Just wanted to drop by and mention I'll be using this mod again. Finally found a workaround for this whole codecs <-> EMC mess. The only codec pack I had installed was
CCCP (and confirmed by using
CCCP-Insurgent), and yet the
ffdshow Audio component kept causing (or atleast contributing) to the mp3 conflict. It shouldn't be an issue with CCCP itself, perhaps a conflict with a new vista windows codec or something.
Anyways, there was no other mp3 codec installed as far as I could tell. Nor did any of the programs mentioned in this thread or the Hardware Issues thread. So I went in http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/installed_codec.html and disabled the two
ffdshow Audio filters. Voila, stuttering went away, not really a suprise because I knew they had a conflict with
something. But I was suprised I could still play all my .mkv files (gotta love anime

), no problems with the audio whatsoever.
So to make a long story short: I disabled the
ffdshow Audio filters from CCCP to stop a mysterious (and hidden) conflict without breaking my beloved .mkv playback stuff.

Still, I'm gonna keep looking for the other party involved in the above mentioned 'conflict'.
Something else, I love most of the features of this mod. But I don't really feel like setting up all those playlists for regions, cells, etc. I know I can disable them in the ini but I was wondering if a playlist is ignored anyways when there are no mp3 files in the associated folder?
And another thing, a while ago I asked if there is a certain script variable other mods can check to see if the player is in actual combat or if the current combat is being simulated by BetterMusicSystem's dummy rat. From looking at the scripts I think I can read the
StopCombatMusic variable in the
1BMSCombatScript to determine if the current combat has ended. Probably need to combine it with IsInCombat to filter out situations where the player is still in combat but BMS wants to stop the battle music.
Something like:
if player.IsInCombat && StopCombatMusic == 0;Genuine combatelseif player.IsInCombat && StopCombatMusic;Likely fake combat as a result of the endif
How does that sound, likely to work? Or am I overlooking something obvious here?

The only thing I'm not sure on is how it would work for situations where BMS stops (or prevents) the combat music while the player is technically in combat already (and not with the dummy rat). Maybe I should check for the presence of the dummy rat. :unsure:
I just had another idea, dunno if it'll work so it may just be some dumb idea.

How about, instead of forcing the player into combat and/or overridding the battle music you make a custom
battle-playlist using the "Music\Battle" folder. Then just override the battle music all the time and activate/deactivate the
battle-playlist to replicate the battle music completely. If it is possible it would allow you to have far more control and reliability over when and when not to hear the battle music. :shrug:
What do you think? Is it possible? Is it worth the changes (also very important to ask ofcourse)?