They totally didnt listen when I said TES V should have guns and spaceships!
Bethesda has completely given up on its fans.
Hehe, there have been quite a few silly ideas that wouldn't really fit into TES, yeah. For every really good idea there are at least 10 really bad ones

They are remaking archery based on a mod they played and liked. Not to mention they read these forums a lot and post here occasionally. So yes, they are influenced by these forums and the modders.
Yeah, they are more likely to be inspired by people who did not only have an idea, but also showed what how idea would work in the game by making a mod with the Morrowind/Oblivion Construction Set. There are a bunch of mods the devs said impressed them in the past.
But the forum posts influence them too, there has been changes in Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3 due vocal fan posts and stuff. Like how lots of people got here and complained about how Morrowind became too easy when you're reaching a high level so they changed the level scaling for Oblivion, which in turn also caused a lot of complaints so the level scaling was changed yet again for Fallout 3. And during the early development of Morrowind Bethesda announced that Argonians and Khajiits wouldn't be playable as they are seen as slaves, but that was later changed due fan demand. But those were collective complaints/requests by many people on the forums, not something that a single person thought about.
But I do also remember a single person idea. During the development of Oblivion a guy made a thread about how he got annoyed at having so many keys in the inventory in Morrowind so he wanted Oblivion to have a key ring. One of the devs thought it was a brilliant idea and told Todd Howard about it on the next meeting or something, but it was too late into to Oblivion development to be added. However, Fallout 3 did have a key ring, and I guess Skyrim will too.
In any case, right now it's much too late to do any influence at all. I would guess that most things in the game are done soonish and that they will only spend the rest of the development time tweaking whatever they put in the game instead of adding new stuff. If you keep adding new stuff every week you have a Duke Nukem Forever on your hands and a 14 year development time

There has been quite a few suggestion threads since the release of the last one. I highly doubt they didn't look at any of the 100+ suggestion threads whatsoever.
Yeah, but I would guess the vast majority of pages of the suggestion threads weren't read.