Better female characters

Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:28 am

May you always walk on warm sand, yes it was beautiful.

However many years later I was on tropical island with a beach of black sand from volcanoes and understood that she was cursing me. Actually it was the second thing who was in my mind after dammed this is hot.

So, the phrase has the same meaning as "May the luck of the Irish be with you?"
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:54 pm

I'm really hoping that they make the female options for the characters better this time around. Though some people compliment the body types of the girl characters, I find them....strange. For example, depending on if you're a Breton or Imperial or Wood Elf for men, you see a slight difference. The Breton men are more slender, less warrior-type. For females, unless the differences are super subtle to the point you can't really tell the difference, you get one basic, almost too masculine female body. I wish there was a little bit of difference; if I'm making a mage female, I'd like someone more slender seeing as a mage wouldn't need to be built to wield a sword (unless it's a battlemage but this is just for argument's sake)

I'm not looking for a fembot, just a bit more variety :D

Any thoughts for women?

Edit: I guess I'll edit to say that I'm not saying anything about classes in the new game. In the old games, you were limited to body type by your race. In the new game, I want more control of body and face. Nothing about classes.

Agreement here. I play as a Dark Elf girl, and it's a little unnerving that the shoulders are too broad, and the briasts are size A. I'm sure there are Dark Elves that look like that, but every character shouldn't. I think you should be able to customize that sort of thing, meaning how shapely you want to make your body. Even with the pink hair, I feel a little too lumberjack-y :whistling:
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:12 am

Hahaha thank you!!! I'm all up for other people's opinions, but they don't seem to get what I'm saying!

No - they don't. It's astonishing, really. I just reread through this thread and I don't have the foggiest idea why everyone's prattling on about classes and skills and the game supposedly changing your body to suit how many spells you cast.

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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:00 pm

That... that wasn't so far from my point I'm completely amazed you think you're making a point here.
My point was the following: If you become a mage for example, your body shouldn't magically (Pun not intented) alter to make you be smaller or lither. IF you do that BEFORE you start playing and getting skill points, then OF COURSE that makes sense. All I'm saying is that your skills shouldn't determine how you look, THE PLAYER should determine how you look.

I never said your skills matter. I don't understand why you keep bringing that up. I am talking about being the PLAYER and DESIGNING the TYPE OF CHARACTER I want to play because I WANT to design a THIEF that LOOKS GOOD because I am a GIRL and CARE TOO MUCH about looks.

Is that clear enough? I'm being a little vain. I can admit it. But it has nothing to do with anything other than LOOKS. What are you so confused about?
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:50 pm

No - they don't. It's astonishing, really. I just reread through this thread and I don't have the foggiest idea why everyone's prattling on about classes and skills and the game supposedly changing your body to suit how many spells you cast.


Well, thank you for understanding! I really did think I was being clear :D
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:28 am

I got the impression in your OP that you wanted the skills themself to determine how you look. You could have noted that wasn't what you were talking about earlier you know.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:37 am

Edit: Double Post.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:40 pm

I got the impression in your OP that you wanted the skills themself to determine how you look. You could have noted that wasn't what you were talking about earlier you know.

I'm sorry you got that impression.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:07 am

Do you guys think that there's a chance that we'll be allowed to customize our character's body in the character creation?

For the reasons I posted in this thread I don't think it will happen. Unless they have changed the way the textures of the clothing are applied to the characters.

Based on how this was done in earlier games, it is unlikely that there would or could be customization of the individual NPCs bodies. It would be nice though. I think small differences could be achieved, but unless they have solved the clipping issues, we will be stuck with the stock looks from the neck down. Even with the body mods that changed the female form, sometimes to an exaggerated extent, when clothing was applied, they looked the same as every other NPC that has clothes on, as far as shape goes.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:17 am

For the reasons I posted in this thread I don't think it will happen. Unless they have changed the way the textures of the clothing are applied to the characters.

Based on how this was done in earlier games, it is unlikely that there would or could be customization of the individual NPCs bodies. It would be nice though. I think small differences could be achieved, but unless they have solved the clipping issues, we will be stuck with the stock looks from the neck down. Even with the body mods that changed the female form, sometimes to an exaggerated extent, when clothing was applied, they looked the same as every other NPC that has clothes on, as far as shape goes.

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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:36 pm

I hope there's plenty of body customization. Odd as it may sound, as a female player I would love the option of a bust slider (I would put it on the flattest setting). I always find the female models to be too chesty for my liking, but I know I'm in the minority on that one.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:37 am

Well, thank you for understanding! I really did think I was being clear :D

I did too, but.... :shrug:

Back to the topic - what I'm hoping for is, first, multiple skeletons. Not just male and female, but different skeletons at least for the beast races and the human/mer races. They should be more differentiated than they were in Oblivion, in which the beast races, to me, just looked like people in Halloween costumes. Then I'd like to see a set of sliders similar to the ones in chargen in Oblivion that would adjust body proportions. At least - one for overall height, one for overall breadth, then a number of them for, for instance, shoulders, chest, stomach, hips and legs, adjusting both the length and the breadth. And probably one sort of like the forehead/nose/chin slider in Oblivion that would adjust torso/waist/legs, to make a character overall long bodied and short-legged or short-bodied and long-legged or anything in between.

The problem with all of that though, even beyond simply impementing it alone, is that then all the clothing and armor in the game would have to dynamically scale to the proportions of your character. That's easy enough to do the way that Oblivion did it - by scaling everything equally by height and breadth - but it would be considerably more difficult to do it within each piece - to make the shoulders broader, the torso longer and the hips narrower, for instance. It could be done, but it would require some very carefully designed and complex meshes (or a limited range of adjustments and multiple meshes to match them) and overhead to keep track of it all.

We'll just have to see what they do. At the very least, I expect some more body variation than there was in Oblivion. I'd like to see a system as complex as the one I just outlined (or even more so) but I don't particularly expect it. But I see absolutely no excuse for not adding at least some more variation and customization.
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adam holden
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:31 pm

For the reasons I posted in this thread I don't think it will happen. Unless they have changed the way the textures of the clothing are applied to the characters.

Based on how this was done in earlier games, it is unlikely that there would or could be customization of the individual NPCs bodies. It would be nice though. I think small differences could be achieved, but unless they have solved the clipping issues, we will be stuck with the stock looks from the neck down. Even with the body mods that changed the female form, sometimes to an exaggerated extent, when clothing was applied, they looked the same as every other NPC that has clothes on, as far as shape goes.

Having multiple bodies would require meshes to morph(scale appropriately) to match that body. This is not out of the question to achieve through the NIF file format and we actually got to see the beginnings of such a system in FO3 with multi-state meshes that didn't rely on animation controllers to dictate what form they take. We know it's possible to alter meshes at run time and all it would take is for the game engine to support this natively to open up the field completely to such functionality. I have a strong feeling we will see some pretty impressive changes to how the NIF file format is utilized and most likely those changes will be inspired by NifScripts. Remember they re-wrote everything from the ground up so if there was ever a chance of this happening it's now.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:54 pm

I'm really hoping that they make the female options for the characters better this time around. Though some people compliment the body types of the girl characters, I find them....strange. For example, depending on if you're a Breton or Imperial or Wood Elf for men, you see a slight difference. The Breton men are more slender, less warrior-type. For females, unless the differences are super subtle to the point you can't really tell the difference, you get one basic, almost too masculine female body. I wish there was a little bit of difference; if I'm making a mage female, I'd like someone more slender seeing as a mage wouldn't need to be built to wield a sword (unless it's a battlemage but this is just for argument's sake)

I'm not looking for a fembot, just a bit more variety :D

Any thoughts for women?

Edit: I guess I'll edit to say that I'm not saying anything about classes in the new game. In the old games, you were limited to body type by your race. In the new game, I want more control of body and face. Nothing about classes.

I totally agree with you on this. I don't understand how a game like City of Heroes back in 2004 can have a wide variety of body customization yet not in 2011 in Skyrim. As far as I remember you had a female, male, and huge body type. Then you could adjust overall physique, Height, etc.... Or it may have been a bit later after launch, I don't remember, but you could adjust leg lenght, shoulder width, chest, waist, musculature, etc.... and I doubt they had to use more than a few skeletons for this. though I'm not up on game design so I could be wrong. And there was some but not a lot of clipping issues that I remember unless you went extreme (going toward the large size) and even then it wasn't with every costume.

Would really like to see some type of body customization at creation.
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anna ley
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:00 am

I've been looking everywhere for a link that shows we have customisable body types, all I could find was that it was mentioned in Game Informer magazine back in January, not in the main text of the article, but in a screenshot caption. Make of that what you will.

One of those things everyone thought was confirmed a few months ago, ah well.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:46 pm

Female EVERYTHING for Oblivion was, well... *oof*. Models, textures, and voices, all sub-par. And to create a female character you needed at least 3 or 4 good mods to get something not unattractive.

From the few screenshots shown so far with females in them it looks like they will be getting some well-deserved attention to detail.

And yes, I frequently make female characters in RPGs. If I have to stare at an ass for 200 hours I'd rather it be a woman's.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:08 am

I *had* concerns about the female Dovahkiin until I asked about getting a look at the female armor in the Meet The Devs thread and was assured by a character artist that we'd be well-represented. I was afraid they were going to make a female like E'lara from Hunted and I definitely didn't want that. I also didn't want my little Breton to be all pixie/elf-like. Once I saw the recent screenshots of the female armor and how the woman looked, I was overjoyed. She looks classy and elegant, even in armor, and I can see making a similar character.

We're supposed to be able to create with even more flexibility than before. I wasn't unhappy with my Oblivion Champion; she was slender and looked fine but it was pretty generic too. I just feel it's going to be really good. The artists have done a wonderful job as far as I can see and I think the mechanics of character creation will give us lots of freedom to make what we really want.

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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:41 pm

Males shouldn't be he-men when they start either, And maybe the body type will affect game play some way?

Well, I disagree. The beauty of the whole tabula rasa/prisoner starting in the TES series is that you can imagine your character's past background. The body types allow you to mede out this blank slate perfectly because if I wanted my character to be a hulking brute who was wanted in several provinces for mass murder, I could make it so. Or, if I wanted him to be an athletic thief, I could make it so as well. As far as body type affecting game play - or vice versa - i'd rather not see a repeat of Fable 2/3.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:32 am

For the reasons I posted in this thread I don't think it will happen. Unless they have changed the way the textures of the clothing are applied to the characters.

Based on how this was done in earlier games, it is unlikely that there would or could be customization of the individual NPCs bodies. It would be nice though. I think small differences could be achieved, but unless they have solved the clipping issues, we will be stuck with the stock looks from the neck down. Even with the body mods that changed the female form, sometimes to an exaggerated extent, when clothing was applied, they looked the same as every other NPC that has clothes on, as far as shape goes.

I thought they confirmed different body types long ago... And with the new engine, I have no reason to believe they may not have applied the way textures and meshes of clothing fit to the characters in a manner that accounts for the player's chosen body type. I don't think it's that hard... I've played much older games that had full body customization (The Skateboarding games come to mind)
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:11 am

I'm really hoping that they make the female options for the characters better this time around. Though some people compliment the body types of the girl characters, I find them....strange. For example, depending on if you're a Breton or Imperial or Wood Elf for men, you see a slight difference. The Breton men are more slender, less warrior-type. For females, unless the differences are super subtle to the point you can't really tell the difference, you get one basic, almost too masculine female body. I wish there was a little bit of difference; if I'm making a mage female, I'd like someone more slender seeing as a mage wouldn't need to be built to wield a sword (unless it's a battlemage but this is just for argument's sake)

I'm not looking for a fembot, just a bit more variety :D

Any thoughts for women?

Edit: I guess I'll edit to say that I'm not saying anything about classes in the new game. In the old games, you were limited to body type by your race. In the new game, I want more control of body and face. Nothing about classes.

Actual feminie physique for one would be good.Larger briasts (realsticly large so it dosen't debauch the realism) Make it so hips are actually larger than men and several other things that make them actual women not smaller men with moobs.
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Jason White
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:32 am

From the few screenshots shown so far with females in them it looks like they will be getting some well-deserved attention to detail.

You're right....I took a closer look at some of the screen shots and from what I can already see, it's a ton better even if there is no further customization. The women, for the most part, look great :D

It's funny - I recall that a while back, before Oblivion even came out, people were actually complimenting the figures of the women saying that they made women more "real". However, after having to stare at those women for a hours playing the game, I think many people realize that it's ok to be pretty :) hahahaha
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:55 am

Well since in Skyrim there are no classes how would the game know what kind of character you will play? You might start off casting spells, then at level 5 swing a sword for the rest of the game. If they do give us some body customization we can do this on our own though.

Exactly, I really hope there'll be body customization like I've heard. I haven't seen any fat NPC's yet though.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:42 am

For the reasons I posted in this thread I don't think it will happen. Unless they have changed the way the textures of the clothing are applied to the characters.

Based on how this was done in earlier games, it is unlikely that there would or could be customization of the individual NPCs bodies. It would be nice though. I think small differences could be achieved, but unless they have solved the clipping issues, we will be stuck with the stock looks from the neck down. Even with the body mods that changed the female form, sometimes to an exaggerated extent, when clothing was applied, they looked the same as every other NPC that has clothes on, as far as shape goes.

That's the one thing that I was worried about when I originally heard about it in the GI mag, the body mesh issue. Saints Row 2 was able to have the body be able to mesh and have it look the same without clothes but that's a different engine and a couple other different things that was probably done. If Beth solved the Mesh problem that's great but it's probably going to be 4 or 5 different body types, hopefully there's some good choices.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:21 am

I'd like to see a realistic distribution of body types. For males, too.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:36 am

I don't know what is it with Bethesda and hitting the women with the ugly stick, because females from previous TES and the recent Fallout games were horrible looking for the most part. I usually play a female character on my second run through just to see how different a game could be (Mass Effect, Fallout New Vegas, Dragon Age, etc). I agree that the physical appearance of the vanilla Oblivion females left much to be desired, but judging from some of the Skyrim screenshots, I think they're way better looking this time around. I think females even use a different walking animation than the men in Skyrim. Hopefully in Skyrim, players will have more options in character customization other than just the head and skin tone; what I mean by more options for customization is things such as height, body size (thin, medium, obese etc), and other features. Despite how terrible is the game Aion, the devs for that game actually provided players with decent character customization options. Maybe Skyrim can offer something similar.
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