[RELz] BFG's Swap Broken Armor or Weapons; & Item Health

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:22 pm

Well, at least we're making progress! I'll take mod compatibility issues over "I made a mistake in my mod" issues.

7c009762 and 7d009762 are the same script (the first two characters just indicate the position of the mod in your load order. For some reason it moved up one position.) 009762 is the script that handles weapon enchantment scaling.
Fortunately the += operator is only used once so it's easy to ID what command is causing the problem. I'll have to take a look at the scripting of the Combat Archery mod though before I'll know how to fix the issue!

I wasn't able to find "Duke Patrick's Combat Archery" in a search on TESNexus or PES though. Is it a part of another one of his mods?
I also run See You Sleep, and I haven't seen any compatibility problems with that mod by itself yet fortunately.

One question of clarification: Do the error messages continue to spam, or are only those four reported?

Thanks, BFG
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:45 pm

Well, last I checked, he moved it to TESAlliance. You'll need to register (for that matter, so do I :) ), but you'll be able to check it out then. I'll get a link. Just stay on the topic a bit.

Oh, and READ THE README. Trust me, you'll need to.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:18 pm

I'll be here! Also, see the edit from my above post: Do just those four error messages appear or do those four messages appear over and over again (i.e. spam)?
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brandon frier
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 pm

Here's the link: http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/514-duke-patricks-combat-archery-31a/

Also, the error messages only appear once... though I'm unsure if they appear every time the bug trips. I've been a bit lax in my tests, it seems.

EDIT: Should have figured the first 2 letters were the mod location... In fact, I did know that...
In my defense, it's a bit late... :)
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 4:03 am

Heh, yeah -- that mod is complex enough it's going to take me a while to isolate the problem! I think I know how to fix the issue but I'll have to dig around in his scripts for a while first.
In the meantime, other than your character not lining up correctly in bed, I wouldn't expect any problems as a result of the incompatibility. And, if it bothers you enough, you could disable weapon charge scaling in the ini file for now.

I'll keep you posted!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:20 pm

Well, I've received a couple of bug reports compliments of DarkNinja, and so have posted a new partial version, 1.54beta1, to see if it resolves the issues.
Issues reported:
(1) Clothing reequipping not working in some situations
(2) Incorrect or random unequipping of armor when the user loads a game while already playing one
And an issue I found:
(3) More console error message spam, which only occurred when the mod was searching the inventory for clothing to replace armor that had just broke.

If you want to try this version out, you'll have to download and install 1.53 and then 1.54beta1 over the top of it.

Testname, all of the issues you've reported should be fixed now.
EruditeDragon, sorry I haven't had a chance to work on the incompatibility with Combat Archery yet...
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 4:22 am

Oh, don't worry about it. It'll get done when it gets done :)
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:27 am

Version 1.60 released! By request, the mod now also allows you (optionally) to have broken armor or weapons fall off of the player or NPC and to the ground, instead of just going back to inventory. I also made some additional adjustments that should make this version more stable than the previous one.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:46 pm

Version 1.60 released! By request, the mod now also allows you (optionally) to have broken armor or weapons fall off of the player or NPC and to the ground, instead of just going back to inventory. I also made some additional adjustments that should make this version more stable than the previous one.

OK, that's just neat, there. I'm gonna have to grab this update.

Not to be a bear, but did you make any progress on the Combat Archery thing (more importantly, did you duplicate my bug)? You could probably get help from spooky.fx (aka Duke Patrick) on this one, if you really need it. He did make Combat Archery, after all.

Anyhow, it seems that this mod gets better and better every time you post. Keep it up!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:53 pm

OK, that's just neat, there. I'm gonna have to grab this update.

Not to be a bear, but did you make any progress on the Combat Archery thing (more importantly, did you duplicate my bug)? You could probably get help from spooky.fx (aka Duke Patrick) on this one, if you really need it. He did make Combat Archery, after all.

Anyhow, it seems that this mod gets better and better every time you post. Keep it up!

Great! I'm glad you're enjoying it. The "weapon drop" setting is still experimental - I haven't experienced problems with it so far, but I'm concerned that NPCs could pick up broken weapons, try to equip them, and have them drop, over and over again...

I haven't spent a lot of time with Combat Archery just yet, but I made a couple of adjustments in 1.60 that MAY fix the problem. I'm hoping to look at CA in more depth tomorrow to be sure. In the meantime, let me know what you discover with the new version!

Thanks, BFG
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:49 am

I just posted a revised version, 1.61, that fixes a couple of nasty bugs that managed to sneak by me in 1.60! Under the right circumstances, the previous version (1.60) could have caused a Crash to Desktop.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:23 pm

EruditeDragon, I believe that I've determined how to resolve the conflict with Combat Archery. I have loaded a test version, 1.62 Beta. Give that one a try and see if you still encounter any issues!
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:28 pm

Alrighty then! I'll get it ASAP. By the by, I was just thinking... you may want to update your first post to point to TESAlliance as well, considering it's on there :)
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:06 am

Heh, you're a bit too fast for me! I just now had a chance to post it. Be sure you're using 1.62; 1.61 doesn't seem to help.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:45 am

1.6.2 nabbed. Do I need to run BFGEndEnchant, or can I just install over 1.6.1?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:23 pm

I don't believe that running EndEnchant should be necessary. Just check your weapons and armor after you've installed 1.62 and make sure the enchantments haven't gotten screwed up!
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:45 am

Uhh... unfortunately, your work isn't done yet. First, I'll post a ConScribe log:


Game Instance : 1 | Time : 08-21-2010 12-28-10
MiniMap Initialized - Version 0.7.1b
RL: loaded RealisticLeveling.ini
RL: recalculating all attributes
PiiiP : INI Initialized !
RSE:Updated values from ini file.
ALCH GAMERST: Starting ...
EE:Updated values from ini file in data\ini\.
EE:Found Duke Patrick's Combat Archery Mod.
EE:Targets immune to looting:
** Dumping Array #239 **
Refs: 1 Owner 1D: Enhanced Economy.esp
[ 0.000000 ] : Mannimarco (00016488)
[ 1.000000 ] : Kathutet (0003C805)
[ 2.000000 ] : Lady of Embers (050234A6)
[ 3.000000 ] : Astor Orontes (050479BE)
[ 4.000000 ] : Rinfal Vrethu (0501C2E1)
All Natural SI: Initialized
All Natural Tamriel: Initialized
EE:Soulgem repricing activated
EE: Initialized Merchant list with 23 merchants
Lightweight Potions:Updated values from ini file with weight set to 0.20
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
Error in script 7c006e6e
Operator * failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: BFG's Enhanced Armory.esp Offset: 0x0844 Command: Let
EE:Container is Arrow Case
EE:Don't remove from owned container
EE:Arrow Case has already been ransacked

Now, I *think* I've isolated the problem a bit more. it seems that when a weapon is force unequipped (for example, pressing the equipped weapon's hotkey), and before (or possibly after) the Arrow Case is removed, another weapon is equipped to replace the current one. However, for some reason, the previous weapon (the one being switched from) is now being instantly broken! I'm going to bite the bullet here, and temporarily disable Combat Archery, to see if this isn't an underlying problem with the beta.

If it isn't too much trouble, could you test this in your game, to see if you have the same problems with Combat Archery? I'd feel a lot better knowing that I"m not an isolated case, since it seems like my Oblivion fails if i so much as stare at it too hard. :brokencomputer:

Thanks, and sorry I don't have good news.

Edit: This *may* be caused by me not updating my Bashed Patch. I'll get back to you on this one.

Edit 2: OK... we have a problem. It seems that this is happening independent of Combat Archery.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:20 am

Well, I'll be. Combat Archery, See You Sleep, and this mod are all getting along fine on my setup. I'm also not getting any of the console spam. Hmm...
I'll have to get back to you.

Edit: Besides the ones we've already discussed, do you have any non-Vanilla weapons in your inventory? If so, what are they, and what mods are they from?
You might also try going through the Upgrade steps (StartQuest BFGEndEnchant, save the game, save again with the mod disabled, then reenable the mod) and see if that helps.

Edit 2: Ah ha! I see what you mean. I didn't try the hotkeys when I did my testing. There definitely is an issue. (Good thing I called the latest version a test...) I have a safeguard built in so the reequip script doesn't run when you've been in a menu, but I didn't think about building a similar safeguard for hotkeys. I'm working on it now.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:16 pm

OK, I worked on the scripts for several hours this afternoon, and I think I've got it in about as good of shape as I can.
First, I have fixed the scripts so that you should no longer see any spam messages in ConScribe.
Second, I have added Hotkey support to the mod. The mod should no longer break and drop your weapon when you have it hotkeyed. It also shouldn't try to equip the Arrow Case when you're using hotkeys (unless you have the Arrow Case hotkeyed of course. :))
I also quickly checked the armor and shield, and it looks like it works correctly in hotkeys as well.

The only thing I have not been able to do, is prevent the mod from possibly selecting the Arrow Case when it is looking for a new weapon to equip. At this time, I cannot think of any way around that problem. My suggestion to you would be either to turn weapon reequipping off, or just manually select your next weapon if the mod happens to try to equip you with the Arrow Case.

Anyway, new version posted! Let me know what you find. Thanks, BFG
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:16 am

Sounds good. TBH, I really don't get why your scripts would detect the Arrow Case as a viable weapon to switch to, anyhow - it has no attack stat, IIRC. Oh well, I guess that's just how Oblivion goes sometimes. Thanks for the update!
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 4:13 am

Sounds good. TBH, I really don't get why your scripts would detect the Arrow Case as a viable weapon to switch to, anyhow - it has no attack stat, IIRC. Oh well, I guess that's just how Oblivion goes sometimes. Thanks for the update!

Unfortunately, it does. Duke set the attack power of the Arrow Case to 1 for reasons unknown to me. So I can't use that to exclude it.
But I did just notice that the case has a reach of 0...I might be able to use that...
Anyway, I'll keep working on it!
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Kate Norris
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:16 am


Sorry man, but I've got more problems.

Firstly, it seems that See you sleep still has the "Weapons autobreak and replace when force removed" bug (I have weapons set to unequip when I sleep, BTW).

Another bug that I have yet to pin down is with Emma's Vilja companion mod. As far as I can tell, whenever she switches to either her swimsuit or normal clothes, she breaks and drops her weapon. I knew she was clumsy, but this is a bit much! I'm going to link to this topic in the Vilja thread, so Emma and cdCooley can look at it and help you out.

(As an aside, I realize this may be kind of frustrating; fixing one thing, and possibly causing another. I feel your pain. I'm currently studying to be a programmer - in fact, school starts soon, so I'm not going to be able to test as much - and I've fixed and rebroken my programs more times than I can count. Just bear with me. The mod is still awesome.)
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:10 am

Heh, just when I thought we might finally have this beat!

In truth, it's the complexity of the scripting that's the issue. The mod now weighs in at 7 different scripts, and in trying to ensure that they're efficient I've evidentally cut some corners.
The "weapon reequip" script is the most complex one of all. The problem with it is, since Vanilla Oblivion unequips broken weapons by default, the weapon is already unequipped by the time the mod knows it has to do anything. So then the mod has to figure out what weapon was equipped in the previous frame and have that drop to the ground.

The script cycle looks something like this:
  • Frame 1: actor has a weapon equipped; record which weapon it is
  • Frame 2: actor doesn't have a weapon equipped anymore (presumably due to breaking/disarm); so take whichever weapon was recorded in Frame 1 out of inventory and drop it to the ground
  • Frame 3: find the weapon that was dropped to the ground in frame 2, and have its health set to 0. (The "drop" command resets item health to 100%, and there's no way around it other than manually resetting the health to 0.)

The problem always comes in Frame 2. I'm having difficulty helping the mod understand when a weapon has broken or been disarmed, versus removed by the player (in inventory or via Hotkey), or removed by a mod (See You Sleep, Vilja mod, etc.).

I think I'll have to scrap the current build of this script and start again. I need to determine a better way to tell the mod when a weapon has broken or a disarm has happened. I'll keep you posted...

In the meantime, thanks for your patience :).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:15 pm

Well, as far as my weapon setup goes, I have a glass dagger (Vanilla), a meteoric iron weapon (OOO), and a Templar Sword (OOO) for melee. For ranged, I have one weapon, a Silver Bow. Interestingly, if I wear the bow when I unequip weapons for sleep, I have no problems (but I need to test this to make sure). That makes me think it is a problem with weapon switching. I do not wear weapons to sleep, I use the -Weapon item in the sleepwear config.

I will probably chat with Emma or cdCooley tomorrow (unless you want to), since I'm sorta tired.

The mod's still great, man. It just needs work. I'll still use it anyhow, bugs or no :)
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:09 am

Thanks! At least the other scripts don't seem to be causing problems anymore. You're welcome to go ahead and chat with Emma and cdCooley tomorrow, I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to do so right away.

I edited my previous post to describe what triggers a weapon break/drop in my mod; that might help them determine how to resolve the incompatibility with theirs.

EDIT: I think I just figured it out! Might not have to scrap the current script after all. All I need to do is add another condition to the trigger: it only triggers if the weapon that was just unequipped has a health of 0 (indicating it just broke) or is not in inventory (indicating it was disarmed). Can't wait to give that a try tomorrow!
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