- combat music starts instantly when you cast a hostile spell (during battle)
- if music was paused before combat the pause will proceed after combat
- sneak and underwater kick in after a short delay (so you can swim without repeatedly triggering underwater, or pick a lock...)
- increased the delay before combat music stops after using a load door
- leaving sneak mode, end of storm and end of night reset the predefined playlist (not vanilla default)
- fixed: when loading while music was paused, loading music was played until the end of the pause
- phonograph and emerald can be found also in a ship at the waterfront
new features:
- you can FADE the music when SNEAKING now (like dialog)
Reference item 2, "unwanted pauses?".
I did note that pauses did not occur after every music track. Usually several tracks would play before a pause would occur. Is this what you intended?
if you change the current playlist (by entering a cell, sneaking, storm...) AND a track is currently playing (i.e. music is not paused) the current music stops and the new music plays.
EDIT: Well it seems i have a bug with this mod; after changing the useSneakSilence to 0, dungeon music doesn't continue after battle and the game begins stuttering. Returning the setting to 1 fixes the bug.
can you reproduce this? (of course not with beta 7 because there is not sneaksilence anymore

okay, forget it. just try beta 7!
Itunes and Adobe Audition installed, otherwise absolutely nothing that handles MP3s, not even WMP is installed on my system.
i think itunes is enough. i don't like it because i'm pretty sure that it DOES unwanted things in the background. may be you can't really uninstall it (i mean REALLY), so i suggest to setup a new windows. it's not so much work...
I did troubleshoot it. The problem is that there wasn't any consistency whatsoever of when it go silent or change to an inappropriate playlist.
let's take you by the hand:
1. define silent. (how long? which music, battle or explore? when did it end? or why?)
2. what versions of the plugins are you running? (incl. OBSE)
3. the results of your troubleshooting? (disabled ALL mods, disabled BMS but not EMC, default ini)
4. are you using sneak silence?