Well, thank you for understanding! I really did think I was being clear

I did too, but.... :shrug:
Back to the topic - what I'm hoping for is, first, multiple skeletons. Not just male and female, but different skeletons at least for the beast races and the human/mer races. They should be more differentiated than they were in Oblivion, in which the beast races, to me, just looked like people in Halloween costumes. Then I'd like to see a set of sliders similar to the ones in chargen in Oblivion that would adjust body proportions. At least - one for overall height, one for overall breadth, then a number of them for, for instance, shoulders, chest, stomach, hips and legs, adjusting both the length and the breadth. And probably one sort of like the forehead/nose/chin slider in Oblivion that would adjust torso/waist/legs, to make a character overall long bodied and short-legged or short-bodied and long-legged or anything in between.
The problem with all of that though, even beyond simply impementing it alone, is that then all the clothing and armor in the game would have to dynamically scale to the proportions of your character. That's easy enough to do the way that Oblivion did it - by scaling everything equally by height and breadth - but it would be considerably more difficult to do it within each piece - to make the shoulders broader, the torso longer and the hips narrower, for instance. It could be done, but it would require some very carefully designed and complex meshes (or a limited range of adjustments and multiple meshes to match them) and overhead to keep track of it all.
We'll just have to see what they do. At the very least, I expect some more body variation than there was in Oblivion. I'd like to see a system as complex as the one I just outlined (or even more so) but I don't particularly expect it. But I see absolutely no excuse for not adding at least some more variation and customization.