better looking vampires?

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:11 pm

hmmmm have limited resources and limited ranks of solders and what not? or immortal immune to pain and suffering with INFINITE minions and dark power wielding from my fingertips? yeah i think i will be a powerful necromancer lich, i would also devote my existance as a lich to not be alone in my cave, but rather create my own order and recruit as many powerful necromancers as i could find (and there are a lot more than mages) and they would all gladly join, since that is what most necromancers aspire to become, shame no lich in the elder scrolls had enough brains to do this, well basically mannimarco, but he was greedy and didnt command his campaign nearly the way he should have and that is why he failed miserably, i mean if i had been him, i would have raised every single graveyard and resurrect countless spirits i would avast the largest army all of tamriel had ever seen and i would do everything in my power to create as many liches as possible, there would be no stopping you, your power would grow by the day and your armies even larger to the point where you would outnumber the people of the world 10 to 1

Why would you think that a lich has unlimited resources and infinite minions when Aundae vampire does not? As I sad most of Aundae are former Telvani mages, Telvani are well known for their necromantic skills, which are banned publicly but everyone know they practice still. It matters little if you have meat on your undead bones when it comes to that skill - you either know what to do or you don't. So if one wants an undead army Aundae elder would most certainty be able to get one with little trouble, the only reason they don't do that is because as Telvani mages they don't have any desire to take over the world - that kind of power just distracts from accumulating more knowledge, humans may take care of themselves as long as they don't interrupt the piece of the layers - food that herds it self is a comfy concept.
And any necromancer worse the title woun't allow himself to be recruited and follow someone eases whim for the instruction to transformation - it's a paths that one has to walk alone, you either have the capacity in both knowledge and spirit or you don't so anyone you would be able to recruit would be a talentless wannabe and hardly be worse the time it took to recruit them :)
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:55 am

Why would you think that a lich has unlimited resources and infinite minions when Aundae vampire does not? As I sad most of Aundae are former Telvani mages, Telvani are well known for their necromantic skills, which are banned publicly but everyone know they practice still. It matters little if you have meat on your undead bones when it comes to that skill - you either know what to do or you don't. So if one wants an undead army Aundae elder would most certainty be able to get one with little trouble, the only reason they don't do that is because as Telvani mages they don't have any desire to take over the world - that kind of power just distracts from accumulating more knowledge, humans may take care of themselves as long as they don't interrupt the piece of the layers - food that herds it self is a comfy concept.
And any necromancer worse the title woun't allow himself to be recruited and follow someone eases whim for the instruction to transformation - it's a paths that one has to walk alone, you either have the capacity in both knowledge and spirit or you don't so anyone you would be able to recruit would be a talentless wannabe and hardly be worse the time it took to recruit them :)

no you are wrong, mannimarco was a lich and he commanded thousands of necromancers, he just didnt use his resources the way he should have, he could have easily taken over if he played his cards right.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:49 pm

vamps werewolves ....etc

just don't find the appeal, killing them is nice though :P
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:06 am is what Skyrim vampires should look like. :D
And no, I'm not joking.

I completely agree. Games Workshop knows what is what when it comes to vampires. In fact, that probably fits the whole ice vampire look when I image them, like a frostbit corpse with long fangs, and eyes filled with bloodlust.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:20 am

no you are sadly mistaken vampires are not....hip..... and beautiful now, obviously someone has been watching way to much twilight, cant stand you folk the media says vampires are hip sixy and seductive sensitive loving, THE MEDIA IS SPOON FEEDING YOU THIS [censored] AND YOUR EATING IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are incorrect, I've never seen a Twilight. My familiarity with the series is limited to TV commercials. I do know that all the vampires depicted in the media in TV and movies are meant to be "sixy." The media is the only means by which to acquire information regarding vampires because THEY ARE NOT REAL. Neither is TES. It is a video game. This is a video game forum. Relax.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:05 pm

"Better looking", insofar we get some twisted, terrifying long-clawed monsters, yes. :P I'm none too fond of that kind of characters : I can only live with them if Bethesda avoids both uncanny/cheesy or oh-so-dark-and-twisted top model.

Wouldn't be too hard : love what they did to trolls, they just have to go that strange and ferocious road.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:54 pm

The vampires in TES should be whitewolf's vampires. I hate the scary wicked monster look, but I like the scary wicked monster thoughts and personality. Like White-wolf vampires!

On the argument between Sshodan and Lich Freak, the argument is kind of invalid. They ripped out the bloodlines in Oblivion, no more Aundae, Quarra, Berne ect. Those are gone, and I highly doubt Skyrim will bring them back. And I also highly doubt Bethesda is going to let us play Liches because it's inaccessible to every character.

A fighter can become a vampire, so can a mage and a rogue.

Only a mage can became a Lich. So, no...I don't think Bethesda would pigeonhole people like that. IMO!

/gets back on track

As for the look of the vampire!!!!!!
I highly doubt Bethesda is honestly going to change them that much from the way they looked in Oblivion. Bethesda knows everyone and their mother knows about Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, Interview with a Vampire, ect. And Bethesda has always tried to be unique with their games. Have they succeeded on every level, no, but then again, no ones perfect. But Vampires? Bethesda's vampires are unique in the way they already are, and I think Bethesda will keep it that way.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:02 pm

The vampires in TES should be whitewolf's vampires. I hate the scary wicked monster look, but I like the scary wicked monster thoughts and personality. Like White-wolf vampires!

On the argument between Sshodan and Lich Freak, the argument is kind of invalid. They ripped out the bloodlines in Oblivion, no more Aundae, Quarra, Berne ect. Those are gone, and I highly doubt Skyrim will bring them back. And I also highly doubt Bethesda is going to let us play Liches because it's inaccessible to every character.

A fighter can become a vampire, so can a mage and a rogue.

Only a mage can became a Lich. So, no...I don't think Bethesda would pigeonhole people like that. IMO!

/gets back on track

As for the look of the vampire!!!!!!
I highly doubt Bethesda is honestly going to change them that much from the way they looked in Oblivion. Bethesda knows everyone and their mother knows about Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, Interview with a Vampire, ect. And Bethesda has always tried to be unique with their games. Have they succeeded on every level, no, but then again, no ones perfect. But Vampires? Bethesda's vampires are unique in the way they already are, and I think Bethesda will keep it that way.

It would be great to have Whitewolf vampire clans in Skyrim, but that may be a bit much effort to spend on just vampires in the game.

If there were whitewolf vampire clans I'd definitely go for a Malkavian character.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:42 pm

Beth's vampires are the creation of the daedra prince of nightmares and spread by the daedric prince of non-consenting six for [NUMMIT] sake! They're complete and utter abominations and a giant middle finger to Arkay and nature. The only time they're supposed to look "normal" is the Cyrodiilic clan, due to a special deal they made with C. Vile. Vampirism is a disease and a curse, not a blessing. As a vampire, you are a nightmare made manifest. A horror and abomination to nature and mortals.

If anything, these are what the vampires of Skyrim should resemble,,,,,,

And I stress this, they're creatures created by the daedric prince of nightmares. You know, the scary and disturbing dreams you have when sleeping. They're supposed to be nightmares made manifest. Molag Bal only gets credit because he [NUMMIT] a nede or dunmer woman, and turned into one. However, when getting the cure for vampirism, Molag Bal tells your explicitly he had to get it from Vaemir, the prince of nightmares, not to mention his cultists will divulge that Molag Bal was not responsible for creating it.
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Saul C
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:48 am

Loved oblivion! Spent well over 150 hours playing that game but the vampires were a big dissapointment. I get the weakness to light and need to drink blood...but why do I look like I aged 90 years? Vampires have always been sixy, but when they're not they're crazy monsters. TES is somewhere in the middle and I just wish I didn't have to look like a zombie to be a vamp.

I don't like modern teen-heartthrob vampires. I like Count Orlock. I like vamparism to really be a curse, one that destroys the inner being. Oh yes, in has the power in TES. All this nonsense about protecting teenage girls, bah.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:34 pm

Beth's vampires are the creation of the daedra prince of nightmares and spread by the daedric prince of non-consenting six for [NUMMIT] sake! They're complete and utter abominations and a giant middle finger to Arkay and nature. The only time they're supposed to look "normal" is the Cyrodiilic clan, due to a special deal they made with C. Vile.

If anything, these are what the vampires of Skyrim should resemble,,,,,,

And I stress this, they're creatures created by the daedric prince of nightmares. You know, the scary and disturbing dreams you have when sleeping. They're supposed to be nightmares made manifest. Molag Bal only gets credit because he [NUMMIT] a nede or dunmer woman, and turned into one. However, when getting the cure for vampirism, Molag Bal tells your explicitly he had to get it from Vaemir, the prince of nightmares, not to mention his cultists will divulge that Molag Bal was not responsible for creating it.

I could live with those vampires.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:32 am

Beth's vampires are the creation of the daedra prince of nightmares and spread by the daedric prince of non-consenting six for [NUMMIT] sake! They're complete and utter abominations and a giant middle finger to Arkay and nature. The only time they're supposed to look "normal" is the Cyrodiilic clan, due to a special deal they made with C. Vile.

If anything, these are what the vampires of Skyrim should resemble,,,,,,

And I stress this, they're creatures created by the daedric prince of nightmares. You know, the scary and disturbing dreams you have when sleeping. They're supposed to be nightmares made manifest. Molag Bal only gets credit because he [NUMMIT] a nede or dunmer woman, and turned into one. However, when getting the cure for vampirism, Molag Bal tells your explicitly he had to get it from Vaemir, the prince of nightmares, not to mention his cultists will divulge that Molag Bal was not responsible for creating it.

You speak a lot of sense, my good man. ^_^
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:57 pm

You speak a lot of sense, my good man. ^_^

I'm also tired of people wanting all the power of these abominations, but none of the consequences. Also, I'm a stickler for lore, and wish to see vampires continue to be abominations against all that is holy and natural, not sparkly princesses or normal looking humans with long fangs that svck blood.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:05 pm

I totally agree! What ever happened to the like hot vampires?
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:46 pm

They ripped out the bloodlines in Oblivion, no more Aundae, Quarra, Berne ect.

No, they didn't. Those bloodlines are exclusive to Morrowind/Vvardenfell.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:56 am

Vampires have always been sixy? With the media this age, it is no wonder you have this perception. :sad:

Agreed, I loved the way they did Vampires with Oblivion though. Not hideous, but not Twilight..*shiver* Twilight gave me a new level hate in this world.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:48 pm

You are incorrect, I've never seen a Twilight. My familiarity with the series is limited to TV commercials. I do know that all the vampires depicted in the media in TV and movies are meant to be "sixy." The media is the only means by which to acquire information regarding vampires because THEY ARE NOT REAL. Neither is TES. It is a video game. This is a video game forum. Relax.

i am relaxed, im just saying this is LORE and in the elderscrolls universe, lore is law
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:56 am

i am relaxed, im just saying this is LORE and in the elderscrolls universe, lore is law

Exactly. I'm pretty sure vampires are not supposed to be alluring, pretty things. The examples by Hellmouth are excellent ideas.

Basically, vampires are supposed to be evil, scary things that eat your blood. Like most of the vamps in Buffy The Vampire Slayer tv series (when in "vamp" mode, anyway), lol. =)
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:53 am

The vampires in TES should be whitewolf's vampires. I hate the scary wicked monster look, but I like the scary wicked monster thoughts and personality. Like White-wolf vampires!

On the argument between Sshodan and Lich Freak, the argument is kind of invalid. They ripped out the bloodlines in Oblivion, no more Aundae, Quarra, Berne ect. Those are gone, and I highly doubt Skyrim will bring them back. And I also highly doubt Bethesda is going to let us play Liches because it's inaccessible to every character.

A fighter can become a vampire, so can a mage and a rogue.

Only a mage can became a Lich. So, no...I don't think Bethesda would pigeonhole people like that. IMO!

/gets back on track

As for the look of the vampire!!!!!!
I highly doubt Bethesda is honestly going to change them that much from the way they looked in Oblivion. Bethesda knows everyone and their mother knows about Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, Interview with a Vampire, ect. And Bethesda has always tried to be unique with their games. Have they succeeded on every level, no, but then again, no ones perfect. But Vampires? Bethesda's vampires are unique in the way they already are, and I think Bethesda will keep it that way.

theres a chance it could be implemented in the game, im sure werewolves will and they favor the warrior types, barbarians, brutes, vampires, stealthy assassins, and theives and masters of shadow, liches master spell casters, masters of deceiving and power, and power over the dead
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:14 pm

While I'd argue that Twilight vampires are the natural result of a process of romanticizing that began even before Bram Stoker, I do hope that Skyrim takes a path that is consistent with the Elder Scrolls series. ie. no pretty/sixy vampires.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:11 pm

Exactly. I'm pretty sure vampires are not supposed to be alluring, pretty things. The examples by Hellmouth are excellent ideas.

Basically, vampires are supposed to be evil, scary things that eat your blood. Like most of the vamps in Buffy The Vampire Slayer tv series (when in "vamp" mode, anyway), lol. =)

yeah i know hellmouth knows his elder scrolls lore better than i do everyone has any questions they should ask him
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:40 am

theres a chance it could be implemented in the game, im sure werewolves will and they favor the warrior types, barbarians, brutes, vampires, stealthy assassins, and theives and masters of shadow, liches master spell casters, masters of deceiving and power, and power over the dead

Thats the technical element, I meant lore-wise. A mage can be bit by a Werewolf and change, a Fighter can be bit by a Vampire and change. But if a Fighter is bitten, beat on, pimp slapped ect, by a Lich, does he change? No, he does not. You HAVE to be a mage to become a Lich. I'm not trying to argue, but you have to look at it from a harsh perspective.

Expect little and be surprised with more.

Getting into arguments with other people over something that has a small chance of actually being included isn't a very good use of your time, NOW, perhaps Bethesda tells me to shut the [censored] up and that they will damn well include Liches, then all the better.

AND!!!!!!!! Since I'm a lazy [censored] to go quote the person who said those Bloodlines were restricted to Vvardenfell/Morrowwind.
You are correct, I just checked that in-game book Immortal Blood, and I got [censored] mixed up, thinking the clans in Valenwood were for Cyrodill! Whoopsie! My bad.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:13 pm

Loved oblivion! Spent well over 150 hours playing that game but the vampires were a big dissapointment. I get the weakness to light and need to drink blood...but why do I look like I aged 90 years? Vampires have always been sixy, but when they're not they're crazy monsters. TES is somewhere in the middle and I just wish I didn't have to look like a zombie to be a vamp.

better looking, as in looking more intimidating and more viscous. vampires are creatures of the night, not porm stars! :swear:
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:45 pm

Thats the technical element, I meant lore-wise. A mage can be bit by a Werewolf and change, a Fighter can be bit by a Vampire and change. But if a Fighter is bitten, beat on, pimp slapped ect, by a Lich, does he change? No, he does not. You HAVE to be a mage to become a Lich. I'm not trying to argue, but you have to look at it from a harsh perspective.

Expect little and be surprised with more.

Getting into arguments with other people over something that has a small chance of actually being included isn't a very good use of your time, NOW, perhaps Bethesda tells me to shut the [censored] up and that they will damn well include Liches, then all the better.

AND!!!!!!!! Since I'm a lazy [censored] to go quote the person who said those Bloodlines were restricted to Vvardenfell/Morrowwind.
You are correct, I just checked that in-game book Immortal Blood, and I got [censored] mixed up, thinking the clans in Valenwood were for Cyrodill! Whoopsie! My bad.

i dont believe there is a small chance i think theres a decent chance, like from oblivion celedaen was becoming a lich and he was a necro-mage and i thought if he could do that then why cant i and since they didnt do it in the game im thinking they would do it for the next game, andim sure thousands of people including the staff of bethesda have all talked about the idea not to mention its doable and not game breaking like some people say it is. its no different than vampirism and lycanthropy, they all are different with advantages and disadvantages and weaknesses and strengths, but anyway this thread is about vampires, maybe we should stick to that, if you want to discuss are conversation we can go to my lich poll thread saebryll
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:29 am

I want the vampires to be more terrifying. Also, it's not like sixually-inspired vampires are anything new. I remember Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles series having vampires that were, albeit manlier than what you see nowadays, still sensual and whatnot.
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