - No Fiends.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
62 Mart's Monster Mod - No Slimes.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
63 Mart's Monster Mod - No Werewolves.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
64 Mart's Monster Mod - No Wyvern.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
65 Mart's Monster Mod - No Pests.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
66 Mart's Monster Mod - No Beholdens.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
67 Mart's Monster Mod - No Uberhulks.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
68 Mart's Monster Mod - No Skeep.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
69 Mart's Monster Mod - No Balrogs.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
6A Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Moderate Increased.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
6B Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Quest Locations.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
6C Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
6D Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
6E Mart's Monster Mod - More Passive Wildlife.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
6F Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
70 Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
71 Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
72 Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp [Version 3.7b3p3f]
73 Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
74 Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot G&GD.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
75 Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
76 TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp [Version 1.39c]
77 TamrielTravellers4OOO Vwalk.esp
78 TamrielTravellersItemsCobl.esp [Version 1.39c]
79 ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp [Version 1.39c]
7A ShiveringIsleTravellers Vwalk.esp
7B ShiveringIsleTravellersFriendlyFactions4MMM.esp [Version 1.39c]
7C ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp [Version 2.01]
7D ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp [Version 1.35]
7E OOO-WaterFish.esp [Version 1.34]
7F Artifacts.esp [Version 1.1]
80 Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp [Version 1.0]
81 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
82 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
83 SM Plugin Refurbish - Battlehorn.esp [Version 1.30]
84 DLCFrostcrag.esp
85 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
86 SM Plugin Refurbish - FrostCrag.esp [Version 1.2]
87 DLCFrostcrag Vwalk.esp
88 Knights.esp
89 Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1]
8A Knights Vwalk UOP.esp
8B SM Plugin Refurbish - Knights.esp [Version 1.06]
8C Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - Knights .esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]
8D OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp [Version 3.0]
8E xuldarkforest.esp [Version 1.0.5]
8F xulStendarrValley.esp [Version 1.2.2]
90 xulTheHeath.esp
91 MMMMWL-TheHeath patch.esp
92 XulEntiusGorge.esp
93 xulFallenleafEverglade.esp [Version 1.3.1]
94 xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp [Version 1.2.1]
95 xulChorrolHinterland.esp [Version 1.2.2]
96 xulChorrolHinterland Vwalk.esp
97 xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp [Version 1.6.4]
98 xulBravilBarrowfields.esp [Version 1.3.3]
99 xulBravilBarrowfields Vwalk.esp
9A xulLushWoodlands.esp [Version 1.3.1]
9B xulAncientYews.esp [Version 1.4.3]
9C xulAncientRedwoods.esp [Version 1.6]
9D xulCloudtopMountains.esp [Version 1.0.3]
9E xulArriusCreek.esp [Version 1.1.3]
9F xulPatch_AY_AC.esp [Version 1.1]
A0 xulRollingHills_EV_withoutWheat.esp [Version 1.3.3]
A1 MMMMWL-RollingHills patch.esp
A2 xulPantherRiver.esp
A3 xulRiverEthe.esp [Version 1.0.2]
A4 xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp [Version 1.1]
A5 xulBrenaRiverRavine Vwalk.esp
A6 xulImperialIsle.esp [Version 1.6.7]
A7 xulImperialIsle Vwalk.esp
A8 xulBlackwoodForest.esp [Version 1.1.0]
A9 xulCheydinhalFalls.esp [Version 1.0.1]
AA xulAspenWood.esp [Version 1.0.2]
AB xulAspenWood Vwalk.esp
AC xulSkingradOutskirts.esp [Version 1.0.1]
AD xulSkingradOutskirts Vwalk.esp
AE xulSnowdale.esp [Version 1.0.2]
AF xulCliffsOfAnvil.esp [Version 1.12]
B0 xulCliffsOfAnvil Vwalk.esp
B1 xulSilverfishRiverValley.esp [Version 1.0.1]
B2 Open Cities New Sheoth.esp [Version 2.0]
B3 Open Cities Outer Districts.esp [Version 4.1]
B4 Open Cities Reborn.esp [Version 1.1]
B5 Better Cities - Open Cities Reborn.esp [Version 0.3.0]
B6 Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp
B7 Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0]
B8 Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0]
B9 Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp [Version 3.0.0]
BA Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp [Version 3.0.0]
BB Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp [Version 1.0]
BC RealisticForceMedium.esp
BD RealisticMagicForceLow.esp
BE nGCD.esp
BF ProgressGSD.esp [Version 2.0]
C0 ProgressMBSP.esp [Version 2.0]
C1 ProgressSBSP.esp [Version 1.0]
C2 ProgressRBSP.esp [Version 1.0]
C3 ProgressRacial.esp
C4 ProgressArmorer.esp [Version 1.0]
C5 Immediate Character Generation.esp
C6 Level_Rates_Modified_x2.esp
C7 TFF_Races_Base.esp
C8 Cobl Races.esp [Version 1.52]
C9 bgBalancingEVCore.esp [Version 10.52EV-D]
CA Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
CB Slof's Better Bodies.esp
CC bgBalancingEVOptionalClasses.esp [Version 9.0EV-U]
CD bgBalancingEVOptionalMoreEyes.esp [Version 10]
CE bgBalancingEVOptionalNPCDiversity, TNR Merge Better Redguards.esp [Version 10.0EV-D]
CF Cobl Races - Balanced.esp [Version 1.52]
D0 Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp [Version 4.7.0]
D1 Better Cities IC Arboretum.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D2 Better Cities IC Arena.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D3 Better Cities IC Elven Gardens.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D4 Better Cities IC Green Emperor Way.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D5 Better Cities IC Market.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D6 Better Cities IC Talos Plaza.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D7 Better Cities IC Temple.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D8 Better Cities IC Waterfront.esp [Version 5.0.0]
D9 Better Cities Resources Vwalk.esp
DA Disable Tutorial Text.esp
DB [GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.esp
DC Visually Enchanted SoulTrap 1.esp
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Olga Xx
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:03 am

I now visited Bruma, Cheydinhall, Bravil and Skingrad.
All look good.
When i entered the church in skingrad to heal my willpower, i could not get out again: There are no doors in the churches. nor in the shops.
I don't use any other mods that could influense this. To me it just looks as a bug. and a consistent one.
I can reproduce it in all cities.
I can get out of some places using tcl, but if there is only a black hole, this won't work.
Beside that it is not a way to play a game...

That's definitely not right, but I can guarantee you it isn't an issue generated by OCR since OCR doesn't disable interior doors on anything.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 11:48 pm

That's definitely not right, but I can guarantee you it isn't an issue generated by OCR since OCR doesn't disable interior doors on anything.

Ofcourse it is not OCR.
If it was, you would have heard something about it already..
If only i knew what to do about it..
The game cannot be played if one cannot get out of a cell, once got in...
So i hope i find the cause, and the solution to it.

Because i realy like how the layout for fire and steel in chorrol is now.
Overall layout as far as i checked akready makes absolutely more sense now, more mature, more real.
Good job realy...
That is why i am determined to get it going the right way: i want to keep this setting ingame.

Thanks for replying,


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Lori Joe
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:44 am

For my game I installed last week with Open Cities Reborn I just installed the Open Cities Reborn mod. This works. Why install Better Cities also?
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:37 am

For my game I installed last week with Open Cities Reborn I just installed the Open Cities Reborn mod. This works. Why install Better Cities also?

You think it could be caused by that?
You could be right about that, i will look into that, thanks for the hint.. ;-p

Why install...well, mostly b'cause i like IC better cities more, i never liked the old market district, and the mod with the trees and horses was too village like, not like a major city, so...
Is there a way to get the IC like BC, using OCR only, than there would be no reason to install them both, actualy...
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:48 am

You think it could be caused by that?
You could be right about that, i will look into that, thanks for the hint.. ;-p

Why install...well, mostly b'cause i like IC better cities more, i never liked the old market district, and the mod with the trees and horses was too village like, not like a major city, so...
Is there a way to get the IC like BC, using OCR only, than there would be no reason to install them both, actualy...

I think you can:
Install better Cities the Imperial City only choosing individual options to exclude Arcane University and Prison District as OCR opens those.

Then install OCR full as it does not toudh the IC except for Prison and Arcane University.

That should do it.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 6:19 pm

I think you can:
Install better Cities the Imperial City only choosing individual options to exclude Arcane University and Prison District as OCR opens those.

Then install OCR full as it does not toudh the IC except for Prison and Arcane University.

That should do it.

Well, actualy i thought i have done it that way..... but will try over again.....

[Edit] I now have installed: Better Cities for OCR 0.3, Better Cities Permanent Resources 4.9.0, Better Cities Resources 5.0.0, Open Cities Reborn.
[Edit] Just reinstalled BC, it is not possible to only install IC.

(eh.. you do not by the way know what file nGCD uses to set the lvl of th pc? I dropped level from thought it was 88, but was 91 to 1,
Skills are high still, but Health, Mana, and Fatigue are worthless now...)
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:52 am

I already explained in detail exactly what you need to use OCR and BC together. If you don't do it the way I said, it won't work. BC is NOT causing doors in the cities to disappear when used with OCR.

However, if you did not follow my earlier advice not to use saves made during mod testing, and if you previously installed Better Cities, toggled the cities to be open, then saved the game and uninstalled Better Cities again without toggling the cities closed again (readme does state you must toggle them closed before uninstalling), and then installed OCR and continued from that save, THEN you may find various interior doors are missing. However this is not caused by BC as neither the BC ESM nor the BC OCR patch touch any vanilla doors; but rather by not following instructions before uninstalling BC.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:29 am

I already explained in detail exactly what you need to use OCR and BC together. If you don't do it the way I said, it won't work. BC is NOT causing doors in the cities to disappear when used with OCR.

I do not blame any mod, or modder, or anyone else who tries to help me...
It will be my ignorance, or lack of brain to understand how to exactly do things the right way...

What i did just now:

Copied only the compatible IC esp's into my \Data\*.* folder,
Copied the BC PR, and BC R 5.0 into \Data\*.*
Activated BC for OCR
Ran BOSS, Handplaced the unrecognised mods, activated Esm's/p's

However, if you did not follow my earlier advice not to use saves made during mod testing, and if you previously installed Better Cities, toggled the cities to be open, then saved the game and uninstalled Better Cities again without toggling the cities closed again (readme does state you must toggle them closed before uninstalling), and then installed OCR and continued from that save, THEN you may find various interior doors are missing. However this is not caused by BC as neither the BC ESM nor the BC OCR patch touch any vanilla doors; but rather by not following instructions before uninstalling BC.

I made several new saves yesterday, in several places to serve as testsaves.
Today i uninstalled BC, to see if OCR would function without it.
The doors stayed gone.
Probably caused by something i had to do, but did not...

Is there no way to fix this again?

But i do not understand what 'toggle open or closed again' means, so i did not do that.
I know i may sound stupid, but i realy try to understand here, so maybe it is possible to explain, what exactly i have to do?
I know i have to 'switch' something on and off, but not what exactly, i know it may seem obvious to you, but to me it does not.

Isn't it possible to go to another place, outside the cities, and save there, and than do the toggling afterwards, and then uninstall or install?
I can not deactivate them in WB, and then remove the esp's from the \Data\*.* dir?
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:39 am

In Better Cities there is the option to make cities open or closed. This is what you want to toggle to closed before removing Better Cities.

So if possible, get your installation back to before you went with OCR and had BC installed, see if all is OK, toggle the Cities to closed, and then remove Better Cities. From there make sure all is OK with vanilla before proceeding further.

Basically, get the game back to where it was OK before trying the OCR again.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:35 am

This sounds perfectly sane to me, as it occured to me also, after i dug into the readme, and started a new game... in my cell i was confronted with a choice: Imperial City or exit.
This was the BC menu.
I opened my journal and saw the manual for to startquest bbcmenu.
At that moment i remembered i had choosen to open the cities with the form presented to me....

I did not expect all these things to happen when installing OCR, and forgot all about the 'toggeling'....
Then all kinda things happenend which had nothing to do with my question, but with my modlist.

The nice tips i got leaded up to a more stable game, with less lag.
When i am done BC--OCR'ing, and all is cool again, i will solve the uFCOM issue, throw away some mods i donot use anyway, and get going again...

I have six characters running around, in various levels, all playing the game differently...
I remember i had 5000 gp in the bank, but not with which character (lol.) i have to pick it up in vanilla before changing to BC IC.

And then i will build my bashed patch, and along the way try to find out how to install with bash...
In the long run i will not escape that road, as i want to expand my modlist further than it is now...

I know what to do, so i am at it.

Thanks for the thumbs up, and i'll report back later....


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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:39 am

Got my fingers crossed for you. Sounds like a plan and good luc until we hear from you again :)

P.S. Read thoese readmes :)
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 6:38 pm

Got my fingers crossed for you. Sounds like a plan and good luc until we hear from you again :)

P.S. Read thoese readmes :)

Thanx, that helped!
All cities are Better Cities now.... (and most important: the doors are doors again,,(instead of black holes) :)

And indeed: RTFM!

Now i am halfway there i guess....
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des lynam
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:21 am

Just thought about it but if you have money in the bank make sure you take it out before removing Better Cities if you do. :) I rely on the banks to make me some money.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:51 am

Just thought about it but if you have money in the bank make sure you take it out before removing Better Cities if you do. :) I rely on the banks to make me some money.


yeah, well, i had the bank installed before BC, so i expect the money still to be there, with interest ofcourse... (hope worldcrisis didn't affect IC, on the otherhand, Gold has been proven to be the best investment, so i expect to get a nice interest.. (lol..)

BC is uninstalled, i checked everything, all doors are present.
OCR is installed, and everything is as it should be.
Anvil is ok. Very much more a harbourtown than before...
(Roberts Female shop is not compatible, the location is now in the wall.)
I checked Benirus manor, which was turned back to the old style, but still found my cabot full of stuff, luckily!
More than 11.000gp of weapons and armor loot was stacked there...i was afraid i had lost it in the process..

It is very nice to see al these different Cities from a horseback!
This is realy a very Great Improvement! Thanks Arthmoor, and those who helped him...

Very nice distinction between the pallisades and walls, high and low, or natural protection, like bravil... It is a little too clean in my opinion compared with BC.
I realy liked bravil that way, reminded me of home (lol)

I don't know if it is difficult, but i would not mind a choice between a gore bravil or a clean one...
(i did not check out Mud&Blood yet, does that make Bravil more gore?)

Chorrol is one of my favorites now, much much better layout.

I think the problem is solved now, so it is time to move on...

Lesson learned: Always close the cities, before uninstalling BC!

I thank all those who had the patience to take the trouble to point me in the right directions: Thanks again,

(i will probably be back with another problem someday....)
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:43 am

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:21 pm

And now you can put the BC OCR patch back in again! Yes, Blood & Mud will make Bravil dirtier and slightly gorier.
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 6:33 pm

And now you can put the BC OCR patch back in again! Yes, Blood & Mud will make Bravil dirtier and slightly gorier.

Yep, that is what i planned to do, after taking all my savegames to this level first...
Than Mud&Blood will be on my list. I can allways replace the plugin, i guess.

I realy appreciate the help i get around here, and must confess that i realy start to feel at home here...
In my days i studied at the Royal, free academy of arts in s'Hertogenbosch, about 39 years ago.. modders are artists too.
I hope you're not thinking i am too old for this bizz. My mother was 83 when she got on the internet... she died a few years ago, a week before her 91 birthday...
My youngest son graduated at the Academy of Game Architecture and Design in Breda, this summer and now has a Bachelor at gameprogramming...
Not that it is interesting, or important, but at least you get some background from someone you helped...

Live free, die well..
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megan gleeson
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:32 am

Doors Issue, and saves that werent used during the process...

The 'Doors' thing, is more serious than i expected, in fact, there is only one character i can still use, ti, the doors are no issue there...
But all my other characters can enter any building, but cannot get out.
Some of them werent used during the process, but they are still affected by the 'black hole' thing...

Only one character does not suffer from this annoying side-effect.

The one character that works, has been used to make clean saves to 'close the cities' before uninstalling BC..
The other ones werent used in that process..
Would that mean that i have to repeat the whole procedure on every character seperately, if i ever want to use it again?
Or would only the character that i last made a clean save with, be able to be used?
I guess i will have to try it myself if i want to find out, as i understand that nobody has experienced this before,
or might there possibly be another, less timerobbing, way to 'clean' the saves?

I mean: How can a condition that is not right exist, next to one that is right in the same game?
There must be something different in that one save, that works correctly, and all the others that do not?
Is it not possible to change just that in all saves, without all the fuss?

Is it a good idea to implement total character importing in WB?

I do not want to start over with every character.
WB does not offer a way to import all properties from a character..
Perhaps it would not be a bad idea, to extend the importing to the whole character.
That way, one could start a new game, use the mod to skip the starters dungeon, and import his/her old character at the sewers.

I am sure i am not the only one who does not know anything about any mod, and i am surely not the only one that messes up his game while not intentionaly doing the wrong things..
Maybe for those guys, that like to play the game more, than use days trying to correct their mistakes....a way to import a whole character could be implemented?
Unless i am wrong, and a new character, from a new game, still would inherit this unwanted behaviour...

Does anyone know how to diff the saves, to find out what exactly causes this?

Unless there is somebody that knows how to 'read' and 'edit' the saves, i guess i have to find the answers to these questions on my own.
If getting answers from helpfull people or not, i will report my experiences here...


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danni Marchant
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 7:49 pm

I do not think there is a utility to edit saves. However, you have an option I think, one I used once.

Make a backup of your entire install. If you use BAIN then that makes it easier when you start removing mods. You can also save the active mod list in Wrye Bash.

Now get to a character save you want to save. Get rid of any mod added content from their inventory (you will lose it when you remove those mods). Turn everything into gold as that should stay with you. Start disabling mods and savind, doing load, remove more mods, until you get a save where the charactes is only with the base mods you ALWAYS use (except weather mods, that was my worst problem). Make that a clean save for the character and copy somewhere for reference.

Now, whatever game you have, I would think the character would load because he always has the same mods that are in every game.

You may have a leveling issue but that should work out in a new game. ALOT of work but may be worth it for you.

And to the other question about the broken characters and Better Cities/OCR, yes you would have to repeat the fix for all of them as the stuff is stored in the savegame.

Unless someone knows of a utility or a better way, I think this is the only option.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:18 am

I realy appreciate the help i get around here, and must confess that i realy start to feel at home here...
In my days i studied at the Royal, free academy of arts in s'Hertogenbosch, about 39 years ago.. modders are artists too.
I hope you're not thinking i am too old for this bizz. My mother was 83 when she got on the internet... she died a few years ago, a week before her 91 birthday...
My youngest son graduated at the Academy of Game Architecture and Design in Breda, this summer and now has a Bachelor at gameprogramming...
Not that it is interesting, or important, but at least you get some background from someone you helped...

Some time back there was a site for old timers like us about Oblivion. Lost track of it. But things are good on these forums also so no worries if you need help. Fortunately, gaming is not one of those things that you evantually need viagra for :) :foodndrink:
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:22 am

Some time back there was a site for old timers like us about Oblivion. Lost track of it. But things are good on these forums also so no worries if you need help. Fortunately, gaming is not one of those things that you evantually need viagra for :) :foodndrink:

Lol, '56 is my birthyear. But i am not feeling very old, like ancient...

Quite a heap of work you described back there!
[Edit]But that way one could realy save a character without inheritance: Good thinking...

I will chew on it for a while, and then decide what to do...
I have searched for some alternative startermods, i get bored by the same tutorial every time..
Found these:

Have not tried them yet..

Cheers!, nice to share a drink together... :foodndrink:

Thanks for the reply..


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lydia nekongo
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 1:12 am

Doors Issue, and saves that werent used during the process...

Does anyone know how to diff the saves, to find out what exactly causes this?[/b][/color]
You'll have to go through the same process for each character, they are all affected as they once had BC installed.

To diff, in Bash Saves tab, right click on a save and select Diff Masters. Which will probably tell you what you know, you uninstalled BC.

One of the best Alt Start mods out there (IMO) -
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kitten maciver
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:27 am

Doors Issue, and saves that werent used during the process...

The 'Doors' thing, is more serious than i expected, in fact, there is only one character i can still use, ti, the doors are no issue there...
But all my other characters can enter any building, but cannot get out.
Some of them werent used during the process, but they are still affected by the 'black hole' thing...

You have a very messy way of testing mods. If you've gone and saved changes into multiple characters with BC installed and open cities toggled on, then yes you now need to reinstall BC and toggle those cities all closed again for every character. You really need to stop playing with every character you have while testing new mods. Just use one character (preferably a new one created purely for testing new mods) and then you can delete that character once you're happy with your load order.
If you have saves for your characters from before you tested BC, you could load those instead of the latest ones.
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candice keenan
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 7:23 pm

Alternative beginnings by Arthmoor is the best I have see with best options.

Also, if you are interested in bypassing the main quest (got old for me after the 3rd time) I have a mod that does it and works great. My usual start of a game is:
Start new game
Alternative Begginings in IC house
Do the task to have the main quest completed (involves picking up an orb in Tiber Septim Hotel.
Play the game mods I installed.

Your an old fart BTW, I was born in '62, still young and kicking. Now time for nap. :snoring:
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Elea Rossi
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