Its really awesome!From where to start? The lore that finally concludes since you get the last hints of long story , now completing its circle , to the new locations (who wasn't gazing the view of the Devide from the top of the mountain for at least 1 minute?) to thew new (spooky) enemies and of course to the fantastic new weapons.Especially the Red Glare.I was pulling it in / out and reloading it only to watch the animation ! excellent work!
I really understand how difficult is for a First Person RPG to include all the technical details to make all the potential of character-builds to work smoothly in any new enviroment build from scratch.You have to constantly find ways to include both gameplay for sneaky-type characters , characters with range or melee orientation and the like.Yet AGAIN in the new DLC everything is there ,set in place and working:Alternative routes, different skill - checks in combat and dialogue ,everything!
Thanks again people , we love you, keep up the excellent work!