Wow, took you that long to figure it out?
It's official name is Big MT. The wastelanders, no longer understanding the meaning of an M and a T together after the Great War ruined everything, actually say the M and the T. Then, people who hear it assume the person is saying "Empty," hence the name.
Similar to how Tuscon has become Two-sun, or how places like Novac and Arefu get their name.
Yeah sadly it did. :whistling: The same thing happened for Novac, I just slapped my head when it hit me. :facepalm:
The one about Arefu, I didn't get, and read about it later. I actually forget what it is suppose to stand for again. I wonder if there is anymore in the Wasteland like this.
I also didn't know about Two-sun either. I don't recall that even being mentioned or if it was I wasn't paying attention as usuall. :blink: