PeaceBullet - Dr. Sneaky Lucario/ shadowsam13
Exorince - Exorince/ exorince5
Balckhand4 - Vidicus/ Vidicus
TeeHee:3 - Bonsai/ Bonsai.Coco
SpankyTheElf - Spanky/ aiymanube
Capital - Mccabe/ captainandorin
CoolShady - cool_shady
Stormrider - ElStormo
old_andy - oldandy
Macharius - Macharius
cecilff2 - cecilff2
kacj321 - lordkacj
Skoomaholic - Kojack/ KoJaK
DudeorDudet? - Kamazing/ thebig_KO
Sir Patreal - Pat[s]er
I made a new Steam group called BGSF Zombie Killing Squad, it's purpose is to allow BGSF users to find out who else has any zombie games and can play with them or plan to play in groups at a later date.
If you want to join just post your steam ID and name so I or someone else can add and invite you.