Ah, I will probably DL and install this when I get a functional game again, once a mod junky always a mod junky. So now I can only give intellectual feedback (if one may call it that).
First off that I really should have mentioned before going off writing all kind of suggestions on repairing was of course that it is absolutely great that you made an ini with all this adjustable; it really means allot to folks like me, thank you!
Broken armour is unequipped was the basis for you starting this mod, wasn't it? What I like about the idea is the visual conformation that something is "off". Made me think that maybe one could apply shaders to simulate breakdown. This idea is not that hot since it will probably look odd on some armour. Why I started thinking about alternative ways of showing wear and tear of the armour was that it seemed somewhat immersion breaking with armour disappearing, on the other hand I don't find a dragon popping up in front of me immersion breaking, but we are funny that way we humans

- Idea . What about a sound playing as equipment gets to certain points of health? Armour: starting at 50% health a pinging sound of metal popping for steel/iron. Then at 40% a loud metal bending sound, and so on. For leather and such tearing and other organic sounds. For weapons not bows cracking. Bows creaking.
I could try helping you find sounds at the free sound sites if you think is worthwhile implementing.
I love your idea and implementation of enchantments getting weaker as the equipment breaks down :goodjob:
Back to repair ideasWhat does the skill levels do?- Being a Master armourer you know how to best use your tools and how to work with your environment; that can be explained as the reason why a better armourer can repair to a higher value when in the field.
- Knowledge about materials and work methods; Japanese folding steel Allot of times anybody.
- Tempering is all well and nice but knowing the right incantation to the right god/goddess at the right time does wonders...
Definitely a rewrite of the skill level descriptions aught to be a nice addition.
The above is not examples of what it should say; just that repairing is more than just swinging a hammer.[*]in progress It's more difficult to keep equipment repaired in-field - in addition to your Armorer skill, repairs are limited by Strength, Fatigue, and how familiar you are with the item (i.e. how much you've repaired it). Normal (Vanilla) limits apply when you're in town or in a house
Nice little addition with the familiarity with the item; I have no idea if works, that is if one gets to experience it as a bonus or if it is something obscure that happens in the background and you never know how well you know your item really. Like location prices in economy overhauls - I love the idea and use it but in general I have a very poor knowledge on what is good where since there is no really good feedback in game (I try to read up on the prices from the readme from time to time but that is more of a crutch).
ProblemsI wonder if Kyomas menuQue could help to intercept all calls to the repair menu? And if a script fixes an equipment when it should not be able I can't see as a problem because I don't know about any mods that do just that? And would it matter that much in the big picture?
And is there an easy way to work in the "hire smith" when someone got the option to repair?
Hmm, guess I did not have that much to say after all. But think about the Sound implementation as an indicator for stuff breaking. Then one could choose if it would unequipp or make a load noise when it totally breaks down.