Here's what I could think of for TES:V;
You start by making your character, then it slowly swirls into the actual game.
You are 5 years old. The setting is in {province}, late at night during Evening Star (December). Your'e laying in bed with a shadow reading to you (could be a parent or a mysterious person). It is reading a book called "The Saviour," It talks about a nameless hero who, one hundred years ago, fought off the forces of Oblivion. It turns out, only 7 years later, s/he dissappeared, with no trace but a note;
"Everyone; I have left forever. None shall ever see me again, for one reason: I am dead. The Nine Divines called to me, saying that later, Tamriel shall need saving again. They made it clear that for me to be there on that day, I must be someone new. One able to stand up to any evil, whether it be a bandit or corrupted Divine. One with the strength that can bring that foe down. While, they said, I may be be a great hero, I, still, am not strong enough, so my spirit left to go train with the Divines.
May you all remember me and shall Akatosh walk with you all."
After that the shadowy figure puts down the book, and walks out of the room. You fall asleep, to dream about a shadowy figure striking a dummy, with Talos observing. Talos leaves the room, and you hear someone whisper "The time is right (perhaps could be the voice of when the door in the Abandoned House asks you "What is the color of night?"),"
The game then skips 10 years. As you leave the house, you hear the same voice whisper: "Set off, young one. In time, you shall decide what is right," After exploring a while, there is an ear-shattering screech, and a bright glowing orb flies at you. You wake up inside the cathedral. "Your awake..." mutters the voice of a well-worn monk. "Good. A demon tried to posess you. The citizens say you had glowing red eyes and you were screaming 'None shall live, for Arkay is in chains, and Dreamsleeve shall fade!' Does that worry you any?" {Yes or No} Yes: "Hrmf, me, too..." No: "No?! Well I think it should!" Either way the monk leaves, and once you come outside you meet someone (your partner you get to create!

). S/He says "Your out? Good. Listen, I have to tell you something... Two days ago, I had a dream. Now listen up, this frightens me a lot. I drempt of Arkay, chained to a table, with a giant axe swinging back and forth, dropping slightly every minute. It all seemed to happen in/near {location a}. I need you to come with me to {location a}. Go get ready, I hear the local general store is having a sale. Take as long as you wish, but try to be quick! I'll be waiting at my house," Here, you can do what your partner advises, or you can blow him/her off and do whatever you want.
"Your here. Good. Let's get going,"
-Travel to {location a}-
"By the Nine! Look at that!" (zoom in of Daedric letters in the Ayleid language written in blood) 'Ooough, I don't feel good. It reads 'You were too late. We moved Arkay to a more secure location! If you wish to rescue him, you'll need to know where to look. Let's see if you can figure out this riddle!
Snow-capped, yet searing of souls.
Area of dead, forces that none can hold!
Here once stood, a cult of the Sigil (a cult to Mehrunes Dagon, whos Oblivion Gates are held open by SIGIL Stones)
They feared the unknown, they were ever vigil[ant]!
But they were too weak, their shrine was reduced to gelatin.
Now here their remains stand, walking as skeletons!'
Hrmm, this sounds like a place I read about. Ohh, what was it called... "The Mountain of the Never!" It is haunted by wraiths, and there was the remains of a shrine there. This has to be it! Let's leave at once!"
As you get to the doorway, a familiar shreak shatters your eardrums and everything fades black.
You are woken up later by your friend, out in the forest. "Lets get moving. This place exhales pure evil..."
You fight your way through skeletons and liches, getting deeper into the ever-darkening forest.
You reach the mountain in 5 days. As you scale the wraith infested mountain, you start to hear whispers in your head. "You shall fail... You shall die... The Nine shall fall, and the Dreamsleeve shall crumble!" Once your three floors from the very top, you hear screams. "Help me! Akatosh, why don't you hear me? Mara, Zenithar, Talos, where are you all?!" "That must be Arkay! Hurry, we may not have much time left!" But your friend doesn't move. "Go on without me. These voices... whispers... if I go any further my head will explode..." You continue. You see Arkay, and you rush to free him, but the glowing orb blocks your path. "You wont win... that... easily...!" The orb transforms into someone... Your partner?! What do you do; do you vanquish the sould and kill your friend, or do you talk to the soul, try to cleanse it, cure it's evil ways. One small slip of the tongue and the wraith will attack. But, if your quick enough, maybe you can free Arkay and have him free your friend before he kills you! Either way, the clock is ticking and the axe is only 5 minutes away from killing Arkay and dooming everyone.
{If you don't kill the spirit that is your wingman/woman}: You wake up in the cathedral. A familiar face shows. "You... saved Arkay? He was actually in chains? You... did good. I'm proud of you. And your friend. He/she is over there. He/she should recover nicely."
{If you do kill the spirit that is your wingman/woman}: You wake up at home, in bed. "You're up. Good. Arkay... in chains... horrible thought... but you, young one saved us all. You and your friend. May his/her soul rest in peace..." And the monk walks out of the room.
...Ok, this was very clich?, but Bethesda can very easily make this awesome!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and once you save Arkay he tells you your the reincarnation of the hero that fought off the forces of Oblivion.