» Fri May 13, 2011 5:32 pm
I hate all the seductive crap in vampires. That is the sole reason I don't watch vampire movies--well, except Blade, because Snipes is badass. There are various vampires in from folklore all over the world. Many I've read about aren't pretty, seductive and charming, but everything from near zombie like to demon like. I watched something years ago that had said in Romania, people that died of tuberculoses would come back as a vampire and seek out their family, draining them of blood. There was also a story I think from Africa (couldn't tell you what country) that portrayed vampires as demons with wings and long tongues that would land on the roof of a thatched hut at night, it's tongue like a tentacled proboscis, snaking down through the roof to drain the blood of its sleeping victim. I'm glad TES hasn't gone the Anne Rice road.