(and I had trouble disabling the ones I didn't want to use, particularly Storm)
did you edit the ini file in the right folder (i.e. the data folder)? if you set UseStorm to 0 the storm playlist won't play anymore.
Fair enough. Is there a way to delay a loading screen from changing the music (based on the original playlist for the cell I'm entering) so that the original playlist does not have any time to kick in before the new modded playlist starts (which does so only when I'm actually in the cell)?
i will run some tests... may be i can put the cell detection into the menumode block... for the most playlists this may work.
Combat music hasn't played yet. I also have no music in Ayleid ruins (the ayleid steps ruins), but I think that because i haven't filled the AyleidPlaylist with music yet.
The Data folder is pretty clear, but im uncertain what to do with the src folder?
edit: still no dungeon and explore music.
1. try with 'userats' set to 1.
2. the ayleid steps is a mod afaik. if a mod is not using vanilla meshes for the load door, BMS can't recognize a cell as 'ayleid'.
3. you don't have to fill folders. you get silence then.
4. ignore the src folder.
5. do the troubleshooting steps from the readme.
The only problem I've encountered so far is that after playing a track in it all goes silent until I move to a cell with a different kind of music. Disabling the silence between tracks feature seems to cure this, though.
yes, this is the pause feature. you can set the duration of the pauses via ini...
i got something called bettermusic system dummy on my screen, that was seen as an enemy, AFter that it just wouldnt go away, and what ever it was, it was invisible.
you are not using the current version. the dummy ghost is not named dummy ghost anymore. please refer to the troubleshooting steps from the readme.
btw: if it was invisible, how can you get it on your screen??
It really shows up when using life detect spell - glowing balls that follow you.
technically the dummy ghost should not be visible with vanilla detect life spells. if anyone can still see it and walked through the troubleshooting steps he should be able to tell me if this is true. this would make it possible for me to solve the problem.