I was referring more so to GTA V, a game that has been out for two years and is still being charged at full price. Yes, they did a "definitive edition" adding first person and better visuals. The game is still almost identical to its original release. There is no GotY edition in sight and I'm not sure there will be as Rockstar plans to support GTA Online for a certain amount of time, which generates money in its cash shop (a way of making more money without a GotY title).
Call of Duty isn't just known for it's multiplayer. It's also very well known for its single player. Activision invests a lot into both because they have customers who only care about one or the other. Battlefield is different because that is an FPS known only for its multiplayer and people could care less about its single player.
Huh? Some of the biggest franchises in gaming "piss off the very thing that's giving [them] lifeblood" and they are able to get away with it because they will be successful regardless. These franchises are too big to fail because they have a built in player base of gamers who will always buy these games. As far as the gaming media, it's a known fact they've been paid and bribed by the major publishers for years so that's a silly point to make.
You aren't proving your point by bringing up CoD at all, in fact you are undermining your point. Call of Duty has been utter crap since CoD4:MW1. After that game released Activision fired the founders of Infinity Ward and the creators of CoD. Since then, the franchise has barely evolved or innovated, yet it continues to make an insane amount of money. It doesn't matter how poorly Activision treats their audience and how they repackage the same game every year, the success of the franchise since 2007 proves people will buy anything regardless of how they are treated.