Considering this is at least partially an argument about the words that are being slapped onto boxes, I think the misuse of language is a big part of the argument.
Again, you have failed to prove that if we weren't in a period of transition between consoles the games that are being sold as "Definitive Editions" would not instead be Game of the Year or some other edition. Being that one of the few things that actually separate them from standard game of the year editions is the fact that they are on a newer console than the game originally came out, and having them available on such a console helps give value to the newer ones, which still don't have an amazingly robust selection of games, I'm convinced that, these would have been simple GotY editions had they come out in periods where there was no transition to new consoles.
When this period of transition ends, it is my belief that these Definitive Editions will go away. But in there place, equivalents to the GotY editions will keep cropping up. Definitive editions have phased out GotY editions (not really, but let's pretend) as a means to repackage these games on newer consoles, which have a greater longevity compared to their predecessors. The purpose of a GotY edition is to get people who haven't bought the game yet to buy it, the cheaper price and all the DLC helping the enticing. The only thing that seems to separate a Definitive Edition from a GotY edition is that the former is moved onto the newer consoles and has updated visuals. Their target audience is pretty much the same: people who didn't buy the game when it first came out, but might be willing to do so now that it's cheaper and has all the DLC.
There is no point in a Definitive Edition coming with a season pass, because every single Definitive Edition I've found actually labeled as such has all the DLC.
Sleeping Dogs had a Season Pass and a Definitive Edition. As did Dishonored. As did Darksiders 2.
Shadow of Mordor had a season pass and recently had a Game of the Year Edition. BIoshock Infinite did both as well, although they called it the Complete Edition.
As for Rockstar calling the PC version of GTAV the definitive edition, could you provide a source? I did some digging, and I find the word definitive applied to it by various articles, but I can't seem to find a statement from Rockstar that actually uses the language.
It stands to reason that there are more games with season passes than goty editions. The season passes are launched alongside the new game. Goty editions come out long after the game has been a success and won acclaim. That doesn't happen to every game out there. Aliens Colonial Marine has a season pass and it was absolute garbage, so obviously it wasn't going to get a goty edition. Video games get sent out into the world with a season pass tagging along. Some come back with awards and stacks of cash, and get sent out again as a goty edition to see if they can find more money. Other games and their season passes just die, and don't get a chance to get sent out again.
As for Ubisoft and EA, as I pointed out earlier, their business models seem to mostly be shelling out yearly installments of their franchises. They don't put any time into a goty edition because it'd interfere with them pushing the new version of Assassin's Creed or Madden and so on.