BIE - A vampirism Overhaul-

Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:54 am



First of all let's get something out of the way; this isn't entirely my idea. No, far from it. The core concept was born from Nomad Dervish. His original Mod: Blood is Everything featured a revolutionary concept that until then no other vampire mod seemed to provide, and even to this day I don't think there is any other that does. Except for this one, of course.
Paraphrasing Nomad's words; He saw that the blood concept on all mods back then, was lackluster, wanting, superficial. He wanted to expand this into something more complex and fitting, and he did. He changed the blood pool concept from something stagnant, restricted, digital to a much more flowing and anolog experience, he created a new blood management system. He used floats !!!

That became BIE's core. But BIE's influences do not end there.
Traven73 saw Nomad's mod and liked it, yet he wanted to make it into something more. Probably influenced by “Terran Vampires” or even “The Masquerade” he decided to add a twist to it, he added different “Paths”, deeply interconnected with the blood system, “blood paths” if you will. He then established different names and a set rules for these paths.
It was after that when I found the mod...

It all began with “Scent of Blood”. There was a bug in Traven's version; you couldn't turn the damned thing off. It was so annoying having that pink glow on my face all the time that I decided to take a look at it, even though at the time I had no clue the CS even existed.
I found out, and I fixed the bug, and then I fixed some more and added this and tweaked that. At the end of the week I was so happy with my Vampirsm experience I decided to share it with Traven. At the time, Traven had an announcement on the mod's description stating he had lost interest on the mod and would not work on it anymore. That's how BIE started.
I expanded the Blood Paths story, establishing marked differences between one type and the other and the reasons behind them. Added new powers and game-play mechanics such as combat feeding and released the first version. In the trans-curse of that year, BIE evolved. With the help of users input I released more or less periodic updates changing different aspects and adding certain features. Recently I released another update, version 1.2 featuring many important changes.

Here it is;

What is BIE:

“BIE strives to add unique gameplay and immersion to oblivion vampirism replacing the rather poor implementation Bethesda originally created with a more rich, rewarding experience, without adding lots of bloat to the game. Its uniqueness lies in the way it entangles you into its dynamics, making it feel natural, making you feel more invested in your vampiric endeavors. In essence, it completely overhauls oblivion vampirism taking a rather unique approach and adds special powers and abilities fueled by one thing and one thing only .... your blood.”

BIE is a different vamprism mod featuring a unique game-play system. BIE focuses on making vampirism useful and immersive. Providing you with a set of practical abilities that will enhance your game. With Nomad's unique blood model at its core, BIE centers it's attention into the special relation between vampire and blood.

BIE features:

  • A Flowing and variable blood system. Blood is not measured in fixed quantities but with variable numbers, in centiliters. You metabolic waste rate will determine how much blood you need to sustain your existence.
  • Expandable blood pool. Your metabolism will adapt to your feeding habits allowing you to consume more blood as you reach your limits.
  • Combat feeding. Drain your enemies health while restoring your own, provided that you are strong enough to submit them...Or you can try and sneak up on your victims to catch them off-guard...
  • Feeding animation. When you feed you will actually see how you knock your target down and bent over to feed on it.
  • Powers require blood instead of magicka. All your powers will consume blood. Powers can either consume blood once or will slowly drain your blood as long as they are active.
  • Blood Stages. Depending on the amount of blood you have, you will gain unique benefits. A vampire gorged on blood can expect to be quite powerful
  • Blood Paths. Your feeding habits will determine much more than just how strong or weak you are....
  • Customization. BIE can be tweaked to match your tastes by modifying the included INI file.


Depending on your blood level, you will become Stronger or weaker. So yes, the more you feed the stronger you will become, however your diet will also have an effect on other aspects.

  • Gorged on Blood (75-100% of maximum blood level) ? While being Gorged on Blood you will gain +20 strength +20 willpower +20 speed +20 acrobatics +20 athletics a 20% resistance to normal weapons and only a 20% weakness to fire
  • Sated on Blood (40-75% of maximum blood level) - While being Sated on Blood you will have +15 strength +15 willpower +15 speed +15 acrobatics +15 athletics a 15% resistance to normal weapons and a 30% weakness to fire
  • Hungry for Blood (10-40% of maximum blood level) - While being Hungry for Blood you will have +10 strength +10 willpower +10 speed +10 acrobatics +10 athletics a 10% resistance to normal weapons and a 40% weakness to fire
  • Thirsting for Blood (1-10% of maximum blood level) - While being Thirsty for Blood you will be in a very weak state, having only +5 strength +5 willpower +5 speed +5 acrobatics +5 athletics a 5% resistance to normal weapons and a 50% weakness to fire. Also at this stage, you are no longer able to conceal your vampiric nature, causing the Bare Fangs and Blood Scent powers to activate automatically. These powers cannot be turned off until your blood level is once again raised above 10% of your maximum.
  • Blood-Starved (0 blood) - When you have no blood, your magicka regeneration stops and you suffer from decreased fatigue regeneration. Your Weakness to Fire increases to 75%, and you become susceptible to Sun Damage. Additionally, all normal blood costs must still be paid, but, as you have no blood, this takes the form of physical and mental deterioration ? for every 60 seconds your blood is at 0, a random stat will be affected. ( This damage is permanent, You will have to go to a chapel, drink a restoration potion or use a spell or vampiric power to restore your attributes.)

And, yes, you read that right - Blood-Starved is the only stage which includes a Sun Damage effect. However, all stages include the Solar Desanguination effect: as long as you have blood, the blood will shield you from the harmful solar rays, contra-resting the sunlight damage. This will drain your blood supply quickly so you must seek refuge as soon as possible. Older vampires with more blood and/or lower waste rate will be able to walk longer periods in daylight. For now however you should avoid the light.
As with standard Sun Damage, Solar Desanguination's effects are reduced in bad weather, at dawn/dusk, and when underwater. Beware if you are caught outside sleeping when the sun rises. When a vampire sleeps it enters a state of torpor, and its dormant blood will not be able to protect the photosensitive skin against the sun...... you will be killed instantly.
In spite of this, there is rumor of a certain kind of vampire for which the sun causes no harm at all. They become human with the first rays of light and return to their original form at dusk. ( INI configurable )

Basic Abilities:

These abilities are the core vampiric abilities, available to every vampire, regardless of path chosen.

  • Blood Power – Transform your blood into magickal energy, at a rate of 4 magicka per 1cL of blood.
  • Blood Reconstruction – Reconstructs physical tissue at a cost of 1cL of blood per second.
  • Feed - Drain the blood from Living NPCs or freshly-killed bodies to sustain yourself.
    To feed on Living NPCs you must be strong enough. Your strength, willpower, agility and hand to hand ability will be measured against an NPC's, if you successfully pass this check you will grasp your victim and feed on it. You will ALWAYS pass this check if your target is knocked out, paralyzed or staggered, or if your victim is unaware of your presence...
    Feeding on living NPCs will drain their health and proportionally increase your blood, as well as restore your physical condition(Health). You will drain between 20 to 25% of your victims current health, every time. If their health gets low enough you will drain them dry and they will die.
    Feeding can become a Powerful weapon when in combat. However, when feeding you are vulnerable to attacks from other NPCs, be cautious.
    Note than feeding on sleeping NPCs will provide more blood than feeding in combat or on a corpse. This is because sleeping actors don't fight back, thus they offer an excellent opportunity to feast on their blood. To do this is you have to o bare your fangs and feed like on vanilla oblivion. If you drain an actor dry in this way it will count as a murder....
  • Bare Fangs - This power shows or hides your vampiric appearance. Showing your true nature in this fashion will reduce your Personality by 50 points, humans will refuse to talk to you and vampires will be friendly to you, unless you attack them. You must bare your fangs in order to feed on sleeping actors without waking them. Moderation is key, because you can easily kill someone if you feed more than a couple times.
  • Blood Mending- Your blood regenerates your your basic attributes 4 points. Also regenerates your physical structure, to some extent.
  • Vampiric Mobility- Grants super human speed.
  • Vampiric Strength- greatly Increases maximum strength and jumping height, you take no damage when falling from any distance.
  • Scent of Blood - Detect life in 150 ft.
  • Hunter's Sight - Night vision.

Inherent abilities:

** Vampiric Resistance - Vampires are naturally resistant, they have 100% resistance to paralysis and disease, a 25% resistance to poison, a 16% resistance to magic and a constant water breathing effect, as they do not need to breathe.
** Vampiric Regeneration- Vampires have natural health and fatigue regeneration, but only when they are in their natural element...the night.
** Blood Immortality - This is an automatic survivalist ability which is triggered when you fall below 25% of maximum health or 10% of maximum fatigue. When activated, it instantly regenerates your physical tissue at a cost of 1cL of blood per point of health or 0.1cl of blood per point of fatigue. Blood Immortality will not take you below 0 blood and will not activate after your blood supply has run out.
The minimum health and fatigue amount before the ability is triggered can be customized in the ini file.

Blood Paths:

Nomad's Original vision was: “Age is nothing blood is everything” BIE follows that ideal, and yet expands on it with blood paths. In BIE The way you choose to feed has a deep impact on your existence.

The way you feed will not only determine if you are a strong or a weak vampire, it will determine the kind of vampire you will become.
If you decide to satisfy every whim, every craving, every desire and engorge yourself with precious blood, even when you don't need it, you will become very powerful over time. Your Blood Pool will slowly increase in size, and you'll be able to store more and more blood. In time you will gain unique abilities and powers. Your strength will increase beyond that of a common vampire, you will be more athletic and have more endurance and health. However your metabolism will adapt to this state of wastefulness, and soon your blood waste rate will increase. This means you will need to spend more blood to sustain your existence, and to use your powers. Choosing this path will make you powerful beyond measures, but you will be blood dependent.
You will become a Berserker.

If on the other hand, you choose to live vicariously, carefully selecting your prey, only feeding when is necessary, drinking only to satiate your hunger, and rarely, if ever gorging yourself on blood, your metabolism will adapt accordingly. Your blood waste rate will decrease, substantially, allowing you to stay long periods without feeding. Your body will adapt to this state of austerity, and you will develop unique powers that will facilitate your survival. You will be able to manipulate your prey's mind and lead them to a safe place where you can feed on them without regards. You will gain mesmerizing beauty and personality, as feeding weapons. You will become more agile, sneakier and cunning.
You will become a Manipulator.

Berserkers gain bonuses to strength, hand to hand, athletics, endurance, fatigue and health. Bonuses will increase in time, as you reach new Path levels.

Manipulators gain bonuses to Willpower, Intelligence, Personality, Sneak, Agility, Speed and Magicka. They can walk longer periods in the sunlight due to their low waste rate. Manipulators can also learn to channel their blood into high energy spells capable of devastating their opponents.

Blood path abilities:

The path you choose to follow will ultimately determine which subset of “survival skills” you will develop.

* Vampiric Strength & Vampiric Mobility will evolve differently depending on the path you choose and they will increase its magnitude the more you advance in that path.
* Blood Scent – Blood Scent will slowly increase its efficacy, allowing you to detect even the faintest scent from miles away.


  • Reign of Terror – There are fewer things scarier than a raging vampire showing his horrific anger. This power has a chance to demoralize up to any level. It will silence your target and damage his strength. Increasing its magnitude as you advance in this path.
  • Vampiric Resilience - Deviates your blood to your skin, forming a shell that protects you, against physical damage, reflects spells and resist magick. Gets more powerful as you advance in your path.
  • Blood Shielding – Your blood reorganizes your molecular structure to make you more resistant against elemental damage.
  • Berserker's Stance - Releases a burst of energy in your blood stream that will make you attack faster and reflect damage, when it ends you will burn all of your fatigue.
  • Lightning Reflexes – The epitome of the Berserker's prowess. They can move at more than supernatural speeds and can jump incredible distances, as well as attack lightning fast.
  • Shadow Step – Allows you to manipulate space, transporting you to the direction in your crosshair.


  • Vampiric Seduction – One of the things a manipulator learns, is how to influence its prey's disposition, which can make things much easier for a vampire.
  • Mind Control – More than influence, a more experienced Manipulator can take control of its victim's mind commanding them to do his will.
  • Embrace of shadows – Manipulators depend on concealment and subterfuge for their survival, rather than sheer strength. This power allows them to pass unnoticed on a tough situation or to catch an enemy out of guard, and feed on them mercilessly.
  • Shadow Step - Allows you to manipulate space, transporting you to the direction in your crosshair. *Blood Renewal – Manipulator can force their blood to “reboot” when they find themselves in dire situations. This will temporarily damage their physical structure but the immediate benefits more than make up for it.
  • Blood Poison- Manipulators can learn to transform their blood into a potent poison that will damage anyone foolish enough to spill their blood at close range. The process will take a toll on them as well though...
  • Vampiric Touch – Experienced Manipulators are masters of survival, they can upset their victim's vital functions with a simple touch.
  • Blood Channeling - The Most powerful manipulators learn how to harvest their blood and channel it into a devastating energy burst, that annihilates anyone on its radius.
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Chantelle Walker
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