I'm a huge fan of Bethesda games,but micromanaging inventory is not my ideal of fun. I'm praying for sell all button finally! Am I alone here folks?
I'm a huge fan of Bethesda games,but micromanaging inventory is not my ideal of fun. I'm praying for sell all button finally! Am I alone here folks?
Sell all? Like mark a bunch of sale and then sell them all? Or literally sell all of a single category? Can't say I've ever felt constricted by the current system
I've never had any issues with the inventory system in Fallout 3. It worked fine.
I'd be for a "flag" system that would let you mark items as "junk" which would then mean you could "sell all junk" and it would sell anything you'd marked, like armor, weapons or tin cans and steam gauge assemblies. But I would want to be ABLE to mark them as junk, since a lot of the existing "junk" is actually now useful for crafting.
As far as the buy/sell system in past games, it's okay, but the inventory management in past games has been pretty awful. No subcategorizing, and having tons of copies of the same armor or weapon with different condition levels was a pain in the butt, and of course trying to repair expensive items with cheaper items and find that happy medium with it was no fun. But at least it definitely seems item condition is no longer a thing.
And I agree with Sorpaijen, it would be beautiful to be able to flag items as junk so it remembers what you don't care to keep so you can just sell it in bulk. The less time I have to spend on my inventory the better since it's not fun in Bethesda games to me.
since it look like there isnt trash loot now since u can use everything sell button is hard.
Keep in mind that in recent Bethesda games, merchants have a finite amount of money, so selling all item in your inventory could wind backfiring on you. You'd wind up giving away more money that you're taking in.
Yeah, I'd never use a blanket "sell all" button, even in FO3. Between junk items kept for collectable-quest turn-ins, junk items kept for crafting, and junk items kept for decoration purposes, I'd never want to just empty my inventory like that. (Flagging things as junk might be useful, but I think it would just add more work for me - because I'd still have to go through the list when selling at a vendor to sell the things that I only want to sell some of.)
Honestly, I didn't have that much trouble with the inventory systems in FO3 and Skyrim (except for accidentally hitting "take all" in a Skyrim container sometimes )
edit: ooh, good point about the limited vendor funds.
The only problem I had with 3's inventory is the large font leading to a small number of items listed.
DarNified UI and Pitt Gal, were my go to mods to fix it.
You might want to keep some of it to fire out of your tactical junk jet.
Oh Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning, how underrated and unappreciated you are...
*deep sigh*
Call it streamlining if one wants,but this would be perfect!
I just want a better UI. Skyrim's default UI for inventory was horrible. Thank cheese for SkyUI. The best one is still Morrowind's which allowed you to resize windows and configure your layout to suit your needs the best. I just don't want another horrible console style list that you have to scroll through.
From the sound of how the crafting and settlement building system has been described, the solution to the "inventory micromanagement" issue is that there is no longer any "junk" that does not have a in-game use of some sort, so I'm guessing you will have a lot less you will WANT to sell....now micromanaging the crafting and building materials may be new concern.
Well, that's still "micromanaging" your inventory - picking over things while out in a dungeon to decide what's more important to carry, shuffling loot back and forth between containers, etc. It's all inventory management, even when it's not in a vendor window.
I honestly hope they do something to the inventory, these scroll down menus were horrible, especially the sorting, and the categories. All the ammo types in New Vegas along with weapon mods that you might have had, then weapons again and so forth. After a couple of hours playtime you had so much different stuff that you scrolled forever.
Just think off all the consumables, ammo, different weapons you might need, etc. New Vegas really was a mess.
The peak of bad inventory was Oblivion though. I am German and taking a healing potion there was awful and it was mainly the fault of the inventory system. Well the healing potion there translates to: Schwacher Zaubertrank der Gesundheitswiederherstellung. Which was abbreviated to something like this: Schw. Zbtrk. der Geswhrstg. I know the localization is awful as well, but if we had just kept the Morrowind inventory the problem would have not occured.
The problem with the inventory is mainly that there are so many different items that the effort alone to sort it is futile. A good start would be to remove some consumables, less calibres, make some items not show up in the inventory, or not sellable, but even then the sheer amount is incredible. Breaking down junk to a couple of materials though helps as well, I guess.
I do recall that there were mentions that the menu to loot containers and enemies has been improved so you no longer have to open a window to pick up loot, but that would seem to actually make the issue of inventory micro-management worse in the long run. To be honest, only one game has ever had me thinking, "There has GOT to be a better way to do this endless inventory managment stuff!".....Mass Effect 1. It was horrific near the end game.
Tried using a separate container as a backpack once....
... it wasn't fun...
Am I the only one who actually likes selling my loot one item at a time (collectively, not individually!) ? I like constantly managing my inventory and sorting through what I've collected, and I when I sell items, I want to see the exchange of "x items = y caps". IRL, I'm a stickler in my personal finances and a bit of a masochist, too, so maybe that explains it
Edit: words
I would be interested in flagging certain items to not leave my personal inventory. For example; after cleaning out an area I tend to take all the swag back home to sort it in different containers so to be further sorted later. I would open up a container, and then button mash all the items into that container from a specific item category.
And I always end up putting something in there I never intended. How many times have you been out in the Wastes to discover, in horror, that you accidently left all your stim packs at home? Or ammo? Or even your armor?
"What's everyone looking at? Oh, crap, I'm in my underwear! This is just like that dream..."
Huh, yeah. Especially given how much stuff every enemy carries in Beth games, it's pretty common for me to NOT "loot all" on containers/corpses/etc. I'd much rather be able to pick and choose in a loot window, than just automatically Get All and then have to drop stuff.