2. When in town or on the road pauses between tracks occurred.
4. When in Fort Ash and in the sneak mode, the Sneak Playlist plays as it should however, when I leave sneak, the Dungeon Playlist is accessed rather than returning to the Ft Ruins Playlist. The Fort Ruins Playlist is reaccessed only after entering another Ft Ruins Cell.
5. No Phonograph or Emerald was in the sell lists for either the Mystic Emporium or Renoit's Books.
2. unwanted pauses?
4. several users reported this, i don't know how this can happen... but i'll fix it!
5. you will get a chest on the top of a mountain.
Also, is there any chance for different battle music for different areas? Or even better, creatures? For instance Daedric, undead, and natural creature playlists?
Oh, and I've started a thread for those looking for music suggestions http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1043886.
thank you! i've linked to your thread in the start post. if you are okay with this.
i copy my post from the nexus forums about different battle music:
yes, this could be a next step. but the way BMS's combat detection works, this is not possible. combat music kicks in only if you are aware of an enemy. end it ends when you don't NOTICE any enemies around you. this means: the combat music would constantly switch between your 3 types just when you turn around fighting a rat before you finish that giant.
another point: combat music should NOT warn you. if you spot a rat and heavy combat music bangs in this would be no surprice...
The album art thing is exactly what has happened to me, but it's mystifying - I've created custom mp3's especially for the game with absolutely no tags or art attached to them, so I have no idea where this Activemovie thing is digging them up from! In the end I deleted all of the files which seemed to be causing the Activemovie window to launch, but no luck - even without the files there, it still happens, and still with the same album art. I can't figure out how or why this is happening at all.
- is it possible that you have a special mp3 player software (or any software) running that wants to load something in the background when mp3 files are played?
- try vanilla mp3s along with your custom ones.
- please disable soundcommands. just to test it.
- or test another mp3 codec.
Nice work with this, but would it be possible to reduce the volume of music while sneaking instead of silencing it completely?
yes. with the next release.
I found out it was soundcommands, so I took it out, but now with the newest version I've got silence again.
it's not soundcommands. it was the old version. BMS can't set the volume without soundcommands.
please be specific!