BetterMusicSystem overrules EnhancedMusicControl commands?

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:04 am

Hi all,

I have problems using code while is loaded.

I don't know whether this is a configuration issue or normal behaviour of both mods.

What am I trying to do:
I want to play a custom track inside a specific cell. For this, I use EMC functions to create a custom playlist at runtime, and then I switch the MusicType of my cell to this playlist. This is apparently a usual way of using EMC. I described this all in

This solution works fine as long as only EMC is active (i.e. only EnhancedMusicControls.dll is present in OBSEs plugin directory, but BMS esm and esps are disabled).

When I reenable BMS, however, it seems to "brutally" suppress anything I try to do from within my mod.
It seems that BMS takes absolute precedence over any other custom EMC code: At runtime ingame, everything seems to work fine at first: The current music fades out, then (according to my log output) my custom playlist gets created (without errors), then the changePlaylist command gets executed (also without errors)... but then... I just don't hear my own track. Instead, BMS switches back to another playlists and fades in one of its own tracks.

In other words: The playlist logic of BMS (i.e. its detection which track to play in which kind of cell etc., as it is configured in BetterMusicSystem.ini) simply overrules my own mod!

I have tried around alot with
- changing the load order
- changing BetterMusicSystem.ini settings
- increasing my mod's priority to 90
- starting a BMS playlist instead of my own

... but nothing of this seems to help. BMS just won't allow me to start any playlist, as long as it is running.

Has anyone any idea if there is a possibility to overrule BMS behaviour in such a case?

Thanks alot for any feedback!!!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:03 pm

Just an addition, for anyone interested in solving similar issues:

There are now two TES CS Wiki articles that try to summarize the problem of and the possible solution for streaming custom music in relation with StreamMusic, SoundCommads, Enhanced Music Controls and Better Music System:
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