My next character Im doing a female thief/assassin. Whenever I make female characters I always try to make them as pretty as I can. So who do you think is better looking?
My next character Im doing a female thief/assassin. Whenever I make female characters I always try to make them as pretty as I can. So who do you think is better looking?
I guess thats what I'm looking for. Which one would be easier to make?
Definitely not Imperial. Beth insisted on putting bags under their eyes.
Since I play all my female characters exclusively as vampires, that to me would be of equal importance, which woudl look better as a vampire.
Here is my last female nord as a vamp
I would go with Redguard. They look sixy and can blend into the shadows really well.
Bro, it's a game, chill out. Plus, I'm an Altmer, why would you expect anything less? Hey, at least I said they're sixy (which they are, mmm that dark meat ).
Why thank you Samarys. I like yours too. Dunmer are pretty aweso..... wait. I had to stop my self. The only true Mer are Altmer.
This is definitely your best Altmer avatar to date. I'm somewhat 'jelly'.
@OP: Probably Nords in terms of the amount of effort you have to put into them during CC (Which is none at all).
I've been looking into the female Redguard. I think that might be my next one. Of course I'd love to see what they look like as a vampire if anyone has any pictures.
Is your avatar your own artwork? it's pretty nice.
Using the preset redguard female (no changes), fifth to the right of default:
If you're playing on the 360, like I am, then the answer is "None of the above" as the renders are just one step better than girls created in Minecraft.
But since I feel an arm twisting here... female Nord... with long brunette hair, brown eyes, red war paint streaking down her eyes, and light pink lips.
Not that I'm modeling this off any specific design.