I am playing in a system with 4 GB RAM, with a 610M Geforce graphics card with 2 GB VRAM (I know it's bad) and a dual core i5 2450M with a screen resolution of 1366 by 768.
I usually get 20 fps when playing in High Quality, and I manage to get 25 FPS when I drop Anti anolising and anolising to 2 and 4 steps respectively.
The thing is, I want the game to look better without droping from 20 FPS. Is there any lightweight mods (retexture, ENB's, or anything like that) that make the game look better? I already use Climates of Tamriel and Enchanced Lights FX without any FPS drop. Is there other mods? I would be really glad if I could find an ENB that doesn't hurt performance.