So in the end, this is a discussion about the mod or I call it "the 5th dlc". I played it and im still in the beginning I save in Shack Town after talking to the fearful old man. I gotta sya, I like how they represent both the NCR and BOS. NCR Military over there have taken a "end justify the means" thinking, killing all carrier because after years of research, they neve got a cure and say that they are doing it for Humanity. The BOS on the other hand have continued to research a cure and found one and have even recruited outsiders just like the ECBOS. The main thing here is that both factions are vying for the Boulder Dome. When I talked to the NCR Captain(Forgot his name), he had somewhat a very agressive apporach and even telling me the BOS is feeding me propaganda, while the BOS says the NCR is to drastic. I am gonna start where I left off and try the 2 endings. Already, I am amzed with this mod. There are a lot of explorabe locations and the Mutant Cannibals are scary as hell. I went throught the Darkfall Cave, XMB-11, and a few other places and among that, there are sides quests, meaning that there is more to do. I say kudo to the Beyond Boulder Dome team and to continue on there work and fixing there biugs. Thank You