[RELz] BetterMusicSystem

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:46 pm

I think I managed to find a work around for the active movie window thing. I opened the songs that opened it up in audacity, saved them as .wav files, then converted them back into mp3s with switch sound converter. This removed the tag for done by ____, and seems to have them running fine now without opening up the active movie window.


http://www.nch.com.au/switch/plus.htmlThis claims it's only a demo, but my version expired on the demo thing a week or two ago, and still converts mp3s fine.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:29 am

I think I managed to find a work around for the active movie window thing. I opened the songs that opened it up in audacity, saved them as .wav files, then converted them back into mp3s with switch sound converter. This removed the tag for done by ____, and seems to have them running fine now without opening up the active movie window.


http://www.nch.com.au/switch/plus.htmlThis claims it's only a demo, but my version expired on the demo thing a week or two ago, and still converts mp3s fine.

I've decided to do as you suggest and convert mp3s to wavs and then back to mp3s using Audacity and Switch audio software. I noticed in the case of the two files that I have run through this process that the file size of the music files converted from a wav back to an mp3 were significantly smaller than the original mp3. Does this suggest that the "tag for done by___" has been eliminated and the Active Movie Window will not acivate when these "processed" mp3 are played by the BetterMusicSystem?
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 pm

So far it seems like it, it hasn't created the active movie window again for me, and I know that in the version I'm using I have had that problem.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:04 am

I took your advice also and in the process I found what was causing the problem :)

I loaded all my music in to mp3tag with the intention of doing your fix but noticed one or two of the mp3 files had a different form of tag from the rest (although it didn't look like art was embedded) so instead wiped the tags for all my music which took 5 seconds. I've been playing for 3 hours tonight and haven't had the problem, this defiantly fixed it.

I think this has the same end result as your method but its a hell of a lot faster :)

Edit: I spoke to soon as I got the damn window, so its off to encode all my mp3s.
Edit2: Before I started to convert all my mp3's I noticed the folders the mp3's were in had pics embedded also! so I created a set of new folders (explore, battle, etc..), and what do you know it defiantly fixed the problem, two days and no active window :D So, there is no need to convert all your mp3's to wavs, just remove all there tags with MP3tag (free program) and check the folders themselves for embedded art and your sorted:D
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:54 am

BETA 8 is online!!

- setting the volume fixed
- combat detection fixed (i broke it a little with beta 7)
- minor bugs fixed

10 playlists for the REGIONS! yes, the regions like Blackwood and Jerall Mountains. regions affect the explore music only. you can find a map of the regions here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Regions
as you can see the region borders are not set that perfect. if there's someone out there who is able to draw regions in the cs, please help me with this. i just need 10 new regions set a little bit more smart (e.g. the heartlands should at least cover the place on the map where 'the heartlands' is written...)

the cloudruler music now also plays outside near the temple, but still interferes with the jerall mountains region. please use only one of them atm.

1. Although I was able to access the phonograph in the Captain's Cabin of the Marie Elena moored on the Imperial Isle Waterfront, when I dropped the item in order to play it, it appeared without mesh, floating in the air (see screenshot 1). The meshless phonograph played its tracks successfully. I was able to pick the phongraph up and return it to the equipment list via its menu.

yes. some people get that missing mesh error. i don't know why. some other people can't buy the items at the emporium. i can't fix this, because it doesn't happen to me. :(
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:13 pm

Good news. As of Beta 7 my music seems to be working. Might we see a plugin for Elsweyr's regions at some point? :D
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 am

Good news. As of Beta 7 my music seems to be working. Might we see a plugin for Elsweyr's regions at some point? :D

Great news about the regions and I second this! Elsweyr support would be great :)
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:26 am

I support this idea as well, I'd love to see a plugin for elsweyr, although IMO some SI playlists need to come first, simply because I've found a lot of slightly "unhinged" tracks recently that would work well for it :biglaugh: and because it's an official plug, and is used reasonably often for mods (Integration probably being the biggest one).
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 pm

Yes, it's very reproducable, in addition i get stuttering quite commonly when a music is silenced. I'll install the new beta as soon as Nexus' service provider gets it's [censored] together..

any news with this?

elsweyr will be supported. but first you have to run around and find out if this region feature is working at all. because regions overlap, i don't know how much... but it might be possible that at some places the music will jump between to regions.

the plugin is that complex now. there are so many possibilities to pay attention for which makes development extremly dependent on the help of many users.

again: if there's someone out there who is able to draw regions, please email me!
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 am

The new beta seems to have fixed it, no more stuttering, and playlist continue playing as they should. Nice work :goodjob:
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 am

The new beta seems to have fixed it, no more stuttering, and playlist continue playing as they should. Nice work :goodjob:

ok umm wtf iam just downloading this update now but its umm its not beta 7 its 8 an update or a mistake ? and any chance you could make this a omod Ready ? and y dos my read me look like this its in .pdf dont know y !

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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 pm

I've loaded Beta 8 and have the following comments.

1. Regional music plays nicely. However I've noticed that when I am on a road parallelling two regions (e.g. on Red Ring Road parallell to The Heartlands and The Great Forest), as the road meanders between regions the music shifts abruptly from one region to the next without pause and in the middle of a track. I'm thinking that I may not have my ini file set up properly to allow one track to complete, pause and a new track in the new region to begin.

See my ini file below.


;SWITCHES (1=enabled, 0=disabled)


set BMS777.UseHomes to 1 ; use custom playlist at home
set BMSUser.UseCastles to 1 ; use custom playlist for castles (only main halls)
set BMSUser.UseChapels to 1 ; use custom playlist for chapels
set BMSUser.UseInns to 1 ; use custom playlist for all inns and taverns
set BMSUser.UseAyleid to 1 ; use custom playlist for Ayleid Ruins
set BMSUser.UseCaves to 1 ; use custom playlist for Caves and Mines
set BMSUser.UseForts to 1 ; use custom playlist for Fort Ruins

set BMSUser.UseCloudruler to 0 ; use custom playlist for the cloudruler temple
set BMSUser.UseMagesGuild to 1 ; use custom playlist for the Mages Guild
set BMSUser.UseFightersGuild to 1 ; use custom playlist for the Fighters Guild
set BMSUser.UseDarkBrotherhood to 1 ; use custom playlist for the DarkBrotherhood
set BMSUser.UseArena to 1 ; use custom playlist for the Arena

set BMS777.UseOblivion to 1 ; use custom playlist for the Planes of Oblivion

set BMS777.UseStorm to 1 ; use custom playlist for stormy weather
set BMS777.UseUnderWater to 1 ; use custom playlist for UnderWater
set BMS777.UseSneakPlaylist to 1 ; a sneak playlist - if you use sneak silence this will make no sense

set BMS777.UseNight to 1 ; use custom playlist at night for public and explore
set BMS777.UseNightPublic to 1 ; use custom playlist at night for public, the 'night' playlist only for explore
set BMS777.SunsetEnd to 22 ; night playlist start time (you can use decimal values for minutes)
set BMS777.SunriseBegin to 6 ; night playlist end time
set BMS777.InstantNight to 0 ; 0 means the night playlist will start with the next track (i.e. will not interupt the current track).
; you have to use the pause feature to set this to 0.


set BMSUser.UseBlackwood to 1
set BMSUser.UseColovianHighlands to 1
set BMSUser.UseGoldCost to 1
set BMSUser.UseGreatForest to 1
set BMSUser.UseHeartlands to 1
set BMSUser.UseJerallMountains to 1
set BMSUser.UseNibenayBasin to 1
set BMSUser.UseNibenayValley to 1
set BMSUser.UseValusMountains to 1
set BMSUser.UseWestWeald to 1

set BMSUser.SneakMusicPercent to 49 ; fade music when sneaking to this volume (percent of your current music volume, set to 100 to disable)
set BMSUser.DialogMusicPercent to 49 ; fade music during dialog to this volume (percent of your current music volume, set to 100 to disable)

set BMS777.UseHeartbeat to 1 ; use heartbeat sound?
set BMS777.UseBreath to 1 ; use breath sound?

set BMS777.UseRats to 0 ; let rats (and weak enemies) start combat music
set BMS777.UseVoyeurMode to 1 ; start combat music for ANY battles near the player (companions, etc.)

set BMS777.SilenceTime to 0.7 ; duration of music pauses after each track in minutes - zero disables this funtion
set BMS777.ResumeOnPlaylistChange to 0 ; pause ends when the current playlist changes
set BMS777.RandomSilenceMin to 0.7 ; random SilenceTime in minutes between this value and the next - zero disables random
set BMS777.RandomSilenceMax to 2.1 ; (you can use values below 1 for seconds)

;-----------------------------------------------; only change the following values if you really know what you do!!
; if a default value is no decimal number, don't use a decimal number there

set BMS777.PauseKey to 188 ; shortcut key for manual music pause (default , [comma])
set BMS777.ResumeKey1 to 190 ; shortcut key for music resume when paused (default . [dot])
set BMS777.ResumeKey2 to 18 ; modifier key for both of the above hotkeys (default ALT)
; for key numbers go to: cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsKeyPressed

set BMS777.Delay to 2 ; delay in seconds after combat before heartbeating and fadeout starts
set BMS777.Delay2 to 14 ; delay in seconds after heartbeat, before normal music restarts
set BMS777.DetectionThreshold to 10 ; the sensitivity of the combat start detection
; a value of 10 takes ~2 seconds to 'realize' you are in combat (more enemies > faster)
; use 0 to completely DISABLE combat detection

set BMS777.VoyeurDistance to 2048 ; your friend has to be closer than this to trigger combat music when YOU are NOT in combat
; (in GameUnits - 70 units = 1m)

set BMS777.PostCombatFadeOutLength to 7 ; battle music fadeout in seconds >> must not be greater then delay2!!
set BMS777.PostCombatFadeInLength to 3 ; normal music fadein in seconds
set BMS777.SneakFadeOutLength to 7 ; fadeout in seconds when sneaking starts
set BMS777.SneakFadeInLength to 3 ; fadein in seconds when sneaking ends

set BMS777.ShortCombatDuration to 7 ; in seconds - if less combat fadeout will be short

set BMS777.PrintCurrentTrackToConsole to 1 ; Print currently playing track (file name and path) to the console
; you have to enable the pause feature for this, but you can set it to a few seconds. (i.e. 0.03)

;-----------------------------------------------; don't change the magic numbers!
set BMS777.state to 23
set BMS777.Debug to 0
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 am

1. Regional music plays nicely. However I've noticed that when I am on a road parallelling two regions (e.g. on Red Ring Road parallell to The Heartlands and The Great Forest), as the road meanders between regions the music shifts abruptly from one region to the next without pause and in the middle of a track. I'm thinking that I may not have my ini file set up properly to allow one track to complete, pause and a new track in the new region to begin.

any music currently playing will be changed to the new playlist instantly. there's no feature or ini setting to prevent this. if a track is 5 minutes long you can walk from bruma to leyawiin without any playlist change, no storm, no sneak, just battle. it would be very difficult to let the script decide when to change instantly, e.g. when entering a dungeon?

the meandering roads are a problem. i don't know how to deal with this... for now there's only a little delay of 7 seconds before a region playlist can change again. may be i should raise this. or someone is able to draw some regions?

at least it should not shift 'abruptly' but do a little fadeout/in... where 'abruptly' highly depends on your perception of course.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 am

Not to speak too soon, but I think I might have solved my Activemovie Window problem as well. It seems a whole bunch of hidden files were hitching a ride when I was moving music between folders. So it wasn't strictly to do with the music files, which really didn't have any tags or album art attached. I'm guessing BMS was somehow trying to load these files up when it selected the next track, and the Activemovie Window was the result. Did a thorough search of my HDD and tracked all of them down (I hope!) so fingers crossed...
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:04 pm

This seems to have some playlist chancing issues, NightPublic music played in Market District too long (i arrived at about 6 am, and left about noon), once i got outside, night exploration music played a bit, and then got replaced by Ayleid ruins playlist :huh:
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 am

This seems to have some playlist chancing issues, NightPublic music played in Market District too long (i arrived at about 6 am, and left about noon), once i got outside, night exploration music played a bit, and then got replaced by Ayleid ruins playlist :huh:

are you able to reproduce this? what did the console tell you?

did you use the 'power of music', phonograph or emerald?
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jessica breen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 am

Using latest version of BetterMusicSystem, with all required obse dll's and an unedited ini, after reading the readme and this thread, I crash after loading a game after 2 crackly sound glitches with the esp enabled. Don't have any problems with enhanced music control stuttering issues or anything like that (i was using it with frostcrag reborn before I used this mod). The problem is only loading the esp. I am using vista x64 with an onboard soundblaster audigy soundcard. Have tried loading only oblivion.esm and bettermusicsystem.esp and the problem still exists, so its' not a mod conflict. Other obse plugins I'm using apart from EMC and soundcommandsv4 are osr (heapmode 1), elys silent voice, weocps, and fastexit2.

Please help!
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 am

Using latest version of BetterMusicSystem, with all required obse dll's and an unedited ini, after reading the readme and this thread, I crash after loading a game after 2 crackly sound glitches with the esp enabled. Don't have any problems with enhanced music control stuttering issues or anything like that (i was using it with frostcrag reborn before I used this mod). The problem is only loading the esp. I am using vista x64 with an onboard soundblaster audigy soundcard. Have tried loading only oblivion.esm and bettermusicsystem.esp and the problem still exists, so its' not a mod conflict. Other obse plugins I'm using apart from EMC and soundcommandsv4 are osr (heapmode 1), elys silent voice, weocps, and fastexit2.

Please help!

Haha - just remembered I loaded MADfilter codec to fix fallout 3 stuttering and removing that fixed it! Doh.

It works! Hooray! Thanks for the mod, it's great
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 am

are you able to reproduce this? what did the console tell you?

did you use the 'power of music', phonograph or emerald?

Yes, it has happened again, the console mostly shows only the music it's playing, but it has shown an error "GET must be called from whithin an OBSE expression", and "playlist doesn't exist". I'm having trouble with nGCD at the moment too, so i'm not sure if the first is related to BMS.

I've only used the "Power of music" power to change the playlist of few caves, but outside of that i let it play as it likes.

So if i enter a town on night, the nightPublic music plays until i leave, and if it's daytime when i leave, the proper exploration playlist is replaced by seemingly random playlist. Quitting the game causes the right playlist to play, quitting to main menu and reloading does not.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 am

"playlist doesn't exist"
the proper exploration playlist is replaced by seemingly random playlist. Quitting the game causes the right playlist to play, quitting to main menu and reloading does not.

did you delete any folders or files in the music folder?
please enable debug in the ini and copy the console log with conscribe... i can't find any typos in the script, but this looks like there may be one...
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 am

I haven't deleted anything from the folder, nor removed any folders.

I moved into IC at night, nightExploration changed to nightPublic correctly, i spent the night at a hotel, and slept until 9 am the nightPublic music played that whole time. I moved outside and nightExploration started playing, i searched a bandit, resurrected and killed him, and after the battle nightExploration continued playing. Here's the log:

Game Instance : 1 | Time : 10-16-2009 10-03-18 PM

attack button == 256
MMO:Updated values from ini file in data\.
BetterMusicSystem: started.
Playlist: obExplore
Playlist: obPublic
Playlist: obDungeon
Playlist: obBattle
Playlist: Loading
Playlist: Phonograph
Playlist: Locations\Castles
Playlist: Locations\OblivionPlanes
Playlist: Locations\FortRuins
Playlist: Locations\Caves
Playlist: Locations\AyleidRuins
Playlist: Locations\Inns
Playlist: Locations\Homes
Playlist: Events\UnderWater
Playlist: Factions\DarkBrothers
Playlist: Factions\Fighters
Playlist: Factions\Mages
Playlist: Factions\CloudRuler
Playlist: Factions\Arena
Playlist: Factions\Chapels
Playlist: Events\Storm
Playlist: Events\Sneak
Playlist: Events\NightPublic
Playlist: Events\Night
Playlist: Emerald
Playlist: Empty
Playlist: septem\praeteritum
Playlist: septem\praesentia
Playlist: septem\posteritas
Playlist: septem\aer
Playlist: septem\terra
Playlist: septem\ignis
Playlist: septem\aqua
Playlist: Public
Playlist: Explore
Playlist: Dungeon
Playlist: Battle
BetterMusicSystem: user settings loaded.
Switches reset
MusicType 0 changed to Events\Night
Supreme Magicka Initialised Succesfully
MusicType 0 currently active.
Silence on inactive MusicType 1.
Silence on inactive MusicType 2.
Currently Playing: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Data\Music\Events\Night\Chrono Cross - Shadow's End Forest.mp3
All Natural - Tamriel Initialized
MusicType changed to: 1
MusicType 1 changed to Events\NightPublic
Silence on inactive MusicType 0.
MusicType 1 currently active.
Silence on inactive MusicType 2.
Currently Playing: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Data\Music\Events\NightPublic\10 - The Desolate Smell of Earth.mp3
Silence triggered by Dialog. VolTemp: 0.58
Dialog ended. VolTemp: 0.14
MusicType changed to: 0
MusicType 0 changed to Events\Night
MusicType 0 currently active.
Silence on inactive MusicType 1.
Silence on inactive MusicType 2.
Currently Playing: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Data\Music\Events\Night\18-chrono_cross_ost_cd2_-_earth_dragon's_island.mp3
is not an Interior
is not an Interior
Outlaw Picked Package Wander ()
Enemy near - Pass 2
Enemy near - Pass 4
Enemy near - Pass 6
Enemy near - Pass 8
Enemy near - Pass 10
DetectionPass: 10 PlayerHealthDiff: 0 Player.IsAttacking: 0
Combat started
Dummy no combat
Currently Playing: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Data\Music\Battle\battle_01.mp3
CombatEnd detected - Pass 1 - DebugCode 24
CombatEnd detected - Pass 2 - DebugCode 24
CombatEnd detected - Pass 3 - DebugCode 24
Combat Delay End
Switches reset
Currently Playing: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Data\Music\Events\Night\Chrono Cross - Shadow's End Forest.mp3

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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 am

thank you!

there's no "playlist doesn't exist", so this is another problem...

please type 'sqv bms777' in the console when the night music is playing at day, post the log...
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:55 am

Here's the stuff it displays with nightPublic palying during the day (i cut off the rest since it's all nGCD's script error messages):

sqv bms777->fquestdelaytime = 0.2000->State = 77->FirstRun = 7->PauseKey = 188->ResumeKey1 = 190->ResumeKey2 = 18->DebugMessage = 6->Debug = 1->DebugCode = 28->DebugTimer = 0.0000->StartCombatMusic = 0->StopCombatMusic = 0->CombatMusic = 0.0000->ShortCombat = 0->HeartBeating = 0->ResetSwitches = 0->MusicPaused = 0.0000->Sneaking = 0->Talking = 0->PreCombatFadeIn = 0->NextTrack = 0->PrintCurrentTrackToConsole = 1->PhonographIsPlaying = 0->UseHomes = 0->UseOblivion = 1->UseNight = 1->UseNightPublic = 1->UseStorm = 0->UseUnderWater = 0->UseSneakSilence = 0->UseSneakPlaylist = 0->UseHeartbeat = 1->UseBreath = 1->UseRats = 0->UseVoyeurMode = 1->InstantNight = 0->ResumeOnPlaylistChange = 1->PlayerHealth = 151.0000->PlayerOldHealth = 151.0000->NextItem = (00000000)->CrossHairRef = (00000000)->fSightDistance = 3000.0000->EnemyHealth = 108.0000->PlayerLevel = 9->NoRat = 0->RatCount = 0->PlayerWasFighting = 0->DetectionPass = 0.0000->DetectionThreshold = 10.0000->VoyeurDistance = 2048->BreakCycle = 0->TimerA = 0.0000->Delay = 2.0000->Delay2 = 16.0000->MusicType = 1->PlaylistChanged = 0->MusicTypeChanged = 0->EmptyInactiveMusicTypes = 0->CurrentPlaylist = 7->DesiredPlaylist = 5->SilenceTime = 0.0000->RandomSilenceMin = 0.0000->RandomSilenceMax = 0.0000->MusicVolume = 0.5800->FadeInStepSneak = 0.0387->FadeOutStepSneak = 0.0166->VolTemp = 0.5800->FadeOutStepCombat = 0.0166->FadeInStepCombat = 0.0387->FadeInStepPreCombat = 0.0580->FadeStepDialog = 0.0435->DialogMusicVolume = 0.1450->SneakMusicVolume = 0.2900->ResetVolume = 0->CombatFadingOut = 0->ShortCombatDuration = 7->PostCombatFadeOutLength = 7.0000->PostCombatFadeInLength = 3.0000->SneakFadeOutLength = 7.0000->SneakFadeInLength = 3.0000->RandomBreath = 3.6800->CurrentClimate = (00000000)->CurrentWeather = (00000000)->WindSpeed = (00000000)->SunsetEnd = 22.0000->SunriseBegin = 6.0000->CurrentTime = 10.4752->IsNight = 1->CurrentCell = (0001BDBE)->CellOwner = (00000000)->LastLoadDoor = (0002B092)->CurrentWorldSpace = (0002C10A)->CellChanged = 0->OblivionObjectsCount = 0->CellRefArray = 131.0000->AssignedPlaylist = 132.0000->CustomCellRefArray = 36.0000->CustomAssignedPlaylist = 37.0000->PredefinedCellRefArray = 126.0000->PredefinedPlaylist = 127.0000->DefaultPlaylist = 118.0000->TempString = 4->TempPath = 0->i = 0->TempRef = (00000000)--- Quest state -----------------------------Running?       YesCurrent stage: 0Priority:      5

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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:03 pm

you have to use the pause feature if you set InstantNight to 0. (as written in the ini... please read carefully!) otherwise the night music won't end when the track changes.

but the night should end when the current playlist changes though. i don't know why it doesn't... :(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

Setting the InstantNight variable to 1 makes music change both in town and outside at 6 at 22 as it should, which makes this yet another case of RTFM :facepalm:

Thanks for the help :goodjob:
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