Also, I use Morroblivion and was wondering if you had any plans to release the optional plugin for it? If not, is there
a tutorial I could follow to create the plugin myself? I have pretty decent CS skills.
i plan to change the way the plugins for BMS work. maybe for the next version all you have to do is set the regions in the ini file.
i don't know Morroblivion. if it has regions you can simply change the elsweyr plugin for now. just change the regions and the playlist name and path. or wait a few days...

Why does 2.1 have an .esp in a folder called Extra? It's not mentioned anywhere in the documentation.
In fact there seems to be documentation missing!
readme.html says this ">> if you are upgrading from version 1.x please refer to upgrade.txt!!"
There is no upgrade.txt in the archive.
ok, sorry. i thought that was clear. of course you have to disable any old version if you are upgrading. if you would have to keep it, it should be included in the current version, right?

the extra folder is not mentioned because there's no use for the normal user. just ignore it.
if you are upgrading from version 1.x: the folder structure changed. backup your music and unistall the old version!