I'd go with the console. Why?
Because you'll never have to ask this question again. Nor will you ever need to ask if your GPU is good enough or "can my pc run ____???" You'll just be able to buy a game and... play it.
GTA 5, The Witcher 3, and the Last of Us are PHENOMENAL games. Absolutely phenomenal.
depends. can you use the computer for other things? if it's just for gaming, I'd go with the ps4
I was going to say console but after doing some googling that processor with that video card provides a respectable play experience probably on medium, giving you about the same as the consoles graphics wise. I personally would go for a higher end processor and spend more but I use my HTPC as my home entertainment center.
In the end you could go either way.. the console will almost certainly cost less and give you about the same gameplay experience barring mods. I lean towards saying get the console unless you're going to spend money on higher end components and overclock....
Disclosure... I play with a 2600K @ 4.5 GHZ I built in early 2011, and a recently bought GTX 970. The GTX 970 alone was $300... you can get an entire console here in the US for $400, maybe less by now.
Thanks for the help so far, I loved the Mods for Fallout 3, New Vegas and Skyrim which is why I haven't already decided on the PS4 option. Getting the PS4 and all those games, I've never played before btw, is too irrestible especially at the same price. Also mods will come tp console eventually so I'm leaning towards PS4 this Christmas, then next Christmas get a PC when there is guaranteed to be a lot of amazing Fallout 4 mods.
http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=5013&game=Fallout+4&p_make=AMD&p_deriv=FX-6350&gc_make=Nvidia&gc_deriv=GeForce+GTX+960+2GB&ram=8&checkSubmit=#systemRequirements says you're good to go, but if you're planning on running more games, you should cross-check. Don't want to spend your money on a monster just to run one game, do you? This also depends on your res.
PC in general has an easier time (besides for controls), especially since modding is not only convenient, but it can also enrich your experience.
tbh, if you're after mods you should go for PC anyway. You say you've used mods for previous Beth games so you must know how much micromanaging they need to get them all working together, especially Skyrim.
You just won't be able to do that with the console. I can't see F4SE making its way to console somehow, either, which is going to be a massive pain for everyone.
I have no doubt PC is the best option long term, imagine the mods that wil be out 1 year from now, I think I'll enjoy the vanilla run throughs on PS4 first, get to know Bethesda's Fallout 4 thoroughly then cherry pick the very best mods when I get my PC in Dec 2016.
Isn't it locked to 30fps on console?? Ew...
PC for sure. It's not even a very demanding game.
Also, when people say "go console so you never have to ask if your hardware is good ever again." People sometimes ask "is it better on PS4 or Xbox One?" because sometimes a game is more optimized on one system over the other (crazy right?) And really, it doesn't take long to look at system requirements. Before I switched to PC, I was also worried about keeping up with specs, but now I know I was worrying for nothing. The only people that really should worry about specs are those who bought low-end hardware a few years ago. Those that bought mid to high end hardware half a decade ago are still playing games with ease with higher frame rates and higher visuals than the current generation of consoles.
tl;dr -- PC.
Console.... Game gets boring after 70 hours, at least youll have more games to play.
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