A big thank you

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:07 am

A very big THANK you guys , both at Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks for the new DLC.

Its really awesome!From where to start? The lore that finally concludes since you get the last hints of long story , now completing its circle , to the new locations (who wasn't gazing the view of the Devide from the top of the mountain for at least 1 minute?) to thew new (spooky) enemies and of course to the fantastic new weapons.Especially the Red Glare.I was pulling it in / out and reloading it only to watch the animation ! excellent work!

I really understand how difficult is for a First Person RPG to include all the technical details to make all the potential of character-builds to work smoothly in any new enviroment build from scratch.You have to constantly find ways to include both gameplay for sneaky-type characters , characters with range or melee orientation and the like.Yet AGAIN in the new DLC everything is there ,set in place and working:Alternative routes, different skill - checks in combat and dialogue ,everything!

Thanks again people , we love you, keep up the excellent work!
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