» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:01 am
Imo the option should exist to remove/tune down blur, if it is proven to have negative effects on people. Like 3D... However, I like blur and I really wanna try 3D gaming... cant afford a new monitor and some 3D glasses atm tho, but hopefully soon.
3D in Crysis 2 is crap fake sh1t and dissapointed me much
don't ever try it...
Is it possible to improve the graphics so they look WAY better than they do now?
Crysis 2 looks better than pretty much everything released to date. I'm pretty sick of people complaining about the graphics when the game looks this good. Could it look better? Sure. But it already looks phenomenal.
About the only games in the same league are the original Crysis and Battlefield 2 (each of which have other weaknesses). Maybe Metro.
Crysis 2 Evaluation:
Performance = Excellent.
Effects = Good.
Lighting = Excellent.
Animation = good.
Textures = bad.
Environment Size = moderate, sometime bad.
game looks presentable for sure
but zero freedom, absent of destructible enveroment, stupid AI, no challange SP, swefull storyline for kids and fake 3d mode shouldn't be named Crysis 2 and should cost 40 bucks
At Post-Human difficulty, the AI were excellent for me. Only encountered twice or thrice where the Ceph got stuck. But the AI were never brainwashed, standing lamely when I was behind them. They were very active.