Better food functionality & HealthMagicka regen rates

Post » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:13 pm

So... obviously the game mechanics of eating food is a bit flawed, though a little better than in previous games in the series. Although there are several mods that address this, and add the necessity to eat regularly or lose heath and even die, I have had bad experiences (in past games) with glitches causing permanent loss to stats and things can get tedious depending on how well they are implemented. I'm not sure if a survival mod is what I was looking for this playthough.

If you don't get what I mean by 'flawed' (or could just use a laugh), see this youtube video for an illustration of what is wrong with the food system:

Things like Vegetable Soup and Venison Stew, etc. are actually useful, and worth the players time and effort to gather the ingredients and cook. So I have been thinking, whenever I see those "Restore 10 Health", "Restore 10 Stamina", etc. foods, why wasn't all or most food simply made to have timed effects, more like the stews? It seems like this would be the simplest solution that best fits Skyrim's pared-down rpg mechanics ideology (and more in keeping with the "Rested/Well Rested" Sleep mechanic)...

Health and Magicka regenerate plenty fast enough on their own though, so maybe a slight nerfing of the 'vanilla' regen rates would be in order, making it more necessary or at least useful to eat food before going on adventure or into battle. An added bonus would be to lower the health/stamina/magicka regen rate or even make health regen non existent without eating food fairly recently...

So are there any Food/Eating mods that have a similar design to what I suggest? After a few searches of Nexus and google, I get a confusing array of various hunger mods, ranging from complex protein/carb-counting affairs or regimented 3-meal-a-day mechanics to the ones that give imbalanced "monty-haul" bonuses to food (more like potions). Seems like you either get mods that are designed by extreme realism masochists (not bashing - I have used and even sought out these type of mods before :wink: ) or for L33t gamers who just want the food to give better bonuses.

Are there any food/hunger mods that are more simple and elegant and actually improve or enhance Skyrim's game design?

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