Okay. So I went back and made sure I did the Silver Shroud quests before coming back to this. Last time the bug I encountered was that I couldn't E the last weak wall section in order to get Sonya to blast the wall. Now I'm up to Level 70 and have just about every combat perk maxed out. This time, however, it's that NONE of my weapons are inflicting any damage on the higher level ghouls or any of the Mirelurks I've been encountering. Assault Rifle, Poisoner's Combat Shotgun, Alien Blaster, all of them max modded and delivering 100-200 points of Damage per round. I'm pouring full clips into Mirelurks and not scratching them the least little bit. Meanwhile they are slowly grinding through my Level VI Titanium-reinforced X-01 Power Armor. Also meanwhile, Mel with his little Shock Baton is killing Mirelurks left and right.
What gives? Anyone know a remedy?