Big Leagues perk HUGE BUG

Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:57 am

When attaining rank 5 in Big Leagues (on ps4 at least) your melee stats go back as if you haven't put any points in the perk. I went from 53 damage at rank 4 on pikman's blade to having 30 damage after placing that 5th point in. And it's definitely the damage and not a mistake in my pipboy. My meele has regressed as if I'm a low level. And unfortunately I didn't notice it immediately and my only options are go back two levels to my last "save" (which is ridiculous why I have 3 autosaves from the past 10 minutes and not another until yesterday even though I have been playing on and off the entire day, but that's a different thread) or just go forward with guns and forget melee on a melee build. There is of course putting down the game entirely. Decisions, decisions...

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